The Last Rescue
The Last Rescue
| 21 April 2015 (USA)
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World World II: Shortly after D-Day, three American soldiers and two Army Corps nurses are stranded behind enemy lines. They take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner and try to orchestrate an escape.


The greatest movie ever made..!


Highly Overrated But Still Good

Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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zst zee

1-I love war movies (this is why i chose to see this one)2-This is not a war movie!3-This is a 4th grade lousy melodrama set in a scene which does look like France after D Day4-The Germans are all mean and sadist and as such this is the best acting in the whole movie.5-The Americans are all flat no personality no continuity of the characters.6-whomever was concerned that the tanks are not authentic enough is probably right it is just that the tanks are a minor minor part of the story.6-A complete flop

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I'm not sure how small the budget was for this but the producers could have gone to a local VFW and at least found someone to volunteer as a military technical liaison. This way the producers would have at least had some semblance of rank knowledge.Throughout the first 15 minutes of the movie they have 2nd Lieutenants giving orders to 1st Lieutenants. They must have felt that a gold bar is superior to a silver bar. Completely unaware that a Butter Bar (2nd Lieutenant with a gold bar) is the lowest rank officer for the Army and Air Force. Warrant officers not withstanding. The 2nd Lt nurse giving orders to the 1st Lt nurse was pretty bad. The infantrymen saluting the 2nd Lt outside in a war zone. Seriously? WWII Jeeps with a one piece windshield? Never happened, not available on CJ-3A\B until the early 1950's. I couldn't get past these discrepancies and quit watching about the 20 minute mark. Had to find something more riveting to watch, like the Westminster Dog Show.

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At first i thought it was a good movie until the last half. Then it got cheesy. Like it showed that that guy only put like 6 sticks of dynamite but somehow he managed to put like 100 sticks of dynamite WITHOUT even being seen by the Germans! And then when all those dynamite blew up, the Germans all started running TOWARD the explosions! Who will do that? That is suicide! And then he comes and hides behind the door without being seen! And so they escape and then a German officer spots them right?And then if it was me, i would have shot them first thing. He just stood there for like 5 minutes and then the girl shot him! And that was also cheesy. The girl shot him once and then he didn't even fall! And then she shot him like 50 times! SO at the ending. The Americans spotted the car that they stole coming. There was a big swastika flag on it so the Americans thought it was Germans. So then the American was like Germans!! So a sniper got set up right? And the American is just staring at them coming with binoculars! And the sniper didn't even fire! I would have fired at them first thing! Overall good, but very cheesy

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I don't rate the scenario!!! Read and keep in mind that. While not talking about the scenario...the rest is a big big crap. How the hell someone made something like that? The director has nothing to do with the army...and nobody has nothing to do with WW2. First there are no German tanks. Even if there are 1-2 tigers working in the world, or 4 PzKpfW IV, if you cannot afford them you can always use the 3D animators like everybody. But It's disgusting to use an American car with a big SS banner to simulate a Kubelwagen, or to use American tanks as German ones with cameo changed. Not saying about the first tank appearing in the movie which has a modern turret (made after 1990). Are you kidding me? Why not using Nasa Endeavour as Me-109 for example. And another thing: German Military police never worn hats, just helmets. And by God, you are making joke of history and German army. In Wehrmacht or SS etc you cannot find different colors in the soldier uniform. As I said...the first MP appearing has an very bad done plastic half-moon plate on his chest and feldgrau uniform, but kaki hat. MP were using helmets. ANd just some officers had the right to wear different colors in their uniform. Like trousers of one color and coat of another

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