Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
View MoreIt's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
View MoreThis is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
View MoreI prefer zombie movies where the zombies are walkers & HATE the movies where they're runners.I was hoping the zombies in War Of The Dead were going to be walkers but I guess I should've known.I know I probably would've been more into the movie if they were.Hopefully someday, somebody will make a zombie war movie where the zombies are walkers.If it's been done recently I know nothing about it.Surprisingly though, it worked in War Of The Dead.I couldn't imagine the zombies being any other way.War Of The Dead was a non stop action/horror flick.Something was always happening here & there & the zombies being like they were, just added to it.I was into it right from the start till the very end.Still it's not something I'd ever watch again or want to add to my movie collection but if somebody was thinking about watching it I wouldn't tell them not to.If they were thinking about buying it, I'd tell them not to unless they got it super cheap or at least watched it 1st
View MoreThe plot: American and Finnish troops run up against Nazi zombies during World War II.This was not an absolutely terrible movie, but it was still pretty annoyingly bad. The characters were basically interchangeable, and it was even worse during the action sequences, because they were shot so poorly that I couldn't even tell who was fighting whom. Unfortunately, the movie feels like a meth addict did all the camera work and editing. The plot and dialogue are about as bad as you're expecting, but the SFX are far more disappointing. Nobody really expects good plot or dialogue from their direct-to-video, low budget zombie movies -- especially when they're rated this low -- but they do tend to expect a certain minimum level of gore. However, thanks to the horrible camera work and editing, you can't really see much of the SFX or make-up anyway. There just wasn't enough story to stretch this out to feature length, necessitating lots of terrible action scenes. This really should have been edited down to the best few scenes, with a little bit of setup, and uploaded to YouTube.Recommended only to people who like mindless action movies.
View MoreDon't be fooled by the title or the plot summary, both of which are typical of many low-rent sci-fi and horror vehicles that populate the genre market. War of the Dead is a surprisingly effective low-budget thriller. Though not the first film to combine Nazis and zombies, War of the Dead is perhaps the most effective. Direction is taut and rarely succumbs to camp, and a genuine sense of dread overlays the picture from beginning to end. Character development is paramount, and while the acting isn't always great it is generally competent. Special effects aren't necessarily cutting edge, but they are good enough and the zombies are effectively realized and quite threatening. Indeed, these zombies are rather unconventional examples of the species, and exhibit a certain degree of intelligence to go along with their enhanced strength and resiliency. And unlike many zombies, the ones in War of the Dead are fast and there's none of the traditional "zombie shuffle." Of course this isn't a perfect movie--the aforementioned lack of funds does make everything a little rough around the edges, and like many films of its kind the director makes the mistake of shooting many of the action scenes in the dark so that it's sometimes hard to discern just what is going on. But overall War of the Dead is a fine production, and one that genre fans would be well-advised to check out.
View MoreA platoon of British, American and Finnish soldiers come head to head with unstoppable zombie-like soldiers. Aided by a Russian grunt they must fight for survival.Despite some over used slow-motion and unfitting sound effects War of the Dead director Marko Mäkilaakso delivers a wonderfully atmospheric World War II action 'zombie' film.The film has pace, moving from one location to the next through bunkers, trenches, air shafts, forests and there's plenty of gun-play and fights. The effects are modest and well executed and the sets are perfectly dressed, the location shoot gives it an edge. Writers Mäkilaakso and Barr B. Potter include some zombie hallmarks an empty house under siege, a graveyard, shots to the head but the antagonists share more with 28 Day/Weeks Later's infected and Outpost's theme. War of the Dead expands the Nazi super soldiers angel further including some fast moving, stealthy, post experimental and 'infected' soldiers.Reminiscent of The Bunker, Death Watch, Dog Soldiers and the aforementioned to name a few this latest addition includes some great worn looking actors including Antti Reini, the reliable and talented Andrew Tiernan (who also starred in the The Bunker) as Capitan Martin Stone. UK viewers may recognise ITV's Bill - Mark Wingett. Supporting leads Samuel Vauramo as the emotional Kolya and Mikko Leppilampi as Lieutenant Laakso are effective enough. Notable is the only female Magdalena Górska and Jouko Ahola who is perfectly cast as the super soldier Captain Niemi.It lacks that slow foreboding feel synonymous with zombie films in a bid to be original. In addition, the mix of genres doesn't work as well for this WW2 predominately action, chiller as it should due to the thin script. Nevertheless, it's a solid piece of entertainment packed with action and an obligatory nihilistic ending with a twist.
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