Armed & Famous
Armed & Famous
| 10 January 2007 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2007 | 6 Episodes

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    Really Surprised!


    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    The first must-see film of the year.

    Jenni Devyn

    Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


    This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Reality TV was supposed to come and go like all of the other flavors of the week. But here it is the dawn of 2007 and what are we left with? "Armed and Famous." I'm not going to call it the first sign of the apocalypse, but don't be surprised if in some future episode Wee-Man gets called to a farm about a red calf being born.Satanic possibilities aside, the show is far from the worst reality offering that I have encountered. In my mind, celebrity based reality TV peaked with "Celebrity Mole: Hawaii" unfortunately, this is no "Celebrity Mole: Hawaii." It never rises to the sublime heights of "Celebrity Mole" or "The Surreal Life" but it also never plumbs the depths of American Idol's 14 weekly episodes.The casting decisions aren't bad. Even if I have no idea what she has done that would qualify her as famous, seeing Latoya (the crazy one) Jackson with a gun is compelling. And making Erik Estrada a real cop just might be the best bit of stunt casting since Paris Hilton was impaled on a giant pole in night shot then bukkaked on the poster of "House of Wax." The Network describes the first episode thusly: "The celebrities arrive in Muncie, Indiana to begin their training to become official reserve police officers. From their first meeting with the head of the Muncie police department, Chief Joe Winkle, the cadets realize they're no longer in Hollywood. Muncie's newest crime fighters are in for the challenge of their life as they learn about everything from firearms, hand-to-hand combat and what it's like to be on the receiving end of a taser gun. Upon completion of their training, the celebrities are issued badges and guns, partnered with veteran officers and immediately hit the streets. To these five celebrities, serving the people of Muncie is a tremendous honor, but will they be able to live up to the real life pressures of being ARMED & FAMOUS?" To answer all the questions that must be racing through your mind, yes, it does feel totally staged, yes there are arbitrary "uplifting" moments—like the sickeningly gratuitous episode closer where Trish Stratus, a former WWE star, ineptly tries to console a family after their house burns down. Yes Wee-Man does get shocked with a Taser and no, it's not that funny anymore. But, most importantly, yes, the stars are self deluded enough to actually be entertaining from time to time.Unfortunately, what should have been this show's core is totally passed over. By half way through the first episode, the whole gang is already certified police officers. This just seems like a waste. There is no way "Jack Osborne, police officer" is going to be as amusing as "Jack Osborne, wannabe police cadet." All we see of the training is the aforementioned Taser shocks, some boring and cursory gun and combat instruction and a pathetic and unfunny introductory lecture from the local police chief.Still, the show does have its' moments. Towards the end of the premiere, Estrada goes to arrest a crack dealer, (and by the way, who knew Indiana had so much crack? The show could almost be called "Celebrities in Crack City USA" but then, that brings to mind an entirely different program) who turns out to be a 75 year old woman who is thrilled to be arrested by "Ponch." She is maybe the most pleasant drug dealer of all time. So, that was fun.But the whole show doesn't hang together. There is no pacing. For example in the second segment there is, for no discernible reason, a scene of the celebrities trying to do laundry. Also, there are too many celebrities to follow. Wee-Man has screen presence, and Estrada and Jackson are amusing, but Osborne and Stratus are utter non-entities. This, coupled with the show's obviously staged early scenes is crippling.There is a good documentary to be made about the process of becoming a police officer, especially in this patriotism-hungry period. People are looking for heroes, and police and firemen could fill that need, but Erik Estrada and Wee-Man playing dress up with real guns just isn't going to cut it.

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    Armed and Famous is a version of COPS with reserve officers who are celebrities instead of sworn officers. It takes place in Muncie, Indiana (a former hometown of mine) and involves real situations.They are under the supervision of full-time sworn officers and have been through the required training to be reserve officers for the Muncie Police Department. In fact, they do have legal arresting powers as any other officer of the law.There are some "personal dramas" that occurred during the show that could have been better off on the cutting room floor, but all in all, it is the same show as COPS.

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    Just watched airport 75 the move and saw little Ponch. He's all grown up now but still looks good despite his age. This is a great show and I'm glad they included him in it. I wish he would do more acting then these silly infomercials I always see him on.This show is quite different then the typical "cops" show. There is some good talent on this cast as well. I hope it catches on!!! Tell your friends that Ponch is back. Strange how John never was remembered like good ol' Ponch. I have my DVD Recorder to always record upcoming shows so I don't miss them. Keep up the good work!Thanks for the Entertainment. Scott

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    I'm from Muncie, I loved the show. I was not a naysayer. I mean, if they show Muncie in a bad light, they show what's really there. I liked being able to point out some of the different places and areas of town they were responding to. I knew one of the people in the very first episode, so that amused me as well.I was able to find (probably intentional) an error! The site noted as the Muncie Police Academy is the gym of my former high school (still in operation!) But you can forgive them for that kind of creative liberty. LaToya asking for a tablecloth and a finger bowl at an establishment where spitting peanut shells on the floor-- hilarious! I'm glad the recruits took their jobs seriously and I'm happy with the entertainment it brought me!

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