Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica
TV-14 | 08 December 2003 (USA)

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To me, this movie is perfection.


A Brilliant Conflict

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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Carma Simonsen

This DVD was a Christmas present from my son in 2015. I binged on the entire series in a two-week period. As a writer, watching stories is a study in the art and craft no matter how hard I try to watch like a non- writer. I can't unlearn what I've learned about this ancient form of expression (storytelling). So forgive me if it seems I am nitpicking, and don't read this review if you don't want spoilers. Read this review if you are in the film industry and want feedback on how they pulled off this magical experience.During the first episodes, I commented to my husband that I thought the writer(s) were referring to Mormon mythology by naming a planet where gods and people lived together "Kobol". He confirmed my insight--Glen Larson was a Mormon, maybe still is, and so what. I was raised in Utah, part of a big Mormon family, and I left the church at a young age and never regretted my choice. I mention this because there is a lot of Mormon stuff in this series. There's nothing wrong with that, it is simply an interesting fact. Mormons teach that there is a planet on the other side of the sun where God lives with people, sort of. Mormons teach that God was once a man and that men (and women) can become gods (eternal fathers and mothers populating worlds). I could not help but see woven throughout this storyline and dialogue the inner struggle of one who has been taught both one true God and gods. The fact that the concept of the one true God came from the robots, the centurions, amuses me to no end. The significance of Free Will is a core value of the Mormon religion (and a few other religions tend to also chalk up everything that is "wrong" with the world/humans on free will)...that said, I will always cheer the moment of truth when the genius, Baltar, suddenly recognized that it is all God's doing and therefore it is all perfect as is... the universe unfolding as it should.The struggle between believing in fate/pre-destination and free will is ever present in this story. Was Starbuck pre-destined to be a crass drunken brother fracker? Was Ellen programmed to be a verbally abusive, manipulative wife? In a word, yes, for the sake of drama. Does art imitate life--does God love drama and is it true that God is having a good laugh? These views of suffering and evil are always treated the same by Christian/Western writers, and I have grown weary of this perspective which is so commonplace in America that most Americans are painfully unaware of how prevalent it is in our national culture, our collective creations, and the fact that a good chunk of humanity has a very different point of view.Eastern philosophy, Buddhism, Zen, Tao teaches that we are one with everything--you, me, trees, rocks, stars, dark matter--we are uniquely observing life and the on/off nature of it all. Egotism is the source of all suffering and evil. I would enjoy seeing more of this woven into future series.Bottom line, they pulled this off by creating a visually stunning soap opera. They know when and how to skim over inexplicable loose ends. Movies are about feelings, and they made us feel deeply. Well done!

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I know it might ruffle a few feathers, but I have always thought that the original "Battlestar Galactica" was a terrible series. That's because it seemed to be geared mostly to small kids and was far from a thinking person's sci-fi series. This mini-series (intended as an introduction to the series that followed) is quite the opposite--with most of the kiddie writing absent and a much, much slower and darker pace--and a lot of sexual situations. Not surprisingly, this mini-series a zillion times better--and it's a series that can be enjoyed with someone older than 8 but isn't great for younger kids. However, it is not perfect and with a few changes it could have been a lot better. As I mentioned already, the pace is almost glacially slow--and could have stood an injection of energy. Also, the use of the 'unsteady-cam' really annoyed me--and practically made me motion sick watching the scenes of individuals interacting. Additionally, a few of the characters were downright annoying--with Apollo being too annoying to be at all realistic. But it is still entertaining and worth a look--but I can't see quite why so many are REALLY enthusiastic about this series. It's good but could have been a lot better with just a few tweaks.

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Ryan Jafri

I believe this show is a great example of how acting and story come first, and not special effects. The story is superb along with the acting. Cylons mimicing humans is nothing new to the sci fi genre (Terminator) but still the way this tactic is interwoven into the human drama is what draws my attention.Unfortunately, at least for season 1, the special effects aren't too great. That shot of the Cylons during the title sequence marching through the door looks so pixelated, it's a wonder why the producers allowed that clip to be released. And this is after watching the entire season blu ray.I look forward to watching season 2, already on my Netflix waiting list.

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In a far away galaxy, a peace treaty between Cylons, a race of machines and the humans is broken. The Cylons being more advanced destroy the colonies that are inhabited by the humans until the only survivors that are left, are in space....In an old battle ship known as Battlestar Galactica.I read the other reviews and thought...It can't be that bad....And its not.... The show has a genuinely good cast who provide satisfactory performances; I liked the relationship between Captain Apollo and Commander Adama...I found Grace Park very beautiful.... And I thought that James Callis who plays Gaius to be hilarious....especially when he is the only one who sees Number six....Hilarious! The only thing I didn't like was Star Buck and Cononel Tigh....they didn't do much expect fight...Overall a satisfactory TV show and I will definitely watch the TV show.

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