Three to Tango
Three to Tango
PG-13 | 22 October 1999 (USA)
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Oscar and Peter land a career-making opportunity when a Chicago tycoon chooses them to compete for the design of a cultural center. The tycoon mistakenly believes that Oscar is gay and has him spy on his mistress Amy. Oscar goes along with it and ends up falling in love with Amy.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Admirable film.

Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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I didn't see this movie for years because I heard it was terrible. I happened to catch it on cable today, and they couldn't be more incorrect! Matthew Perry and Neve Campbell absolutely SPARKLE! Matthew is so sweet and funny it reminded me why I loved him so much on friends before the shrew Monica took his balls. Their chemistry seems so real, it's either the best acting job they've both ever done, or they were really into each other, hee! There are a lot of funny moments, some cliché, but its a romantic comedy, you expect a certain amount of formula. But Matthew and Neve keep it real and cute and funny, and I was overwhelmed by how touching it was. Matthew really hit the mark on this one, and Neve is adorable! I missed the scathing and usually-hilarious Oliver Platt, his role seemed a mere supporting throw-away, it could have been played by anyone, but it was nice to see him do something different.Dylan McDermott does what he does best: irritating slime ball. I never quite believe him when he plays a good guy, and its much more fun to love to hate him anyway.Yes the film has a message too, but they don't hit you over the head with it. The entire film is nicely sweet and subtle. Everyone (except maybe homophobes) should give it a shot!

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It feels like the movie was trying to hard to be comical, with formulaic predictable comical moments, fast directing and editing and a typical comical musical score, that desperately tries to make some sequences look and feel more comical. The movie comically mostly relies on cheap gay jokes. With handling gay subjects in American movies always feel 10 years behind in time. It doesn't make the story and movie feel like the most original or clever one. The movie does have its fun and humorous moments but its not ever anything too hilarious. Luckily the movie does work better on its romantic levels. In that regard this movie is a pretty enjoyable and sweet one.It's still a well made movie. Seems to me that Damon Santostefano really is not bad director. Things flow well and it makes this movie a rather enjoyable 98 minutes. The movie has the power to make you forget how incredibly formulaic it all is while you're watching it but in the end you'll realize that this movie really isn't the best or most original movie around in its genre. Also the standard bittersweet ending doesn't help much to this.Matthew Perry isn't good enough to carry this movie. It was just too much his Chandler role from "Friends" all over again. It was as if he wasn't even trying to play a totally different comedy character. A different haircut is simply just not enough. Dylan McDermott on the other hand was simply good in his role and so was Neve Campbell, whose career unfortunately seems to go nowhere. But the supporting cast is perhaps even better and more impressive with high caliber actors such as Oliver Platt, John C. McGinley, Rick Gomez and Bob Balaban, though they certainly aren't their best playing comical roles, with the exception of John C. McGinley. who is great in basically every kind of role. Too bad his and other roles in the movie are too insignificant.Very well watchable, despite being not the best or most original in its genre.6/10

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Philip Van der Veken

I've always been a fan of Matthew Perry in the sitcom "Friends". I still think he was absolutely great as Chandler Bing. But so far he could never convince me as an actor on the big silver screen. Somehow it just didn't work out as well as it did in those ten years of "Friends". But this movie is different. I really liked him in this one."Three to Tango" is a comedy that sometimes goes a bit too far over the top, but that also offers plenty of fun and laughter which will make you forget about the few annoying moments. I liked the story about the two architects who will act as if they are a gay couple, just to get that important restoration job. When the businessman also asks Oscar to keep an eye on his mistress, believing nothing can go wrong since Oscar is "gay", things start to go really wrong, creating a lot of painful but often funny situations...I guess the fans of the sitcom "Friends" will love this movie. I know I did and the main reason for that is because Matthew Perry is playing the role he knows best: the likable loser who doesn't do much right. Sure, the movie has it's flaws and no the story isn't world-shockingly original, but it offered me plenty of laughter and that's exactly what I'm looking for in a comedy. That's why I give this movie a 7.5/10.

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Matthew Perry, Neve Campbell, Dylan McDermott and Oliver Platt. Great cast like that should have made a great movie. This movie wasn't really that funny... Really disappointing. The script was bad, the whole story was terrible. Even the acting was bad. Most of the stuff that happens in the movie was unbelievable. I'm a real big fan of Neve Campbell, but sadly, she didn't do very well in this one... : (Why, oh why?!?

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