The Running Man
The Running Man
R | 13 November 1987 (USA)
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By 2017, the global economy has collapsed and U.S. society has become a totalitarian police state, censoring all cultural activity. The government pacifies the populace by broadcasting a number of game shows in which convicted criminals fight for their lives, including the gladiator-style The Running Man, hosted by the ruthless Damon Killian, where “runners” attempt to evade “stalkers” and certain death for a chance to be pardoned and set free.


Load of rubbish!!


Excellent, smart action film.


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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Bad costumes, bad dialog, cheesy music and even more CHEESY villians....I swear....they literally covered one of the villians with a "light bright" gameboard. This was a full on released movie....V...a tv show released 3 years prior had 10x the special effects and quality....still love Arnold but the Running Man is near the bottom of crap barrel....probably his weakest film...though bad costumes and cheesy everything isnt his fault.

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Caleb Zero

I have always loved this movie, but I'm not sure why. Firstly, this movie is ugly as hell. The entire movie is obviously shot on a sound stage, and poorly. The detail that went into set design is very lack lustre. Even as a kid, I knew this movie was ugly, and I always chalked it up to the fact it was 1987. But now that I'm older, and have taken the time to watch a lot of 80s movies, I now see that the late 80s was a very advanced time for movies. Even 1980's Blade Runner was beautifully detailed, and shot.The constant colour tone of this movie is so droning. If you could hear the colour, it would sound like a collection of low frequencies, eating away at your sanity. The lights and colours seem to overshadow the poor detail of the sets, so I wonder if thats why they went with bold lights. But at the same time as doing that, it masked whats actually happening in the movie. You can't see most of the battle scenes, because you have such an overbearing amount of red, or blue, or whatever colour "works" with which arena.I get the feeling this movie was severely edited for rating. There are certain parts where things seem to rush, and its not justified. One part in particular is the attempted rape scene, by Dynamo. Amber gets knocked on the ground, and all of a sudden Dynamo has his pants off. There are other parts in the movie like this, which make me wonder whether there is a harder rated directors cut somewhere.Story? What story? I know this movie has a "story", but its all just set up basically. In my opinion, this movie is a live action 80s video game. Because videogames of this time were exactly the same. They had stories, but they were all just for set up. The gameplay carried the games, and the stories were just for your imagination. It works for this movie though, somehow. The gameplay keeps you entertained, and the story doesn't matter. Something that I thought fell short, even in the gameplay side of it though, was the final boss. I think Arnie could've killed Killian a lot better.All in all, this movie is great. Maybe for nostalgic reasons, maybe because I like bad movies, but for some reason, I like it.

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This is the most touching and meaningful love story movie from Arnold Schwarzenegger. Let me explain you why? Maria conchita alonso 's character brings something very rare in action movies. Her character is initially kidnapped by Arnold and she believes he is a murderer and releases herself from him by denouncing him to the police at the airport. But soon after, she realizes that he was innocent and he had not hurt anybody. . She feels guilty and by trying to prove his innocence she is arrested and sent to punishment with Arnold. But she had time to find the proof of his innocence just before being caught. Trapped with him, she then help him to free himself and prove his innocence. The last scene is a very beautiful scene when they find themselves at the sound of the song "Restless heart" and he kisses her and they go away together. When she look at him, we fully realize that, after denouncing him and being responsible for his wrongful sentence, she risked and lost her freedom for him and she came back to save him at the end.

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Plot; In the future, the totalitarian government uses a barbaric TV game show to help sedate and satiate the population.This is Arnold at the absolute zenith of his Arnoldness, and though this is far from his best film, perhaps none of his other works better typify The Age of Arnold that was that 15 year or so run from the early 80s through the mid 90s. The funny thing is, Arnold isn't even the best thing about The Running Man. That distinction belongs to Richard Dawson, not exactly playing against type as a verbose and charming gameshow host, who steals the movie right from under the hero. Paired with a tailor made premise, it delivers those 80s Arnold staples; Quips, kills, a kiss (courtesy of the lovely Maria Conchita Alonso) and a fade to black as a power rock anthem plays us out.

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