The Seduction
The Seduction
R | 22 January 1982 (USA)
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A beautiful newscaster is stalked and tormented by a photographer obsessed with her beauty.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Best movie of this year hands down!




I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Joseph Brando

This movie is really bad. I mean really really bad. Morgan Fairchild struts her stuff, tosses her hair, gets stalked by some idiot, and tosses her hair some more. Seriously, every shot is just Ms Fairchild looking sexy, swimming in a pool naked, taking a bubble bath, making sexy faces in the rearview mirror of her car, combing her hair!! She never stops combing her hair!! No matter who's stalking her. Breaking into her house, killing her boyfriends (in the most ridiculous way possible) - she doesn't even get upset!!! She just makes more sexy faces in the mirror, pouts her lips, combs her hair some more, gets into her satin sheeted bed. It's absolutely outlandish! Then suddenly at the last 15 minutes of the film she tosses around a rifle like its a hairbrush, still making sexy faces. If you are a fan of hers, you will probably love this flick. She looks absolutely 80's stunning in every scene. But if you want to watch a movie - you're out of luck!

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Robert J. Maxwell

There's no doubt about Morgan Fairchild's (neé Patsy McClenny) porcelain beauty, especially when she's all glamorized up, as she is here. That lustrous blond hair with nary a strand out of place, That surgically perfect nose, those over-sized blue doll's eyes with those alluring black lashes. (She wears them even while swimming otherwise nude.) Her acting is adequate for a community playhouse, but her voice is that of a high school girl -- and not even a senior, but a freshman.She's one of those TV news babes and a real dish, with the figure to go with her features. It's no wonder that her neighbor, Andrew Stevens, takes photos of her naked with his telephoto lens or falls in love with her from afar before he begins to make a real nuisance of himself. Having a fan who is obsessed with you is a real problem. I know, because beautiful women throw themselves at my feet all the time, begging me to mistreat them.As is usual in these stalker movies, the cops are of no help at all, the stalker is clever and murderous, the boy friend is either away at the wrong time or disabled somehow. Occasionally, as here, he is stabbed to death just about the time he reaches ejaculatory inevitability.Then the movie falls completely apart. With her boy friend's bloody body pulled from the jacuzzi and buried by the maniac, Fairchild calls the murderer instead of the homicide squad and tells him, "It's just you and me now." It's a horn of plenty of clichés, with hands reaching from out of the frame to grab the heroine by the shoulder, accompanied by a loud sting on the sound track.There's no need to go on about the film but it does have a few good points. It opens with Morgan Fairchild swimming naked in her pool, while we listen to a romantic ballad under the credits ("Love's Hiding Place"). Another scene, rather artistic I thought, has her undress and slide into a bath tub full of lather, while Stevens gawks at her from a closet. The linkage between the murderer in the closet and the theme, "Love's Hiding Place", is so subtle that the insensitive among us are liable to miss it. There must be other virtues. I'll think of them sooner or later.

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I struggled to refrain from voting "1" on this. I still remember going to see this movie in the theater along with a college buddy. The thought of seeing Morgan Fairchild nude on the big screen had us glued to the movie. We were nothing short of disappointed. It was time and money we'll never get back in our lives. I think that guy still holds talking him into going against me. Now that I'm middle aged, I should perhaps view this again, but I doubt my disappointed reaction to Morgan Fairchild in the buff will be any different. Definitely a woman who looked better with clothes on. Without the potential of hot nude scenes, the movie was a 4 - maybe kind of an average thriller, probably more scary to women than men. It'd probably be a decent date movie (when one factors in the ulterior motives of getting a date scared) were it not for the nude scenes.

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This movie cracks me up! I saw it way back when it came out in the early eighties. This is a very cheezy movie that had it's creepy moments, to be sure but ultimately became just another stalker movie. The psychological depth needed to sustain a movie like this was missing and substituted were numerous shots of Morgan Fairchild looking sexy. This really wasn't a psychological thriller as much as a "thriller" that looked like it was made for the sole purpose of making fans of Morgan Fairchild drool. While Morgan Fairchild was and is, a very pretty woman, I tuned in to see a good suspense flick-this just got to bizarre in places-plenty of creepy music, flattering camera angles of Morgan and that's about it. All style, no substance. I had actually forgot about this movie until recently but just had to comment on it. It was also quite deceptive, when it was advertised, they actually made it look like it had a plot. I'm not saying it didn't(the whole stalker thing) but this was definetly more creepy and bizarre then deep and interesting-plus the movie really should have had as it's tag line: "Morgan Fairchild is hot" since that seemed like 90 percent of the movie's focus. I'd rate it a 3 out of 10.

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