WWE SummerSlam 1989
WWE SummerSlam 1989
NR | 28 August 1989 (USA)
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SummerSlam (1989) was the second annual SummerSlam professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on August 28, 1989 in the Meadowlands Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The main event was a tag team match between The Mega-Maniacs (WWF Champion Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake) and the team of Randy Savage and Zeus. The main matches on the undercard were Ted DiBiase versus Jimmy Snuka, Ultimate Warrior versus Rick Rude for the WWF Intercontinental Championship[4] and Jim Duggan and Demolition (Ax and Smash) versus André the Giant and The Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Boss Man).


Highly Overrated But Still Good


Excellent but underrated film

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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While the first SummerSlam event (1988) was a great premiere, this second edition takes a couple of steps backward due to only a couple really great matches and a "main event" that is anything but.The only two matches I really enjoyed from SummerSlam '89 were:-Hart Foundation vs. Brain Busters. Featured some great technical wrestling (as Bret Hart is always good for). -Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude. Just a classic feud that they let play out at THIS event instead of letting it percolate to the next Wrestlemania.Then, we have the "Zeus" angle (from the WWF film production "No Holds Barred") for the main event, as he teams up with Randy Savage to take on Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. It is so obvious that Zeus is a film-promoting gimmick that it is kind of sickening. Plus, the Hogan/Savage feud had already been resolved at the previous Wrestlemania, so the bloom was off that rose.Overall, then, I felt that SummerSlam '89 was kind of a disappointment with its gimmicky main event and low quality of matches. Also, and perhaps this is a result of it being only the second event in the show's history, but this one seemed like little more than a place-holder for upcoming angles/arcs.

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Here are the matches . . .Hart Foundation v Brainbusters: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard actually have the tag titles here but the match was signed before they had them so this contest is a no title match. The Foundation look impressive here and The Brainbusters sell every move, even the basic ones, as if their lives depended on it and the psychology is flawless. A couple of nice moves involve Bret flipping and reversing to make double armdrags, Niedhart slingshot to the outside and Anvil reverse slamming Bret onto Tully for an attempted pin which is interrupted by an Arn Anderson double axe handle off the top rope. Arn then makes the switch and the pin. A very intelligent match from both sides and a great way to kick things off. 8/10 Dusty Rhodes v Honky Tonk Man: The effeminate Dusty takes control to start with and gains a psychological hold on Honky by roughing up his hair. Jimmy Hart's megaphone comes into play when it gets whacked in Rhodes's stomach (probably the only time the megaphone hasn't been decisive in a Hart match). The guitar becomes the decider when Jimmy Hart accidentally smacks Honky over the head with it aiming for Rhodes who gets the pin. Honky's delirious interview after the match is hilarious. 3/10 Red Rooster v Mr Perfect: Terry Taylor pretty much kills his wrestling career by posing as a rooster in this match with the impeccable Curt Hennig. Perfect performs a lovely hip-toss and standing dropkick. Rooster attempts to slam Perfect but falls backwards for Perfect to receive a 2 count. I reckon Taylor injured himself because seconds later Perfect scores the Perfect Plex for the pin. 4/10The Rockers and Tito Santana v Rougeau's and Rick Martel: Santana from here becomes a jobber to the stars and Martel has some relatively successful feuds - even their feud gets ignited once every year thereafter if they meet at The Royal Rumble. This energetic match is fast-paced throughout and shows some nice double team moves on both sides, Martel settling into his heel role very well. The match ends when Martel makes the save on a Marty Jannetty rollover pin attempt on Jacques (even though Michaels was the legal man) and pins him making this the first and last PPV win for The Rougeaus. 6/10 Ultimate Warrior v 'Ravashing' Rick Rude for the Intercontinental title: Warrior no sells Rude to start with and gorilla presses Rude to the outside where Warrior follows him and whacks him over the back with the Intercontinental belt which sparks off the famous 'he can do what he likes he is outside the ring' exchange between Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavonne. Rude attempts the 'Rude Awakening' neck breaker but Warrior powers out of it. The action escalates when both wrestlers collide with the referee which causes Warrior to power-slam and pile-drive Rude for a near 3 count. The only bad point to the match is Rude messes up a reverse pile-driver but it doesn't look too obvious. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper comes along and moons at Rude which distracts him enough for Warrior to belly to back suplex him off the turnbuckle, gorilla press and splash for the pin and the Intercontinental title. A great moment in the WWF and a brilliant promo by Bobby Heenan afterwards. 9/10 Demolition and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Twin Towers and Andre the Giant: Duggan enters the ring with his face painted in the stars and stripes while wearing a crown and robe. Andre the Giant can barely stand up without falling over so needs to be in a tag team to carry him throughout the rest of his wrestling career. Smash creates the highlight by slamming both Twin Towers to a crowd pop. The match ends when 'Hacksaw' smacks Akeem over the back with his 2 by 4 and places Smash on top of him. Mercifully short. 4/10 Hercules v Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine: 'Rugged' Ronny Garvin starts the proceedings as ring announcer stammering through his weak insults against The Hammer. This match is absolutely hopeless as Greg gets the illegal pin with feet on the ropes over poor ol' Herc. Ronny puts a spanner in the works again as he informs the referee of the injustice and reverses the decision to disqualification in Hercules's favour. 2/10 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka v 'Million dollar man' Ted Dibiase: The only eventful thing that happens in this match was Snuka botching a reverse leapfrog and landing on top of Dibiase. The rest is rather boring as Snuka predictably gets distracted by Virgil as he attempts the Superfly splash on Dibiase. Snuka gets counted out chasing after Virgil but manages to get revenge by performing the move on Virgil after the match. 2/10 Hulk Hogan and Brutus 'Barber' Beefcake v 'Machoking' Randy Savage and Zeus: It's Savage's second Summerslam in the main event and the second time he was overshadowed - this time by a talentless actor called Tom 'Tiny' Lister. The match is mostly a brawl with 'Machoking' settling into Ted Dibiase's role the year previously carrying his partner through the match, noticeably giving him instructions throughout as Brutus looks convincing in his role of support as Hogan does his thing. Elizabeth plays her part as cheerleader. The match ends illogically because Zeus is portrayed as indestructible that even chair shots don't affect him yet it only takes a couple of Hogan clotheslines at the end to rock Zeus. Hogan takes the loaded purse and wallops Zeus in the face with it. Hogan completes the slam and running leg drop for the pin. 6/10 Overall, a great event that goes downhill featuring the lacklustre undercard matches at the end, especially after the excellent Intercontinental title match. With a bit of match reshuffling Summerslam 1989 would feel more balanced.

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Spawn Devil

He was the most powerful force in the universe, and the key to Randy `Macho Man' Savage's plan to destroy his bitter enemy, Hulk Hogan. His name was Zeus, a mountain of a man standing at nearly 7 feet and weighing around 300 pounds of solid muscle. Savage recruited Zeus in an effort to take down Hogan, who with his ally, Brutus `The Barber' Beefcake, battled Savage and Zeus in a tag team match to headline SummerSlam 1989. In the end, Hulkamania triumphed again when Hogan bodyslammed Zeus and hit the legdrop for the win! For the second year in a row, the Ultimate Warrior made history at SummerSlam by capturing his second Intercontinental Championship. Warrior defeated `Ravishing' Rick Rude, who five months earlier defeated Warrior for the title at WrestleMania V. The win would eventually lead to Warrior's epic title-for-title confrontation with Hogan at WrestleMania VI.SummerSlam 1989 The Brain Busters defeated the Hart Foundation Dusty Rhodes pinned the Honky Tonk Man Mr. Perfect pinned the Red Rooster The Rougeaus & Rick Martel defeated the Rockers & Tito Santana The Ultimate Warrior pinned Rick Rude to win the Intercontinental Title Demolition & "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan defeated Andre the Giant & the Twin Towers Hercules defeated Greg "the Hammer" Valentine by DQ Ted DiBiase defeated "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka by countout Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated Randy Savage & ZeusOverall Mark: C+

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This was a great wresteling event from 1989. It was held at the Medowlands Arena in New Jersey. I like the main event which was Hulk Hogan and Brutis "The Barber" Beefcake vs. The "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Zeus. That was a classic WWF Event. One other of the matches I thought was also great was Dusty Rhodes vs "The Honky Tonk Man." I will remember "The Blue Blazer" aka the late Owen Hart for his great wresteling matches including this one with "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning. Also, This was Andre The Giant's Last summerslam as he teamed up with The Big Boss Man and Akeem to take on "Hacksaw" Jim Duggin and The Rockers Shawn Micheals and Marty Jenatty. In anther great Match, This is a rematch from wrestlemaina 5, The Ultimate Warrior Tooked on "Ravishing" Rick Rude for the I.C. Belt and I loved it when the Warrior won his second I.C. belt. Rowdy Rowdy Piper was there, too. This was a great Pay-Per-Veiw.

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