R | 02 July 1996 (USA)
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A musician who lost his hands falls for a woman whose technologically adept friends help him make a comeback.


For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

Trace Oakley

When I first saw VIBRATIONS back in 1996, I described it to friends who swore I was making it up. A keyboardist (James Marshall) has his hands cut off by some thugs playing around with a backhoe. He becomes a homeless bum after his girlfriend flinches at the touch of his fake hands. Our hero then catches some zzzs in a warehouse next to a rave, and is booted out by the manager, played by Christina Applegate. She is later accosted by some thugs - not the same ones who cut off James' hands - and he comes to her rescue just as they pull a switchblade which lands squarely in the palm of one of the fake hands. This frightens the thugs, who wander off muttering that "that dude isn't real or something." Charmed by his heroics, but not his smell, Christina takes James home for a bath. She just happens to live in the same building as some techno-wizards, who create "cyberhands" for our poor disabled protagonist. Just like that he becomes the top handless techno music star in the country. The scene where he's reunited with his policeman dad is too precious, excruciating, and unbelievable to describe, as are the final moments of the film, which involve revenge against the first batch of thugs, and a cryptic nod of the head to dad that clearly signals, "those are the guys who cut off my hands." The acting is atrocious, the script is beyond ludicrous, and it's astonishing that anyone could keep a straight face while on screen.That said, in the spirit of PLAN 9, GLEN OR GLENDA, and others of that ilk, VIBRATIONS is a lot of fun.

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this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen. i love christina applegate. she's my favorite actress in the whole world, but she's the only reason i didn't turn this off in the first five minutes. it's so corny, it's not even funny. i reccomend only watching it if you are a big christina fan. i give this a 2 out of 10.

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Scott Cohen plays the exuberant and goofy Simeon with great energy and abandon. His character was totally believable as a creative and funky rave musician. He had all the best lines, and he was the only one who actually looked like he was playing his instrument because his fingers were at least in the correct zone of the keyboard for the music that was playing. But only one brilliant performance (and a lot of funky hats) can't carry the whole film. Christina Applegate was less than her spunky self here. And the guy in the lead role blew an awesome opportunity to show us his range of going from successful to drunken bum in the street and beyond. He was almost not even there, and that's too bad. (See, I can't even remember his name!) But overall, the story was an uplifting one, and carried with it a good anti-drug message. Perhaps a younger person than me should review this: I was done with rave-type parties about 17 years ago...

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All I can say to "Vibrations," a schlocky, justifiably little-seen, 1995 cyber/techno romance, is YUCK. Former "Twin Peaks" star James Marshall (and although I am very pro-Peaks stars, he is one that I can do without) plays an aspiring musician who gets in an accident removing both his hands. He then goes to the street and becomes your average homeless bum. One night he finds a nice abandoned storing garage, which turns into a rave as he awakens. There he meets Christina Applegate, giving the only decent performance throughout this whole movie. She plays Anamika, an owner of the rave, and she soon falls for Marshall in a sappy, corny romance. The biggest problem here is the supporting cast (most notably Appegate's excruciatingly annoying roommates), and there is nothing, nothing at all, that can save "Vibrations" from being anything but bottom-of-the-barrel crap.Yuck. Zero Stars out of Four.

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