Best movie of this year hands down!
Let's be realistic.
Great Film overall
There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
View MoreI have to be a little Bias to this movie... we own two of them. Our house was the house used in this movie, where most of the movie was filmed. Although our house has been updated and looks different now, It still has a few things that are the same and that we can watch in the movie. The dinning room in the movie is now a bedroom by a new hallway which the house never had. The bathroom has been demolished and a bigger nicer one is now at the end of the huge bedroom, and there was a dinning room added to the spot where the front door was located. Floors are now a dark hardwood and they never showed the downstairs bedroom and bathroom in the movie. , I thought the movie was charming in spots, and it's funny to watch our house on t.v. :) This was a cute movie... If you like "Cute"
View MoreFirst things first: this film was obviously made for a tiny fraction of the budget most Hollywood films get. Sometimes there are errors. The colour balance wobbles and every now and again you can spot the shadows or reflections of members of the crew.It's also mostly an unknown cast. Colin Ferguson is the nearest thing the show has to a star but is probably to be remembered mostly for his turn in the ill-fated US version of Coupling.Finally, the film is in danger of veering towards vanity-project territory, with Garrett Rice not only nabbing writer, producer and director credits, but also playing in the band that provides the songs.Fortunately, none of that really matters - it's a charming, if rather lightweight, story that neatly transposes many of the usual chick-flick conventions.It's also (perhaps a little surprisingly) really quite funny. Some characters are there "just for laughs" - our hero's geeky housemate, for example - but unlike certain other films of the genre, they don't start to irritate after about five seconds of screen time.But ultimately, it works because it's believable and the performances are honest: you can see and sympathise with our hero's anger at his betrayal, then his frustration at the realisation that he still wants the girl. It's an uncomplicated, undemanding film but an entertaining one.
View Moreit isn't always the guy's fault when a relationship goes sour. in this unique chick flick turned inside out, see what it is like when the girl is the one that messes up. what has she done? is the relationship worth saving? watch and find out...
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