The Man with Rain in His Shoes
The Man with Rain in His Shoes
R | 25 June 1999 (USA)
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Victor Bukowski is an out-of-work actor with problems. He's got a lousy agent, he has a habit of falling out with directors and he's still in love with his ex-girlfriend. However, Victor is about to embark on an unexpected emotional journey which will make him confront his future and his past mistakes.


Sadly Over-hyped


Brilliant and touching


A waste of 90 minutes of my life

Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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I really enjoyed this movie. I didn't give it a 10 only because I have seen better but it was very good. I loved the plot. A man is given a second chance in his relationship but learns a valuable lesson from it. The acting and the camera work were great. I was quite surprised at how good this movie was. I didn't know what to expect as I chose it on a whim from Amazon Prime. I was familiar with some of the actors but was not sure if this would be a good movie as I had never heard of it.But it was a delightful movie with a positive message. And it was done very well and professionally.If you like romance movies your gonna love this one.

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Any movie set in Notting Hill gets some bonus points from me for local interest. This movie has its moments but ultimately is a little disappointing as the twists are too predictable and the characters not interesting enough. Others have mentioned Groundhog Day and Sliding Doors, but it's hard to avoid thinking of those films, both of which are knockout compared with this one. Even the acting is a little flat - I don't know what Lena Heady's natural accent sounds like but her affected attempt at a London twang can only be described as "Dick van Dyke does Dulwich". Still, with local bonus points and the fact that it is an easy watch, 6 out of 10.

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I watched this movie not really expecting very much and was pleasantly suprised! Realising too late that he has thrown away his life, Victor gets a second chance to change things. Although Mr. Fate sticks his oar in and things don't quite go to plan, you go with Victor as he realises his mistakes and appears to grow up in front of our eyes. If you like 'Sliding Doors' or 'Vanilla Sky' you'll appreciate this romantic 'If Only' film.

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This is far from the brainiest movie I've ever seen. But I admireromantic movies with unpredictable outcomes, and this one fallsin that category. If you are looking for the dark psychology of FightClub or the all-out strangeness of Being John Malkovich, lookelsewhere. If you are a movie snob or are into gritty realism, youwill HATE this movie. IF, however, you did like Sliding Doors,Mystery Date, Notting Hill, or (I hate to say it) Chances Are, youshould come away from this movie totally satisfied. I enjoyed itenough to watch it last night when I came across it on some HBOchannel, though I had seen it already a year ago, and I guess thatsays something.

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