Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down
Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down
TV-PG | 07 July 2014 (USA)

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Ionly saw this in my local sainsburys saying its a movie so when I found it for a pound in a charity shop I bought it.Now I don't normally review online but since its the 30th anniversary of Alistair Macleans death I felt like saying something.Boy oh boy what a disaster!For starters its not an Alistair Maclean novel its his plot written by John Denis.Alistair Maclean is my favourite thriller writer and I've read all 29 of his books but sadly the film versions are terrible.This one bears zero resemblance to the novel.The characters are so wooden woodpeckers could attack them!The action is fair but maybe its the idea that lets it down.A group of heroes with different abilities having to work as a team with a bit of comic relief is so 1980s.If it stuck to the book more and was made in the 1980s it might have worked better.

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First of all, it looks suspiciously like a remake of "Air Force One", but with a female president (in 2013). I have no recollection of an Alistair Maclean novel entitled "Air Force One Is Down", and I believe I have read them all. Could that not be the original title?A good mini series. Makes you wander, is that really possible?

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I'm sure Cilla Ware had put her effort in making Alistair Maclean's classic novel to life. This novel by Maclean have a very simple, classic storyline. It has a similar plot to the Air Force One starring Harrison Ford, but again, simplified.It all starts with the capture of a Serbian general, his admittance to a highly secured prison, the hijacking (in this film: the crashing) of Air Force One, and the demand to release the general in exchange for the President's life. I personally like the Air Force One better than this, because the way they infiltrated the plane is way better. Maclean only use sleeping gas which were easily slipped on board by some poker faced, unimportant maintenance technician. But then again, Maclean wrote this novel in 1981, not many ideas back then I guess (I prefer Where Eagles Dare, it suits the era better).The cast is good, you'll recognize many faces. It's good to see Emilie de Ravin again, in this movie play a feisty reporter who turns out to be a CIA operative, turns out to be an FSB agent. Yep, that's the plot twist I like the most...The most disappointing thing about this movie is they took many scenes from the Air Force One. I can easily recognize the scene when the plane flying above showing its underside, the scene when the plane lands (with military jeeps running alongside the runway), and when the plane is flying with F16's escort.It's a decent movie to kill your time. Just don't expect much.

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This is not bad for a TV miniseries. Don't expect too much and you'll have an entertaining few hours. It's got a likable cast. The plot has some cute little twists and turns.A Serbian war criminal (Rupert Graves - why does he keep smiling?) masterminds the downing of Air Force One. He arranges a swap for the President who is played by Linda Hamilton - one of my favorite actresses. Unlike many her age, she hasn't had plastic surgery and it's refreshing. On board is journalist played by feisty Emilie de Ravin (from Once Upon a Time). Jeremy Sisto plays a hero to the rescue with the aid of a British agent in the area.TV miniseries like this have a limited budget but at least this one gives the impression of some location shooting in Europe. Some of the locations are a bit repeated like the ruined castle but that's okay. Others are clearly just aerial shots or composites but it's fine.There isn't quite enough story for 3 hours. A 2 hour movie would have been sufficient. The first half is better - keeps you guessing. The second half has some fillers and too many last minute rescues. Why didn't the bad guys just shoot them straight away? Some of the banter is lame.Overall worth a watch.

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