Aim High
Aim High
NR | 18 October 2011 (USA)
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Good start, but then it gets ruined


From my favorite movies..


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

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****some spoilers****I've watched up to episode 5 so this show is alright. it has potential and i like jackson rathbone and the episodes really should be longer (like 45mins) but there's too much superficial, stereotypical "teenage"/highschool drama. such as the whole typical awkward, unpopular guy likes the popular girl with the popular jock boyfriend. and the fact that jackson's character is way too emotionally involved with amanda is annoying (too cliché) because i don't think they even know each other that well, yet he's willing to risk a lot for her. and its pretty unprofessional for him to mix work and school together by keeping his phone on during missions or carrying around personal information, even if it's hw. too many small, out of place type issues :/ but who knows, whenever the next season comes out, i hope it develops a lot more to the point where this show's target audience won't be only teenagers, but adults as well.UPDATE:I'm now on Season 2 episode 4 and I have to say season 2 is a hell of a lot better than season 1. There's more going on and the episodes are longer, yay. However, they did switch the actor for Marcus but the new Marcus is a good fit too, so I'm not complaining. And I like that they kept Dakota because a supporting female lead who can kick ass is always welcome in my book. But yeah I watched the episodes on crackle, unfortunately I don't know where to find the rest of season 2... Episodes 5-10 are no where to be found online :/ which sucks because I actually want to finish season 2 and hope for a 3rd season.

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After watching the trailer we had high expectation as it appeared consistent with any trailer from a feature or new hit fully budgeted TV show. We have to say it did not disappoint. We were looking for content, picture quality, acting and overall editing.Content: Getting the story line developed in such a short time frame is difficult, but I have to say they hit it spot on. Dolphin, Warner and McG have to be proud of this aspect. Overall I think Rathbone provided the perfect balance between comedy and action. He really lived up to the fame he earned in Twilight and this guy will be a star. This is a story line that any age group above 13 can enjoy. Given its duration of episode its perfect to watch for a quick break or a quick laugh.Acting: They had a perfect cast for this series. This is one that we would be surprised if its not remade into a TV show or Feature in the future or just enjoys a long duration in the online environment.Picture / Editing Quality: We saw nothing different than any feature. Constantly advancing technology, as McG put it, really enables productions to be done on par in almost any environment and budget. Amazing.

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