What a waste of my time!!!
Very well executed
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
View MoreThis movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
View More1. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Grand Master Sexay - Sexay should be out of PPV. He is annoying, worthless and poor wrestler. Eddie won. 6.5/10 2. Perry Saturn/Dean Malenko Vs. Hardcore & Crash Holly - Funny Saturn With like Hogan dyed beards. :) 7/10 3. Big Show Vs. Bradhsaw - I like on that thing How Bradshaw took Big Show down with Clothesline from Hell! 7/104. X-Pac/Justin Credible Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge & Christian Vs. Hardy Boyz - Elimination 4 tag team match. X-factor went first, then Hardyz and whole match won E&C. Rhyno appeared and speared Bubba. 8/10 5. Women's Battle Royal - Didn't took a place cus Right of Censor. Lita Trish and Jacquie stripped Ivory. :) 6.5/10 6. Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit - Benoit won in a classic wrestling match, cleanly! But previous PPV match was better. 8/10 7. William Regal Vs. Chris Jericho - Match was for Queen's cup, Jericho won it. 7.5/10 8. WWF Triple Threat Title Match: Triple H Vs. The Undertaker Vs. Stone Cold - The great part of the match ate punches and kicks, and the ending was little bit screw on fans, Taker won but pinned HHH and WWF belt has Austin. 6.5/10
View MoreBacklash 2001 was quite disappointing in my opinion. The main event itself was pretty unspectacular and I thought the rest of the card was as well. In fact there were only two matches that stood out.The first was the Submission match between Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit-they put on a fantastic old style wrestlefest which really stood out in today's soap opera style wrestling. The match was awesome.William Regal faced Chris Jericho in a Duchess of Queensbury Rules match. I cannot explain the rules simply because the arrogant Regal kept changing them to suit his needs throughout whenever he was losing. It was a decent enough match as far as the wrestling went and it was brilliant in that it was a great comedy match.Check out Backlash 2001 for the above two matches.
View MoreMatch 1: Eddie Guerrero vs. Grandmaster Sexay Grandmaster Sexay dominated most of the match. Sexay had the early control after a bulldog on the ramp. Sexay danced all throughout the match, and when Guerrero gained control, he mocked Sexay by dancing himself. Sexay took control after a bulldog and a top rope dropkick but couldn't get the pin. Sexay then delivered a powerbomb and went up to the top rope for the hip hop drop, but Guerrero moved out of the way. After Sexay missed a corner splash, Guerrero rolled Sexay up for the pin, using the ropes for leverage. Winner: Eddie GuerreroMatch 2: Hardcore and Crash Holly (w/Molly Holly) vs. The Radicalz Before the match, Terri came out and said that it wasn't going to be a 6-person match because she couldn't find any wrestling gear in the UK. Back and forth match. Hardcore started to dominate early on after a spinebuster and a dropkick to Saturn. Saturn and Malenko then dominated Hardcore with a variety of suplexes. After Saturn missed a top rope elbow drop, Crash got the hot tag. Crash hit a DDT on Malenko and a top rope hurricanrana on Saturn. While Molly was fighting with Terri, Saturn hit the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Cradenza on Crash for the pin. Winners: The RadicalzMatch 3: The Big Show vs. Bradshaw Back and forth match. Bradshaw dominated early by using him clubbing fists and stiff kicks. Big Show came back with a sidewalk slam. Bradshaw recovered and hit a top rope shoulderblock for a 2 count. Show then threw Bradshaw to the outside and threw a chair into the ring. Show then attacked Test who was still down on the outside of the ring, and he threw him into the ring. He was going to hit him with the chair but Test hit the big boot into Show's face. Bradshaw then hit the Clothesline from Hell for the pin. Winner: Bradshaw by pinfallMatch 4: Elimination Match: Edge and Christian vs. X-Factor vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys Dudleys and X-Factor started out. Bubba hit a few power moves on Credible who ran to the outside for a timeout and tagged Matt Hardy in. Christian then tagged himself in. The Hardys then dominated every team for the next few minutes. They hit the Poetry in Motion on Credible, hit the Twist of Fate on X-Pac and Jeff eliminated X-Pac after the Swanton Bomb. Edge and Christian then double-teamed Jeff and quickly got the elimination after Christian gave Jeff the Unprettier. Edge and Christian then double-teamed D-Von including a few backbreakers. After D-Von hit a top rope clothesline and a reverse suplex, Bubba got the hot tag. He hit Christian with a big backdrop, a sidewalk slam on Edge, the Bubba Bomb on Christian and the Wassup drop on Edge. Rhyno then came in behind the referee's back and hit the gore on Bubba and Edge got the pin. Rhyno then set up a table in the ring, but Spike Dudley came in and hit the Dudley Dogg on Edge, and the Dudleys hit the 3D on Rhyno through the table. Winners: Edge and ChristianMatch 5: 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle Before the match, Benoit said he had Angle's medals in a very safe and warm place. Best match of the night. Both men exchanged some amateur wrestling counters early on. Benoit and Angle tried for their crossface and anklelock submissions early, but to no avail. Angle then hit a series of belly to belly suplexes, but Benoit came back and hit one of his own. Benoit then hit a series of 3 rolling snap suplexes. Benoit then hit another series of German suplexes. Benoit signalled for the end and went to the top rope and hit the diving headbutt for the pin and the first fall. Angle played possum with Benoit pretending he was hurt but instead attacked Benoit on the outside of the ring. Angle then hit a top rope belly to belly suplex for a 2 count. Angle hit another few suplexes for a few near falls. Benoit came back with a DDT and went to hit the diving headbutt again, but Angle moved out of the way. Benoit rolled out of an anklelock submission by Angle and applied the crossface which Angle also rolled out of, but Benoit rolled up Angle for the quick and surprising pin. Benoit won with 2-0 falls. After the match, Benoit said he had kept his promise and that Kurt's medals were in a warm and safe place, as all the time they were down his pants. Benoit put the medals around his neck and raised his arms in victory as the fans popped big. Winner: Chris BenoitMatch 6: Queens Cup Match: William Regal vs. Chris Jericho Very good match. It was a mixed reaction for Regal in his hometown, although whenever he did that wave to the crowd, the fans popped big. The two exchanged some lightweight-style counters early on. Jericho started out by hitting a top rope clothesline and a top rope crossbody for a 2 count. Jericho tried for the Walls of Jericho early on, but Regal escaped. Regal then worked over Jericho's shoulder by shoving him into the ringpost. Jericho came back with a top rope hurricanrana, but Regal retaliated with a overhead suplex. Jericho came back with a flying forearm and a bulldog. He went for the Lionsault but Regal got his knees up. Regal went for a German suplex, but Jericho escaped and applied the Walls of Jericho to Regal who tapped out for the win. After the match, Regal destroyed Jericho by hitting him with the Queen's Cup Trophy which actually drew quite a big pop. Winner: Chris JerichoMatch 7: Handicapped WWF Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH vs. The Undertaker The only way the Undertaker could win the WWF Title is if he pinned Stone Cold. HHH's entrance probably received the biggest pop of the night. Austin and HHH double-teamed the Undertaker early on. The Undertaker then segregated Austin on the outside and backdropped him on the ramp. Back in the ring, the Undertaker hit HHH with a backdrop and the Old School forearm off the top rope. Austin was then tagged in and hit the Undertaker with a Thesz press and a few elbow drops. While Stephanie distracted the referee, Austin nailed the Undertaker with a chair but he kicked out. The Undertaker then resurged and chokeslammed HHH through the announcers table at ringside. Back in the ring, the Undertaker chokeslammed Austin but only for a 2 count. HHH came back with a facebuster and a clothesline. Mr McMahon came down to the ring and went to hit the Undertaker with the chair, but he ducked and McMahon nailed HHH. The Undertaker then chokeslammed McMahon and also chokeslammed HHH for the pin. Winner: The UndertakerThis Pay-per-view diserves a C+, because I've seen all the matches before already.
View MoreBacklash certainly isn´t the best Pay-Per-View event of the year 2001 as far as the WWF is concerned. Therefor this event doesn´t have a very interesting main-event and too less good matches. A short summary: 6-Man Tag-Team Match: Dudley Boyz vs. X-Pac, Justin Credible & AlbertI´m not really a fan favorite when it comes to tag-team matches and this one certainly isn´t a memorable tag-team match. Average in every way I would say.Hardcore Championship Match: Raven vs. Rhyno This match is one of the highlights of this pay-per-view. Brutal and very entertaining. A good match between these two former ECW-superstars. Triple-Threat European Championship Match: Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Eddie Guerrero. Also not a very memorable match-up. I had expected a little bit more from these three very unique and very extraordinary athletes. Duchess of Queensberry Rules Match: William Regal vs. Chris JerichoThese kind of childish matches give the WWF a bad name. When you purchase this movie I would skip this part because it´s not worth it. 30-minute ultimate submission match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt AngleA rematch after their match at Wrestlemania. I think this match is better than their Wrestlemania match, but it´s too long in my opinion. I think it would have been better if it was a 20-minute submission match. But hey, if you are a Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit fan you will certainly enjoy it. Last Man Standing Match: Shane McMahon vs. Big Show Matches like this proves that the WWF doesn´t take itself too serious. An average sized Shane McMahon (6´1, 200 lbs) takes on the biggest wrestler in the WWF: The Big Show (7´2, 500 lbs). And he even stands a chance. I´m a big fan of the Big Show, so I kind of hated this match. The only memorable thing of this match is Shane McMahon´s elbow drop of a 50 ft high Titantron. Three Titles on the line: Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H vs. The Undertaker & Kane Main-event of the evening and like I said I´m not a fan favorite of tag-team matches. Certainly not when it comes to main-event tag-team matches, because they are always so predictable. There were three titles on the line in this match. The WWF Championship from Stone Cold, The Intercontinental Championship from Triple H and the Tag-Team Championships from The Undertaker & Kane.In the end I can say that Backlash 2001 wasn´t a great pay-per-view because it lacks too few great match-ups with good storylines.
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