WNUF Halloween Special
WNUF Halloween Special
| 23 October 2013 (USA)
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A local TV personality leads a team of supernatural investigators, including an exorcist, into the darkest corners of a supposedly haunted house.


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.


There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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The level of believability is off the charts, which unfortunately sometimes becomes a bit of a detriment. The WNUF Halloween Special is full of amusingly corny characters (Frank Stewart and the Bergers are fantastic) and wonderfully cookie commercials. Though not every section is as fun as the last it still keeps a highly enjoyable and adorably nostalgic vibe throughout its whole running time with a few spooks along the way. The only negative I could think of is that I did not love the ending and that there are just too many of said commercials, (no matter how fun they are) but I guess it's realistic in this way too, other than that I wholeheartedly enjoyed and loved the WNUF Halloween Special.

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Pushy reporter Frank Stewart (well played to the obnoxious hilt by Paul Fahrenkopf) and a team of paranormal experts check out the notorious Webber house to confirm if it's actually haunted during a live television broadcast on Halloween night in 1987.Director/co-writer Chris LaMartina not only nicely pegs a fun spooky ooga-booga Halloween atmosphere, but also further spices things up with amusing touches of inspired droll humor and ably crafts a strong mood of gradual mounting dread which culminates in a genuinely startling climax. The sound acting by the capable cast helps a lot, with especially commendable contributions from Nicolette le Faye as plucky producer Veronica Stanze, Leena Chamish as cheery newscaster Deborah Merritt, Richard Cutting as stuffed shirt anchorman Gavin Gordon, Brian St. August as fey occultist Dr. Louis Berger, Helenmarry Bell as kooky medium Claire Berger, Robert Long II as the earnest Father Joseph Matheson, and George Stover as hammy horror show host Dr. Bloodwrench. Best of all, this film astutely captures the actual look and feel of a corny small local TV station broadcast gleaned from a moldy old VHS tape print source complete with occasional wonky tracking issues and a hilarious slew of spot-on faux TV commercials. A worthy little fright flick.

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As everyone else has mentioned, this has way too many 80s TV commercials.This film is about an hour and 20 mins in length. It's ALL simply watching a VHS tape from the 80s. In fact, the first 20 mins--TWENTY MINUTES!--is nothing but two newscasters chatting and stories of local news. And dozens of TV commercials.20 minutes of that. Yes, it's all done very well, but to what end? We get it after five minutes. We want story, a compelling reason to keep watching.Finally, 20 minutes into the film we get the film proper, the investigation into the haunted house. Nothing really happens...and every time something starts to happen, they cut to a commercial. Seriously. The "joke" we got an hour ago is STILL being told! Check the credits and there are about a dozen directors and writers. So they all just did a bunch of commercials, thought it was hysterical, kept them ALL in the film, and hope we'll watch. I did, you don't have to.

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Complete with fake TV ads, The WNUF Halloween Special really, really nails the low budget, awkward nature that an actual live TV special of the late 1980's might have had.Unfortunately, I found it a little TOO authentic. After a while, it genuinely feels like the whole point of this "movie" is to string you along to sit through the next commercial break. They're good fake commercials, don't get me wrong, but just like real TV, there's only so many "we'll find out what that was when we come back after this commercial" cliffhangers you can take before it starts to get frustrating.Which feeds in to a larger problem: there's not much that actually happens, here. Characters are almost non-existent, there's no real narrative to follow, there's very little setup and barely any payoff.Again, it all feels incredibly realistic in that regard. This kind of show, if it actually existed, would not be concerned with a traditional movie narrative, because it's just a crummy live broadcast on Halloween. But if what happens in this "tape" was actually real, it would also just be a highlight on Youtube of only the relevant parts, not the full 90 minute recording with all the commercials still left in (including half of the nightly news that aired prior to the special).It's not totally devoid of fun, of course. They play up the awkwardness of live TV, and how the host reacts to audience members or callers can get some laughs, but those moments are too few and too far between, nor do they really build towards anything.I admire what the WNUF Halloween Special is going for, but its slavish dedication to replicating even the worst aspects of television ended up making it kind of a bore. It's more entertaining on a conceptual level than it is when you're actually watching it.I'm sure there's people out there who are probably way in to something like this, but I don't think I am.

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