TV-PG | 23 April 1989 (USA)
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  • Season 11 : 2000 | 22 Episodes

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    Tied for the best movie I have ever seen


    A brilliant film that helped define a genre


    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    Brennan Camacho

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    sand, beautiful boys and girls, not real credible stories, few family/sentimental problems, love, courage, heroes, few crumbs of crime, high noble duty and, sure, David Hasselhoff again and again. after so many years, it represents only fragments of memories. and that is enough because, out of eroticism and childish situations, nothing does it interesting. but, like the old toys, it has a kind of charm who preserves a honorable status. because its not complicated ingredients was perfect escape tools from every day pressure. because it represents a kind of open window and a place from exotic but useful fairy tale. a long chain of scenes and dialogs, a nice music creates between its viewers . and that fact could be the only important thing about it. because, in a lost age, it was a phenomenon.

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    Baywatch was a good show,for start,i love the first season but i hate second season.The first season was great first i like Characters like were Trevor Cole,Capt.Don Thorp and Jill Riley,i love Trevor he was really good,but i can understand when he left the show,we never found out what happened with hem,then was Capt.Don Thorp i really like't him he remind me on Higgins from Magnum p.i.,he was funny he talked about his life,in the episode the sky is falling,he won't to be a lifeguard again so he go in the tower were Eddie and Shauni work and he drives them crazy,he was really funny or in episode Shelter Me he was go to auditing and he met Trevor and best episode was we need a vacation,when Thorp's wive throw him out of his home,he come to Mitch and he enjoys to be single guy,he was the best here,then was Jill i was really in love with her but was really sad when she dies in episode Shark Derby and than was episode The Big Race when Shauni won't to left Baywatch because Jill dies and only Shauni was that who don't wont to forget her best friend and she cares about her.Then was second season first it bothers me that they changed The man title soundtrack and then was that the only David Hasselhoff,Billy Warlock and Erika Elinak were only stars but were was the other stars and what happened to Capt.Thorp they killed him,he was not funny anymore,he was not regally guest anymore, what the hell happened,and than was no beautiful girls anymore,and what happened to Brandon Call he was better for the roll off Mitch Buchannon's son Hobie,how Jeremy Jackson stay to 9 season,and the only life's was Mitch,Eddie and Shauni,but what about others life's,were was Capt.Thorp.But than came season 3,and was better then season 2,The episode were i like was River off No Return,were Mitch,Hobie,Eddie and Shauni were on the kayak in river and they were going with the rafting and in the end Eddie and Shauni get married and they left the show.Than was Pamela Anderson as C.J.Parker and Nicole Eggert as Summer Quinn and David Charvet as Matt Brody,i didn't like him but the season hat it great episodes,season 3 is better as season 2,the best episode's in season 3 was Vacation (1& 2) were the ship were the guys were,was hijacked Mitch save Stephanie and Matt save the ship it was beautiful,even season 4 was great but when Nicole Eggert left the show Matt was involved with C.J. how's that happened and they live in a boat like was Eddie and Shauni,are they doing a copies or something,why lifeguards must be involved in love,why the not get some other partners,not whit someone they work,i hate Capt.Ben Edwards he was bad character,thank god he'was gone,i hate Matt Brody he was actually bad character,then was Logan Fowler he was bad character,but i love season 8 were J.D. come's in the show, played by Michael Bergin he really convince me,J.D. he was hundred times better than Matt Brody was,then was the girls i'like Pamela Anderson,she was the star of the show,then was Alexandra Paul i love her in season 4 she was great in season 5 she was bad than was Neely Capshaw every body hate her,but she was the best,she was only bad girl in this show,but she was also great but in season 8 she was not regular,played by three actress first was Heather Campbell,second was Gena Lee Nolin and third was Jennifer Campbell in season 9,than was Yasmine Bleeth as Caroline Holden,Stephanie's sister,then was Nicole Eggert as Summer Quinn,and the last Kelly Packard as April Geminski this were the actresses i love in this show.The best actor's and character's in this show were David Hasselhoff as Mitch Buchannon he was the best character ever,great father,best friend,great Lt.and Capt. and best lifeguard ever,David Hasselhoff was the best actor and producer,he helped some people with this show,i' remember when some guy watch this show and he save young boy's life,thank's to this show,it'was the best show ever,they show us what it mens too be a lifeguard,then was Michael Newman as Newmie and Jeremy Jackson as Hobie,they were great characters,the best character ever was Cody Madison,played by David Chokachi,he was a good guy,he stole the show,i remember in season 8 episode Missing he try everything to save that girl's life,who was missing in the water,he was the best character ever,he an J.D were the best characters ever it was really bad when he was gone from the show,to bad that David Chokachi not return with his character in Baywatch movie.The best season for me was,season 8,when J.D.,April and Lani come's,played by Carmen Electra .The show was great,beautiful sun,beautiful ocean,beautiful beach,great girls,it was all great.Then was lifeguards personal life's and it was action,great soundtrack I Will Be There,but some seasons were bad.I' read some comment that he say that most off people hate the show and he asked why we were watching it,when they hated.Maybe i can explained.We were watching because it was on TV,because it was nothing else on TV so we watching the show,some episodes were good,most of guys see the TV show and they see beach and beautiful girls and most of them dreams to be in there with beautiful girls,that's why the show run's so long on TV.From the first season to nine season were great,but when the show was over and come title Baywatch Hawaii in ten and eleven season,it was really bad,other actors,different soundtrack,they carry no more red suit,they were no more in Los Angeles and i really hated this show so i dint see needer one of this episodes,but i'watch movie Baywatch Hawaiian Wedding and it was the best movie that they did,they bring back Mitch and others actresses and actors even Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa was a guest star it was the best movie.Baywatch was good show some episodes were good some bad or boring.

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    Baywatch is only ever interesting when David Hasselhoff was saving the day. His fluffy rounded hair bobbing up and down in slow motion along a beach was the only thing worth watching as well as his well toned mature body being revealed from that tight red jacket.He fit on the beach like bread and soup, he appeared so natural on Baywatch, his pure brilliance as a person really brought out the best in David as an actor. I love David Hasselhoff and was gutted to see him leave Baywatch. He was so inspirational and caring in his professional job he kept the show moving and exciting.p.s David Hasselhoff made Baywatch boring

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    I already watched Baywatch when it was first showed in Germany in 1990 and I still love it-but only the first season.Baywatch was just getting worse after the first season,and since Pamela Anderson appeared they should really have canceled it immediately.The plots became foolish and the acting was getting horrible-but the breasts of the "actresses" became bigger.The whole "Baywatch Babes"-thing completely ruined the show-what a pity! So I really enjoy watching the first 23 episodes when such actors as Parker Stevenson,Shawn Weatherly and John Allen Nelson made me laugh and having a good time.Yes-I have to confess that I mostly enjoy the episodes with John Allen Nelson,for he is the cutest and sexiest lifeguard that ever played in Baywatch-there's just no one like him! When I watched "Hawaiian Reunion" I was surprised how good-looking he still is,and even if the plot of the film was ridiculous and absurd,it was worth watching it-because of John Allen Nelson.

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