This Thing of Ours
This Thing of Ours
NR | 01 January 2005 (USA)
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Using the Internet and global satellites, a group of gangsters pull off the biggest bank heist in the Mafia's history.


I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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This Mafia was the worst that I have seen so far. I am disappointed because there were some great character actors, who should have done a better job. The lead/director was terrible. Not only was he a bad actor, but there was no character development to even vaguely have the viewer symphatize with any of the major or minor characters. If this was a parody of Mafia films, I would understand why the film sucked. Get a day job, and don't do anymore Indi films. What I don't understand is why Frank Vicente and the other bigger names decided to sully their repuations by taking part in this film. And, I don't understand the terrible anecdotes that were parlayed during the various meal scenes. It was horrific. I kept hoping that "Tony Soprano" or Ray Liotto or any other character from Goodfellas or Casino appeared in the film. It was painful to watch. Thank God for fast forwarding.

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This movie is a great Mob film. Most people say "No this movie is horrible, its not original" but that is why it is 21st century brilliance. Old school mobsters being persuaded to make billions of dollars in just 3 weeks by up-and-comers, its pretty good to me. And near the end when they kill-off all connections, thats original gangster action. Don't get me wrong it's great but not the greatest, it's different and that is what makes it great. I deeply recommend watching the movie. The actors in this movie are classic guys like some from the critically acclaimed HBO series "The Sopranos". The title "This Thing of Ours" is used throughout the movie to to prove my point. The old-school guys wonder what happened to "this thing of ours" and the new guys want to bring "this thing of ours" to the 21st century. This Thing of Ours is also the term used to describe the Mafia (the literal translation of Cosa Nostra.

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This movie is total trash and was directed by a criminal who's is currently serving time as I write this. The idea of the plot, at root, is brilliant and had potential before this fraud of a director and "writer" totally slaughtered their attempt at what could have become a decent movie if fallen into the hands of someone who knows what they are doing. I learned from a credible source that this was a stolen story line.For the large majority, the acting was great, but the casting was overly ambitious, and quite a few parts were out of their appropriate places. This was a failed attempt for the release of a movie that deserved a better sceenplay, casting, and director. From what I personally noticed, it is obvious that the director is someone who's morale is extremely corrupted, distorted, and detached from any integral character, as one can determine from the ending of the movie. I recommend refraining from financially supporting the revenue of this movie by watching it, as the money will be going into the hands of someone who will use it to commit or support heinous crimes. How unfortunate.

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Honestly, this movie left me scratching my head. I really looked forward to it when I saw it at Hollywood Video, but when I finally got it last night and sat down to watch it...I was disappointed. Halfway through the movie I said "I hope this is going somewhere" and, it really didn't. I appreciate that people took a lot of time and money to make this, and people may like it...but I am in the group that didn't like it.Please keep posting so we can understand why people liked it, because I'd like to see everyone's thoughts.I thought the familiar names and faces made the movie better, but it still couldn't pull this into the "positive rating" place for me.

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