Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
| 03 September 2015 (USA)
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A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich.


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


A brilliant film that helped define a genre

Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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Filled with amazing and powerful images of resistance on both a personal and mass scale, this film is what can result when you have a revolution in the age of ubiquitous cell phones and personal drones. And it leads to a kind of combination of visceral immediacy and near epic scope in the telling of the Ukraine's 3 month long citizens' revolt against a corrupt, unresponsive and lying government that would have been near impossible a handful of years earlier. This is experiencing a revolt from the inside; scary, intense, exciting – a powerful emotional roller coaster. What it isn't, is an intellectually rigorous overview of the issues and conditions that led to the revolt, or what changes did and didn't result in the long term. Those are touched on, of course, but it's a fair criticism that's been leveled against the film, that the uninformed viewer (like me) comes away with only a schematic and simplistic view of the uprising. But, for me, that was enough. The power of this film is the reminder that it is still possible for people to come together from very different places, Muslims and Catholics, left-wing students and aging military men, the poor and the middle-class – and to band together to overthrow a tyrant with a remarkable limiting of blood-shed. It's a film that will make you shed a tear for the potential for good and for change in the world, and that outweighs whatever shortcomings the film may have.

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After seeing for the first time i wonder a few questions.You can see a lot of peolpes opinions in Euromaidan. But all of them belongs, or pretends to, the bourguoise. You will not see not a single working class person.The thing is that Doc. shows only one part of the whole thing, and thats turns it in merely propaganda. By the way, the violins and the melodrama music all through is pretty pathetic. Don't need violins to teel how to think.Unfortunately, for the people of Ukraine they are between 2 forces and that part of the region is crusial for both of them. The best for you people.

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This documentary is raw and bloody, and it describes the internal struggle of the Ukrainian people to overthrow a dictator who betrayed them. Ukraine wanted to become part of the European Union and to move away from Putin's Russia in late 2013. The pro-Russian leader of the Ukraine Victor Yanukovich stunned the people of his country by refusing to sign an agreement to join the EU and, instead, endorsed a plan to become part of Putin's Russian alliance. The Ukrainian people took to the streets of the capital city. What followed was a bloodbath as armed troops murdered unarmed civilians. The film shows an incredible degree of courage and determination to fight back against the government troops even when much blood was running in the streets.As the people took to the streets in greater numbers, Yanukovych assumed greater dictatorial power through the Parliament and attempted to rule an unwilling public through force. The film covers a period of about 90 days from the beginning of the uprising to the resignation of Yanukovych, who fled to Russia for protection from his people. The government escalated the violence throughout the uprising, but the Ukrainians were relentless in pursuit of a free country and their desire to become part of the European Union.I wonder why we didn't get much news about this in our media, although I am grateful that we got the full story on the Kardashians while this was happening. Is Lamar out of rehab yet?

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A very interesting documentary, great footage with inspiring people fighting for a cause they believe in. The viewer is presented to an idealistic, but informative account of the uprising in Kiev, Ukraine. We follow the events through Euromaidan, following demonstrators in their revolt against Yanukovych. We also get a glimpse of the different types of protesters, their Ukrainian nationalism and pro-European sentiment. This, along with the documentary's footage, is what makes "Winter on Fire" great.Even though I would recommend this documentary, it's important to note that the documentary is very biased. We hear almost nothing about what's going on in the Ukrainian Parliament, it leaves out facts and generally paints a very one-sided picture. Either way, watch it.

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