| 17 November 2010 (USA)
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Victim Trailers

After being mysteriously kidnapped by a Doctor and his violent henchman, a young man is held captive in the converted cellar of an old mansion. For reasons unknown, he's forced to endure heinous physical and psychological torture, but slowly realizes the worst is yet to come when the Doctor's brutal plan for him is finally revealed….


The Worst Film Ever


not as good as all the hype


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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hoihey hoihey

Im sorry but this movie was so boring. Saw the end coming even before the movie started, I mean COME ON. The acting was so bad I just can't understand the positive reviews. Waste of time. I promise. If the acting was outstanding, and the sound was good, then maybe, MAYBE it would have been a 5. But come on. So unrealistic. And another thing. Did the makers of this movie know what brain dead means? Guess not. Im sorry but this movie was so boring. Saw the end coming even before the movie started, I mean COME ON. The acting was so bad I just can't understand the positive reviews. Waste of time. I promise. If the acting was outstanding, and the sound was good, then maybe, MAYBE it would have been a 5. But come on. So unrealistic. And another thing. Did the makers of this movie know what brain dead means? Guess not.

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Much like either Saw or Hostel, Victim involves people held against their will in a basement for a series of experiments by the evil Dr. Rudolph Volk(Bob Bancroft). His assistant, Mr. George(Brendan Kelly) picks up unsuspecting young women in a bar and abducts them for a fun time with Dr. Rudy. The movie is never scary and the acting is horrendous by the entire cast. The script is film school material. Do not be fooled by the intriguing advertising poster with a topless woman with a man's head between her legs. I was lured to Victim by the poster, and I always admit my mistakes, and this was one of them, and a waste of 90 minutes of my life. Avoid this garbage and take a long walk instead.

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I find it very hard to rate this movie. It's in many ways a hard movie to watch. A man (Stephen Weigand) is kidnapped, imprisoned and subjected to a rather gruesome fate (which I'll not give away) at the hands of his kidnappers - a surgeon (Bob Bancroft) and the surgeon's sidekick (Brendan Kelly.) It's a sort of mad scientist movie, except that Dr. Volk isn't really "mad." He's definitely in control and has clear-cut reasoning behind what he's doing, the reasoning becoming apparent as the movie progresses. It isn't a particularly bloody or gory movie; it's more an unsettling movie; something of a psychological study as the prisoner is increasingly pressured to give in to his captors, with torture porn, rape and snuff movies serving as the background to the whole story. From about the halfway point it's somewhat clear what Volk is up to, although the last few scenes (as he seems to be getting his revenge) took me completely by surpriseGenerally speaking the performances from the three leads were passable. I wouldn't say anyone was outstanding in this, but they were passable. This isn't an outstanding film by any means, and it's not a movie I'd want to watch over again. If you're into mind game movies, though, it might be worth taking a look at. (6/10)

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Wow. When I saw the previews for this on my cable companies on demand I just had to rent it. I love horror films and will watch just about anything. I must say this was a very good movie. There was very little gore in it which is why I also thought it was so good. Basically this mad surgeon captures this man and turns him into his dead daughter. We watch how he is tortured and transformed into a woman. Now, I kept wondering throughout the film as to why he just wouldn't have captured a woman to replace his daughter. This is is the twist of the film which is answered at the end. I thought overall this is one creepy movie that keeps you interested the entire time.

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