They Got Me Covered
They Got Me Covered
NR | 04 March 1943 (USA)
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Bumbling reporter Robert Kittredge has been fired after bungling his latest assignment. His career isn't all he's botched up: his girlfriend Chris is tired of waiting for him to marry her. When he gets a hot tip on some Nazi spies operating in Washington, D.C., he convinces Chris to help him break the story so he can get his job back. The pair soon find themselves in several awkward predicaments as they track the criminals down in a night club, a burlesque show, and face a final showdown at a beauty salon.


Sorry, this movie sucks


Memorable, crazy movie


A waste of 90 minutes of my life


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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