The Nazis - A Warning From History
The Nazis - A Warning From History
| 10 September 1997 (USA)
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An examination of how a cultured people could have allowed Hitler's rise to power.


hyped garbage


Great Film overall


One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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I think this is an excellent film to document history. How can one culture dominate with a military might so briefly but so effectively. Taking human nature to the limits of ideologies. Does this documentary mirror socialist nations of singular culture such as Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, Japan, and or China? When does the balance between singular nationalist government and cultural identity shift to where political power becomes a cast system under a singular ethnicity? This film documents that very question being exercised within the Prussian culture. Which I dare to say never really changed due to geo-graphical barriers that are leading walls to isolation with geo-cultural norms such as language, trade and commerce. These are the same barriers as can be seen for the United Kingdom, Japan, and China. The exceptions are Russia which chooses a nationalist direction and the United Kingdom which identifies commerce as bartering tool for bi-lateral communication to circumvent geo-cultural barriers.Thus, this film accurately documents the development of nationalist power shift in politics and undermining of a diverse Prussian ethnic demographics to harness full control to a singular ethnic class. The "Nazi" became what the design intended culturally and politically. The military science of "Nazi Germany" is detached from this documentary as needed to be a proper cultural document.

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I have seen this documentary about 5 or 6 times already but it's worth watching every time.I have it taped. Since I'm interested in WW2 and pre-war History I was happy to see this show hitting screen in Hungary 3 years ago. When I watched it I realized it's the best I've seen in this category. It gives answers for questions which have never been asked in public.It gives a very good explanation about why the Germans let Hitler take over,how did they plan the "Endlösung",and other terrible or not so terrible things. This mini series follows the history of Nazism from WW1 up until the very end. I recommend it highly to everyone interested in this topic! Warning,definitely not for children under age of 16!

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I've just seen this series again for about the third time, and its importance cannot be under-estimated. At a time when German diplomats have begun to accuse the British of being obsessed with the war, the BBC decided to record as many unrepentant old Nazis as could be found and persuaded to talk. As in Shoah, they are gladly given enough rope to hang themselves.The importance of this isn't so much the story, because much of it is known, but the nuance that comes from the interviews and specific new information which has only come to light in the last decade. This proves, amongst other things that Adolf Hitler did not want war with Britain and he did know about the final solution.The repression of the Nazi Party's organisation against the Germans themselves is also highlighted, and this is very rarely covered.Highly commended.

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An evocative series which rather than investigating the Second World War as a whole, looks at how it could have happened. How did anti-semitism permeate throughout Germany society? How did people feel about having to murder civilians in cold blood? Anyone who believes in the ultimate goodness of humanity will be left with the shivers after watching interviews with ex-Wermacht and SS soldiers who took part in massacres. The sheer indifference of one individual who clearly has never even heard of the concept of guilt never mind considered it is horrifically compelling. This is a man who could appear as a harmless grandfather, still harbours no regrets about his role and claims that his very short prison terms alleviates him of any responsibility for the taking of innocent lives. This series is fundamentally important history as it illuminates what humanity is capable of when all normal controls are removed and men are invited to behave in a lawless manner. Furthermore, with recent history in Rwanda and the Balkans leaving many people shaking their heads at what could motivate such savagery, this series offers a potential cross-referenced explanation.Watch it; you'll be compelled to try and understand why and how.

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