The Singing Ringing Tree
The Singing Ringing Tree
| 13 December 1957 (USA)
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A brave prince must seek the fabled singing, ringing tree in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess.

Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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THE SINGING RINGING TREE is a delightfully obscure East German fairytale with an overtly moralistic storyline and plenty of bizarre content to engage all of the kids who first saw it televised in Britain back in the 1960s. In fact, it's one of those rare productions that might well be more popular abroad than it is in its own country; something about this garish production captured the minds of kids across the nation and gave some of them sleepless nights to boot.The tale is about a prince whose attempts to court a beautiful but ice-cold princess end in disaster when he's turned into a bear by an evil dwarf. That's just the beginning of a tale which is straightforward but contains all manner of outlandish content, from a giant floating goldfish to a horned horse and a woman who is cursed with ugliness. The cackling, scheming dwarf is pure entertainment value alone. I love productions such as these with colourful, far-reaching set design and THE SINGING RINGING TREE is a visual masterpiece that out-visuals Disney at its own game. The English version features a British narrator speaking over the German dialogue which sounds weird but turns out to work very well.

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Horst in Translation (

"Das singende, klingende Bäumchen" or "The Singing Ringing Tree" is an East German live action film from 1957, so this one will have its 60th anniversary next year. The director is Francesco Stefani and he also co-wrote this film together with Anne Geelhaar. Of course, the original is by the Brothers Grimm. And there we also have the fairy tale connection already. If you know a bit about East German (GDR) filmmaking, then you will know that most of the country's films that are still known today are either political movies (usually about World War II) or fairy tales and this is one of the latter. The film only runs for approximately 70 minutes, which is relatively short for a full feature film, but actually some of the other GDR's fairy tale films have an equally low duration. It is in color like the other fairy tale films too and I really like it. The other genre I mentioned produced many black-and-white films in years way after 1957 and this is what hurts them a lot. It is no coincidence that the only Oscar-nominated GDR film is a film about politics, but an exception because it is also in color.But back to this one here. I don't think the short runtime hurts it at all, but helps it staying focused. Yes there were moments when the film becomes a bit too absurd, especially in the second half, but it's all bearable as fairy tale films frequently go over the top and they get away with it most of the time because of all the fantasy surrounding the action. The title of my review is a reference to the fairly simple recipe. We have a hero, who is good from start to finish (even a bit dumb early on), a female protagonist who has to grow in character throughout the film, a main antagonist (a dwarf this time) who is evil from start to finish and gets defeated at the very end and finally some minor characters like the King, who add very little as it is really not about them. Yes it is a bit generic in terms of the (missing) shades of the characters, but I still felt that this film was a success. It certainly looks a lot newer than 1957. The acting is as good as the direction and script, but what really stands out is the visual side in terms of set decorations, art directions and most of all costumes. The effects may look a bit goofy by today's standards, but they are pretty charming given the year of production. If there is one thing the GDR was really better than the FRG (not only in terms of filmmaking), then it is fairy tale films. This one here is a success and I recommend the watch.

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Grum (imdb-13900)

Like many contributors I remember being quite scared by this film, watching it in the mid 1960s as a young child. It left a big impression, and it remained in my memory for over 40 years.We bought this on DVD recently and I joked with my wife that it was pure propaganda; the 'haughty' princess representing the third Reich, the enchanted bear was revolutionary Russia, and the evil dwarf the manipulative and cynical forces of capitalism - it only works to a certain point, and will go right over the head of most viewers! This is a hugely enjoyable film, at many levels, and whilst many of the special effects look very dated it doesn't detract from the story at all.

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Wonderful and fascinating as The Singing Ringing Tree is, myself and my contemporaries were totally traumatised by its images as young children. The man dressed as a bear and the dwarf terrified me and the fish at the waterfall made me very uneasy. The very nature of the theatrical effects and make-up was what I found disconcerting as a 7 or 8 year old. I watched it in a local cinema as an adult and thought that my demons had been exorcised but recently I saw a TV programme which featured a "mechanical" fish and my childhood trauma came flooding back instantly ! No film however violent or scary has ever had this kind of effect on me before or since, but please don't let me put you off from watching The Singing Ringing Tree !!

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