We Will Rock You
We Will Rock You
| 09 June 2011 (USA)
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We Will Rock You Trailers

A rock and roll musician travels to Afghanistan to win the hearts and minds of its people.


Really Surprised!


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Casey Duggan

It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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Kirandeep Yoder

The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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The distinguishing, memorable feature of the cover of Zero Dark Thirty is the big bold capitalized font with one word per line.What they've done here, is exactly that, but replaced "THIRTY" with "DIRTY" So at a glance at this movie's cover, one might be led to believe that this is actually the movie which presentation they're approximating. This is of course the intent.The thing was the equivalent of $0.50, so I'm not mad at having lost money. Actually reckon I got my money's worth just from the perplexing amusement when properly looking at the cover. "Frank Stallone, Daniel Baldwin...wait what? Corey Feldman? What the f***?"But, that is amusement unintended by this production, and the people who handled the marketing of this movie in my region are a bunch of assholes. F*** those people. One star.

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On the war on global terrorism America's most effective weapon, of course, is a C-level rockabilly singer who is a combination of Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash. I know what you're thinking, "ANOTHER one of these movies?"Zero Dark Dirty is a comedy in the tradition of the "Naked Gun" and "Scary Movie" franchises. It pokes fun at current popular films while framing it in a somewhat absurd storyline. If you are fans of these types of films Zero Dark Dirty is right down your alley.The main character, Belvis Bash (played admirably by Lex Lvovsky) is a down on his luck musician. When the movie opens he is performing in a nursing home. He gets the opportunity to be a part of the government's Pop Culture Outreach Program and perform for the people of Afghanistan. He agrees and, as they say, hijinx ensue.I don't want to give too much away but this is a "fish out of water" story with Belvis trying to understand the local culture. There is even the obligatory love interest in the form of May Summer, played by Noel Britton. She got roped into participating by answering an ad for a musical entitled "Les Miserables: Episode One." There are a lot of these types of jokes throughout the movie. Oh, and did I mention there are cameos by Frank Stallone and Daniel Baldwin? This movie has everything.The film pokes good-natured fun at Middle Eastern culture as well as American "decadence." No doubt, the usual group of people who get offended by this type of humor will be offended. However, there is nothing mean-spirited about the humor in this film. While some jokes are a bit cringe-worthy it is all done in good fun.If you are looking for a good laugh and like pop culture references I strongly suggest you take a look at this film.

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Mike Benson

Given the title I thought this was going to be a straight up parody - and I am actually very happy it wasn't. It's really hard to describe this movie. Basically it was really funny and well put together. The story was all over the place at times, but I was satisfied with it when it ended.Corey Feldman was actually really funny. I didn't know what to expect. The Iron Sheik is hilarious too. I liked all the cast - there were no bad actors in the cast. Lex Lvovsky is good as the Elvis guy, and he did a good job as a writer director. I hope he gets a chance to make more crazy movies like this - it was really very original.

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Tressa Kaye (tressakaye)

This movie is more than it lets on. You don't fully understand it till you get to the end. You also can't explain it without giving away what makes this movie so unique and worth seeing. It has war, religion, a love story, betrayal, and even a spy in disguise. Despite the way the trailer is set up, it's a completely relevant movie to the times we live in. They mask in humor a relevant and valid point.Operation Belvis Bash is a lighthearted laugh ending with a satisfying punch line. While it may have it's dark political humor, the overshadowing truth is evident. Without having to get too deeply into the storyline and give away all the unique twists and turns this movie takes you on... here's my take on it.This is a well thought out, well acted out movie. The acting is so much better than it appears in the short clips available. Corey does exceptionally well, he far exceeds what the trailer shows. Walid Amini is an excellent actor, I expect I'll be seeing him in a lot of stuff in the future. Some of the love story was a little cheesy now and again, but isn't it OK to be a little hokey when in love? While it may look like a typical comedy fluff piece according to the trailer. Something that was half baked and not wholly concocted. The plot finalization of this movie is what makes its genius. I can understand where the over sensitive would find some of the humor off-putting, the plot finalization brings exactly that into focus. It is a film worth seeing if you get the chance to see it. I'm pretty sure the only reason they aren't showing it on major venues is because they are afraid of rubbing people the wrong way. Which is the ENTIRE point of this whole movie. Also it is the reason it should be seen. If you can demand it at your local theater, tweet @ them, leave messages on their facebook wall. (Hey! It will only cost you the price of a movie ticket.) This movie is more than a political jab, more than a religious jab, and even more than the jab you give to the rib cage to the guy sitting next to you as you jerk with laughter

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