The Last Rescue
The Last Rescue
| 21 April 2015 (USA)
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World World II: Shortly after D-Day, three American soldiers and two Army Corps nurses are stranded behind enemy lines. They take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner and try to orchestrate an escape.


Let's be realistic.


For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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General Dwight Eisenhower was 54 years old in 1944, yet the Captain in this is 59. Sure, he doesn't look it but come on, you couldn't find an age-appropriate actor to play the captain?As others have pointed out, the scenery is wrong, the uniforms are wrong, the armor is wrong.

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I am a Vietnam era vet that loves WWII movies. This is as bad as it gets. There were no WACs serving in Northern France in the fall of 1944. The women had very inappropriate hair styles. There were no German vehicles in the movie. Some of the men had long hair. The weapons were wrong. Horrible.

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It is sad it really seems they had what they needed to make it good, but waaay to much talk and waaaay to predictable we have seen and heard every scene before. A shame the cast was pretty good and I will agree with Weller the German Officer played by Tino Struckmann did a great job, I saw him in other war films before. It would have been a better movie if they had made him the lead villain, at least he can carry a movie. The guy they god couldn't sell water in Africa. It was OK made but definitely left me wanting a lot more. The film feels like it was written by somebody who just patched scenes from other war film together, with no understanding of what war fans want to see. And what the hell with the 5 min opening montage I nearly walked away on that alone?!

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The way I feel about this movie, is like a low budget Saving Private Ryan copycat. Even though this is a WWII rescue movie, you can clearly count that they've probably utilize about 20 actors that actually have a name in the movie and the rest are just filler.The few main actors has been place on their knees with a gun pointed to their head for countless times and somehow they found the nicest Nazi SS soldier in the era of times and helps them or saves them intentionally or accidentally.The good part about this movie is, it has successfully put me to sleep without fail every single time when my fairy tail story didn't.Watch it if you want to fall asleep.

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