The Naked Hills
The Naked Hills
| 17 June 1956 (USA)
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Tracy Powell, an Indiana farmer, gets the gold fever and heads for Stockton, California in 1849. There, he abandons his first partner, Bert Killian, and teams up with Sam Wilkins, a claim jumper employed by Willis Haver. Six years later, Powell returns to Indiana and his sweetheart, Julie. They marry and he tries farming again but, on the night their son is born, he takes off again searching for gold. This time he heads for the hills with an inveterate prospector, Jimmo McCann. A decade later, the two are still hunting for their big strike when McCann is killed in an accident. Powell returns home with news of a big strike but the deserted Julie will have nothing to do with him. His friend Killian will not believe him but Haver, now a banker gives him a small loan and then beats him out of his claim. Many years pass before he comes home, now sixty-years-old, and this time, his wife and son open their home to him. But he vows to go prospecting come next spring.


Thanks for the memories!


Just perfect...

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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This is another starring role for David Wayne who plays a prospector named Tracy Powell who has a one track mind. Tracy Powell wants to find that huge gold strike that has eluded him for decades. In spite of the physical and mental hardhsips he faces, regardless of the other lives that he leaves behind while he works feverishly 365 days a year digging, scrubbing, mining, hiking in the naked hills of California alongside tens of thousands of other gold seekers, Tracy keeps digging and no one or nothing will stop him from someday striking it rich.There are always greedy men who will take the law and courts into their own hands to get rich quick and in this film Jim Backus who plays financier Willis Haver and his bruising crony Keenan Wynn who plays Sam Wilkins will take full advantage of Tracy Powell and his mining partners hard work.A strong and beautiful woman named Julie (Marcia Henderson) falls in love with gold miner Tracy Powell and all she wants out of their marriage is to have a stay at home man to rear her children with her as they work a small farm. Initially Tracy abides by his wife's wishes, but those naked hills keep calling out Tracy's name and so he sets forth again and again to no avail.Tracy's stubborness to keep mining into his old age may be his death but in the lyrics of the 1970 Cat Stevens hit song Father and Son the father proclaims "But take your time, think a lot...Why, think of everything you've got...For you will still be here tomorrow...But your dreams may not" and the son responds "How can I try to explain...Cause when I do he turns away again...It's always been the same, same old story"I will not spoil the films end but if you do know the lyrics of Cat Stevens 1970 hit song Father and Son this film has a similarity that provides an alternative ending to the song.I give the film a decent 6 out of 10 rating for the strong performance of David Wayne

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The Naked Hills is directed by Josef Shaftel, who also co-writes the screenplay with Helen S. Bilkie. It stars David Wayne, Keenan Wynn, James Barton, Marcia Henderson and Denver Pyle. Music is by Herschel Burke Gilbert and Pathecolor cinematography is by Frederick Gately.1800s California and Tracy Powell (Wayne) is gripped by gold fever and deserts his friends and family to search the hills for the precious metal.Very routine gold fever Oater that plays like a poor man's Treasure of the Sierra Madre. It spans decades as Powell lets the search for gold take over his life, while the background threads involving his partners, both romantically and gold seeking, make up the drama as he heads towards his day of destiny. An opportunity is wasted to really produce a psychologically strong film about an obsessive man who keeps failing, but Shaftel constantly resorts to formula fodder to tell his story and it hurts the piece. Cast are fine, especially Wayne, who gets a chance to be the lead man and delivers a performance of note in spite of the insipid screenplay. 4/10

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The Naked Hills follows the four seasons of one man's life from youth to old age without bothering to worry too much about ageing the character who plays the lead role. David Wayne is our hero, and the only thing that occasionally saves him from blandness is the fact that he is so badly miscast. Hearing other characters call him 'son' and 'boy' when they are quite clearly the same age – or possibly even younger – than him just makes everyone look faintly ridiculous. The fact that Wayne isn't a particularly good or charismatic actor doesn't help either. Watching him struggle through the role you can't help thinking what a better job someone like Alan Ladd would have made of the role.Wayne plays a young man seduced by the lure of easy riches when gold is struck in the wild and woolly west. He heads there with his best friend, but they soon go their separate ways when, blinded by his desire for wealth, Wayne falls in with bad guy Keenan Wynn. Together they steal a claim from a couple of Mexicans and work it for themselves, only for Wynn to double-cross him when it comes to payday.Wayne finds himself a good woman and tries to settle down to a life of domesticity, but the call of the gold in them thar hills proves too much for him and it's not long before he's abandoning wife and young son for another attempt with his new best friend Jimmo (a great performance from James Barton). For a while it looks like he has struck lucky, but things soon take a turn for the worse… The film's main theme – the overriding and destructive desire for wealth portrayed as an addiction – is fairly timeless, I suppose, and it's doubtful that, human nature being what it is, we will ever learn much from cautionary tales such as this. To hammer home the destructive qualities of Wayne's obsession his greed for gold is paralleled with his appetite for booze. To be fair to Wayne he makes a pretty good drunk: he allows his eyes to cross ever so slightly and adopts a vaguely quizzical expression. And while the theme is a righteous one, it's diluted by the fact that the film skips over the early scenes so that we know nothing about Wayne's character before gold fever grips him.Considering the film is quite clearly made on the cheap, it's entertaining enough, but you won't remember much about it after a week or two.

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F Gwynplaine MacIntyre

'The Naked Hills' is an Allied Artists picture, and it follows the very distinctive format of that low-budget studio: at the very beginning of the movie, we see a clip of the most exciting scene in the picture, shown out of sequence as a teaser ... even though we don't yet know who these characters are, nor their relationships to each other. After this scene, the opening credits roll, and then the film proper begins. Eventually, we reach the teaser scene in the middle of the movie, at its proper point in the plot line ... at which point we sit through a verbatim repeat of this scene exactly as it ran in the teaser. Other Allied Artists films that use this structure are 'Indestructible Man' and cult favourite 'Attack of the 50-Foot Woman'. I really dislike this teaser structure: it always confuses the audience at the beginning of the film ... and when we reach the most exciting scene in the picture, we already know what will happen because we've seen it before. In 'The Naked Hills', the teaser scene is a violent confrontation between meek hero David Wayne and tough villains Jim Backus and Keenan Wynn.'The Naked Hills' is a very low-key (and low-budget) western, extremely downbeat, with little emphasis on gunplay or the usual elements that appeal to horse-opera audiences. Wayne plays a family man obsessed with striking gold. He stakes a claim in the middle of the desert, which is his first mis-stake: any good prospector knows that the best place to look for gold is near running water, just as the best place to look for silver is above the timber line. Wayne incurs the anger of local tyrant Jim Backus. Backus was an underrated actor, now sadly remembered for 'Gilligan's Island' and Mr Magoo instead of for his dramatic roles. This film is the only one in which I've seen Backus play a villain, and he's excellent. Keenan Wynn is good too, as Backus's goon, but in Wynn's case the casting is no surprise.The most pleasant aspect of 'The Naked Hills' comes during the opening credits, when James Barton sings a Western ballad. Barton was a Broadway star who never quite caught on in films; among his other stage roles, he starred in the musical 'Paint Your Wagon', in the role Lee Marvin did in the film. As a character type, Barton was similar to Walter Huston ... and had a similar singing voice.SPOILERS COMING. 'The Naked Hills' has a very simple plot. Basically, family man Wayne gradually abandons every other aspect of his life in order to work a goldmine stake that shows absolutely no promise of ever striking gold. His wife and their son Billy plead with him to give up the mine and settle into a normal life with them. The end of the film is surprisingly downbeat: after years of following his obsession, during which son Billy has grown to manhood largely without a father, the defeated Wayne calls it quits. He gives up the mine, and rejoins his family. This is a very surprising ending for a Hollywood film. The clichés require that the obsessive hero must eventually be vindicated, finally striking gold. Failing this, he must die tragically. 'The Naked Hills' avoids those clichés in favour of a far more uncertain ending: the protagonist abandons his obsession, but we never learn if he goes on to a better life with his wife and son. This ending is the best, most original and most surprising aspect of 'The Naked Hills', which in all other ways is an extremely routine Western: slower, duller, less violent (and made on a much lower budget) than most. (Denver Pyle and Fuzzy Knight turn in precisely the same performances they've given in a hundred other sagebrush sagas.) For that courageous ending and the pleasant theme song - and the performances of Wayne, Wynn and especially Backus - I'll rate this movie 6 out of 10.

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