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  • Season 1 : 2015 | 3 Episodes

    EP1 Episode 1 Jul 06, 2015

    EP2 Episode 2 Jul 06, 2015

    EP3 Episode 3 Jul 06, 2015

    Trailers & Images

    Gripping story with well-crafted characters


    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    Lidia Draper

    Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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    One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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    Well, i tried really hard to watch this but after 50 minutes it's just another dull cops v vagabonds in space yarn. The most annoying thing though is the sound mix. The vocal dialogue is dreadful. Just a lot of mumbled voices struggling to be heard over the synthesizer music score...awful! Who ever edited the sound track should be shot! I really don't understand why music is more important than the dialogue in many of today's productions. Actors are forsaking their skill for some noisy and generally over dramatic and overbearing score. Not that the acting in this particular movie is anything to rant on about. To say it's average would be being nice. All in all then a rubbish attempt at sci-fi. Next....

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    I gave the first episode 5/10, but it had enough promise to keep me watching. Damn glad I did! The exposition is slow (which I love). Characters build steadily through some great reveals and plot twists.There's some great underlying tension between the characters, some real cliffhangers and a great bad guy :)It's definitely at the adult end of the spectrum, not something you want your kids watching, but that gives a mature, hard hitting edge that's missing from a lot of genre television at the moment. 4 episodes in and I cant wait for the rest. Definitely buying on boxset when it comes out.

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    Just finished watching the first three, and to this point (10th July 2015) only episodes available, this as an Australian Kickstarter Production, "Farscape" is the only Australian Sci Fi I to date have found noteworthy, Farscape was at the time of it's cancellation the most popular Sci Fi production airing on the "Sci Fi Channel" and was canceled due to poor management. Hopefully if this offering stays at least as watch-able as the first episodes were it's fate may be better! Please, if your into this kind of show, pay for it and support productions like this so we have a greater amount of content available, I wait impatiently for the next episodes!

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    It appears that Aussie genre falls into two categories.On one hand we have breakout successes like The Babadook - in which even the funding bodies themselves are so clearly clueless and un-supportive that the films escape and triumph over the very environment from which they emerge. A headstrong and smart director with a keen understanding of ALL genres but also an instinct for drama, performance and subtext that breathes life into the given genre.On the other hand we have "web series" such as Airlock which is so derivative and dull you have to question whether the creators themselves are to blame, or their inability to overcome the diabolical committee process from which they have most likely sprung.Hey, you've read this far, here's the short n' skinny in my humble opinion.The actors mumble, performances are flat. There is a smothering lack of charisma all round. Dialog is weak (deja vu, was some ripped from other movies?!) Plot and concept derivative - based around a series of exhausted SF tropes. The score is bland, derivative, insistent, loud (although not enough to completely drown the lifeless mumbling) clichéd and instructive. The visual effects although not altogether awful, are not even up to contemporary game standard. Design and costuming...generic Zero suspense.For a further comparison, and I do NOT mean budget, Falling Skies is infinitely better acted an directed and I think you'd struggle to call that 'great' television...much less touching Walking Dead or The Strain standard.No doubt it will have it's defenders, but it serves nobody to be elevating slop like this. 3 just for the effort.It's not necessary to to dream big to dream well.

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