The Reincarnation of Peter Proud
The Reincarnation of Peter Proud
R | 25 April 1975 (USA)
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When college professor, Peter Proud begins experiencing flashbacks of an earlier life, he's mysteriously drawn to a place he's never been to, but which seems familiar and where he soon finds his previous incarnation's wife.


One of the best films i have seen


An Exercise In Nonsense


Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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Just watched "The Reincarnation of Peter Proud" and it still packs a punch.

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This was a very good movie! It was one of those movies that you just can't take a break in - it was that exciting! The plot proceeds at all times and there is not a dull moment.The idea is also original. Although there are a lot of stories about reincarnation, these usually are about people who are somehow brought back to their previous lives several centuries ago. I cannot remember that I have ever before come across a story, in which the main character died only 35 years ago in his previous life. Which means that he can go to see the people he were involved with in that life, because they are still alive. It opens up for interesting moral dilemmas, such as: can you have a love affair with someone who was your child in your previous life, or is this incest..?Reincarnation is of course always an interesting theme, because it is such a fantastic possibility to contemplate!I think the category "horror" was a little wrong for this movie though, because it is not that kind of movie by which you get your thrills from suddenly seeing something scary - such as a ghost. It is more of a crime/mystery story, actually.It was not possible to foresee the ending, which is good, but I wish they had chosen an happy ending... The main character had not done anything to deserve this ending.The reason I give this movie only 8 stars instead of 10, in spite of the fact that I found it so exciting, interesting, and original, is the fact that there was too much and too explicit nudity and sex in it. You could almost call it a soft porn movie. This was of course typical of the 1970:s - but I do not like it.I think ordinary feature films which are not labeled as porn should not continue porn either, because this can be offending to some people. It can also be very unsuitable and embarrassing, if you have rented the movie to watch it in the company of for instance your teenagers or your older relatives. To be honest, I got embarrassed when I watched this movie although I was alone in the room, because I feel some things should be done in private...

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Reincarnation of Peter Proud, as the name suggests, deals with the most mysterious, and in many ways the creepiest, of all paranormal phenomenon: reincarnation. The film follows the story of Peter Proud, a college professor who is plagued by dreams which are not really dreams, but visions of a past life in the 1940's-the most disturbing among these visions being the brutal murder of a man by a woman while he is swimming in a lake. Anxious to rid himself of these visions and also mystified by the possibility of rediscovering his former existence, Proud embarks on a journey into the past and learns that he was Jeff Curtis, a womanizing 'son of a bitch', who married Marcia, the daughter of a bank manager, for her money, and subsequently cheated on her. On further probing, he comes face to face with Marcia, the murderess from his dreams, who has been an alcoholic and psychiatric wreck since the death of her husband. And he also meets Ann Curtis, the daughter of his previous incarnation, with whom he eerily enough, begins a romantic and even a sexual relationship! (which may or may not be considered incestuous in this context) Ultimately, Proud's life comes full circle as he meets the same end as the late lamented Jeff Curtis...The music is pretty well done, serving as both creepy and yet conveying the mildly psychic atmosphere of the film. Michael Sazzarin, Jennifer O'Neill and Margot Kidder do pretty good jobs on Peter Proud, Ann Curtis and Marcia respectively. Toby Stephano quite vividly portrays the abusive alcholic Jeff Curtis in flashbacks, which serves to contrast the character with the much milder and sober Peter Proud. Even the minor characters play their parts effectively in the film and fit cohesively into the plot in their small ways, from Peter's girlfriend who is sceptical about his reincarnation, to the para-psychologist who initially aids him in rediscovering his past life, to the club owner who gives him an insight into the behavior of the late Jeff Curtis.If there is any flaw in this movie, its that its a bit too short, especially towards the end, where we could have benefited from more scenes between Peter and Marcia. And maybe another scene after Peter's death wrapping up the story completely (giving a proper 'ending' to the principal characters). That apart, this movie, while far from being called a classic, is certainly a modest ornament in itself.

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This film can be divided into two sections...research and love. Both are creepy/scary and wonderfully fun in a late seventies early eighties way. Which is strange because it's '75. We got your fast cutting and your repetition and your silly piano pounding (literally) soundtrack. Remember composers the harder you pound the more intense the scene. NEVER FORGET THIS.Now if you don't take this film seriously you'll love it... GASP as Margo Kidders hair changes it's greyness.HOWL with joy as Peter Proud finds his older self or er...whatever he does.SCREAM with fright as Marcia kills Jeffery for the thousandth time...and drown you sorrows with Margo Kidder as she slams back another vodka...(this might be a fun drinking game)I recommend it's not as bad Manos and not as good Chinatown...but what is...I do love this but it sort sucks...Also bonus feature...what major scene is missing from this film? Can you tell me? It must be here and yet it ain't...Nice writing Mr. Erlich...please beware every time this guy gets bored he writes a sex scene and man is he bored with life...Also Peter's first girlfriend is the worst actress in the film...Her name is Cornelia'll know when you see her after all she has been in cinematic greats like: Crazy Joe, Cover Girls, and Busting. Have fun with this flick but don't take it seriously...great Tiki Drive In Trash!!!!

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