The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker
The Party Never Stops: Diary of a Binge Drinker
| 26 March 2007 (USA)
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A promising track star, 18 year old Jesse Brenner struggles with binge drinking during her freshman year of college.


Charming and brutal


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Patience Watson

One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.

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This whole movie is a public service announcement from MADD and other teetotalers. Lousy acting, no story line. Nobody could drink the absurd amounts of alcohol (10 to 20 to 30 shots or more, night after night) that these 30-old "college students" drink. Somebody should tell Lifetime Movie Network that Prohibition was repealed 100 years ago. Stop with the propaganda already!

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kai ringler

this was a pretty darn good movie especially for lifetime..Nancy Travis plays an overprotective mom who's daughter is off to college and away from home the first time, the girl proceeds to drink,,sleep with men she hardly knows.. passes out,, and her friend is even worse when it comes to the drinking,, she constantly lies to her mom, and avoids the phone calls,, she goes to spring break behind her mother's back, skips thankgiving with the family,, typical teenager stuff i guess. the mother at a certain points becomes really suspicious and decides to visit the college and confronts her binge drinking daughter about the girls gone wild tape from san diego,where she took her top off for all the world to see. not a bad movie,,definitely worth watching.

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Bad directing, bad writing, bad acting, bad characters, bad music. Honestly, the stupidity never stops in this pathetic excuse for a movie until the credits stop rolling. It is exactly what a 120 minute commercial against abusive college drinking would be like, made by people who have no experience in the subject at all other than their own paranoia. This is truly a hideous piece of work. I realize that there are many real problems that revolve around young people abusing many different kinds of substances. I went to college, I've lived in a college housing area, I've seen the real thing over and over again. However this film really has nothing enlightening to share about the problems of youth substance abuse. It really has nothing genuine to offer to the viewer at all. The most you will get out of it is a few laughs because of its sheer ridiculousness. Well perhaps if you are a fairly naive person, with little experience around this real problem, you may then buy into the stupidity of this movie and develop prejudices and paranoia about the reality of its subject. God help you! Definitely there are some things that happen in this film that do happen in reality, however they are just not done in a way that is authentic to real human beings. The characters are all stereotypical cartoons with no depth. Therefore the films situations have nothing thoughtful to offer to this issue, and that is the biggest reason why this movie stinks so badly. If you want to watch a quality film about young people with substance abuse issues, that is actually somewhere close to the authentic thing. Then watch 'Prozac Nation' or even 'Sid & Nancy', or something like that. Avoid this movie at all costs, unless you just want to laugh at something really fake and stupid. This film reminds me a good bit of the infamous old trash film, 'Tell Your Children (Reefer Madness)' because of its lack of real knowledge of the issue it presents, and also because it is driven 100% by paranoia. 'Tell Your Children' may just be the worst film ever made. Let me just say that this stinker really isn't much better. The same thing that could be said about, 'Tell Your Children', could also be said about this movie, and that is..."It is not so much a movie, but rather a preacher, preaching about that which they do not know.".1.5/10

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The star of the film is a beautiful blonde who is usually a goodie-two-shoes but is pressured to binge drink by her manipulative best friend. Watching this my own memories of college came back to me and I remembered my former best friend who also pressured me into similarly compromising situations. That being said and without giving away too much I was really pleased by the ending of the movie! It's also nice to think that girls as beautiful as Sara Paxton would actually experience adolescent angst and go for the slightly less attractive guy. The hilarious part of this movie is how it takes a G-Rated approach to such topics as underage drinking, drinking and driving, and public nudity. The result is this kind of clunky accidental comedy. For example, Sara Paxton's character states that she would never expose herself for a "Girls Gone Wild" type video, and you don't believe it but suddenly you KNOW that is exactly what will happen, and you even feel a little guilty for suddenly getting excited!

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