TV-MA | 18 June 2015 (USA)

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    Excellent but underrated film


    A Masterpiece!

    Kaelan Mccaffrey

    Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

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    I get the whole thing with switching it up...gotta keep it fresh for the audience. So they introduced teams in season 4...that have to find each other in the terrain..and it seems to have been a grave mistake! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for reinvention when called for...this show wasn't there yet! They could have easily gone one or two seasons more with single survivor's (which the original concept is all about). Now contestant's are force to tap out because their partner do?! That's messed up! Especially in a show like this that is all about proving yourself. I'm just afraid that this show is heading towards a "survivor" kind of show, which this show was never about!! I seriously hope next season of alone is back to its former winning concept!

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    I am admittedly way late to this series - its July 2017 and I only just found it now and just endured the first couple of hours. And by endured I mean suffered through alternate periods of disbelief, boredom and perhaps even rage, at the stupidity and lack of preparation and experience of most of these guys.The premise of the show is not surprising, take a bunch of guys mostly from the USA, who think they know all about survival having been on a camping trip or two with the good old boys, read a couple of survival books (but ignored most of what was in them), watched a few youtube videos and probably been brought up on the typical "I am American" arrogant attitude of being experts at everything in their own mind.They all thought they knew the basics - it was lovely to see each one of them recite the abc's of what they needed to do first I think to convince themselves if no one else. Of course the prime ingredient to surviving in the outdoors is first having a strong mind, and it seems almost all of them forgot that at home when they left Yahoo USA to experience the real outdoors.Hoping to see some real bushcraft and display of knowledge and skill? Leave those hopes behind - there was almost none of it on display after the first 2 hours I watched. Just tears, moaning and groaning, in spades.The only plausible explanation I can think of is the producers did not tell them where they were going. And when they heard Vancouver Island, they missed the island part and only heard "Vancouver" and thought they were going to get a room at Ritz Carlton.Maybe there is something further along in the series, I hope so as after the first couple of episodes, had I been one of the participants I would have been afraid to ever show my face in public again.So your forewarned if your trying to decide whether to watch this show.

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    Someone posted, there isn't one documented wolf attack in history. You need to do some research. Many documented attacks plus 5 fatal attacks since 1989. Most recent attack, a 14 yr old boy in MN. He survived. A woman was killed by 2 wolves just a few yrs ago in Alaska.Just the lack of sunshine for so long will cause great psychological stress.Those that give it low ratings probably want a somewhat scripted/planned show like Survivor or Amazing Race.Of course its a slow paced show, no host to try and make it interesting, no competition for food rewards, no hype. It is just men left alone to record their daily struggles.

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    Being out there in the wilderness at night with no protection is no picnic, and I can tell you have never done it if you think it is.I can say this because I grew up in northern Canada, and as a kid we would chase away black bears and we saw them all the time when i went hiking with my friends. I was 12 at the time and a group of us would chase these bears away, we lived in a town of about 350 people up near Alaska, a small Canadian mining town, and so I got used to seeing all kinds of wildlife. There was one time an older black bear turned around and started charging back at us after we had chased it across a big baseball field at night, I have never ran so fast in my life, and the kids I was with ran as well, as there was no protection out there on a field with nothing to climb or hide behind, we had a golden retriever who was my family's dog, He had warned me more then once about some bear while camping or fishing, and had many times he had stood his ground protecting us, but that time he ran faster then all of us, and speed past me.I have also read all the stats about wolf and bear attacks, and while it is one thing to understand that there has not been any real wolf attacks documented, it has happened. And there are numerous bear attacks having been documented. There is a big difference between a timber wolf and a normal wolf. When I was around 15 years old, I went hiking and being a kid was oblivious to my surroundings. I was crossing a river, when I felt something, so I looked up, and there was a timber wolf staring at me also crossing the same river, it wasn't the usually way a dog looks at a person, it is very different, you could see he was trying to decide if I was food or not? It was super scary, the two friends I was with bolted, and having no choice at that time, I did the same. When he started to run at us I could tell he still hadn't decided what he was going to do, but it was just instinct. I got to a bunch of trees and climbed up them quickly and he stopped at the base of the tree and looked up. He then heard another hiker call out down the trail, and he gave me one last glance and bolted. if I was alone he might have decided to eat me, seriously, while most Hollywood portrayals of wolfs is ridiculous, attacks do happen, and a timber wolf is a real predator, unlike a normal wolf which i feel like I would have a chance against, a timber wolf is so much bigger and made to kill big prey. Their chests are huge, as well as their paws and teeth.Anyway, it seems like easy money this show, but to the credit of the people who have left, it is another thing when you are actually being stalked by the bear, all the way back to camp, that is serious behaviour and I have no doubt that such a bear would attack when it showed no fear, and actually showed aggressive behaviour. Admittedly wolfs, I would be less scared off, but is is still another thing to have no way of protecting one's self and no way to get help quickly. To those who think it would be easy, well, go try being in a tarp tent, without even a zipper, and see i you think you are as brave when a cougar, bear or timber wolf is scratching on your door.The best thing any of them can do is create a big fire at night, that would go a long way to scare away animals, and create some sort of protection. I can't wait to see anyone here who thinks it is easy to get out there at night, and see how they do. Again, it is a completely different thing to read stats, or to meet bears with the protection of a car, a good tent, even the protection in numbers, then when you are all alone, with no weapon, and know you are pumping fear hormones into the air. You have no idea how scary that can get, it is no wonder that the people who have had predators come back to their camp have left... I do not blame them, even having my experience with bears and wolfs. Maybe the show's producers should take people up on these forums who think it is easy.

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