Being Erica
Being Erica
TV-14 | 05 January 2009 (USA)

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  • Season 4 : 2011 | 11 Episodes

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    This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


    Good concept, poorly executed.


    A different way of telling a story

    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    Tan Nguyen

    I have finished watching three seasons, and I can't express how much I love this show (especially Erin Karpluk :-)). Watching this TV show is like finding the love of my life. I'm very addicted to it, and I can't wait to see the next season. There are so many things I love about this TV series:Basic concepts: It's always exciting to see room switches when a patient or the therapist opens a door. And I also love how Erica's appearance changes when she travels back in time. Erin looks really cute and adorable when she plays a teenager.I love the fact that this show does not centre on a teenager but a thirty year-old woman. Our society tends to think: young=beautiful, adult=boring, age 30=the end of lifeBut the truth is, we are still alive, and we grown-ups still experience new things everyday. And as we should already know, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.It's also good to learn a bit about the Jewish culture. I have never met a Jew in my life (at least, as far as I can be sure of), and I wanted to learn about Jewish cultures and traditions some time ago.Actors: Erin Karpluk and Michael Riley are definitely the best choices for the leading roles. Their acting skills make you feel exactly what you are supposed to feel. You laugh and cry with their characters, and you fully understand their thoughts and feelings. Of course, a good TV show also needs good supporting actors. I can't name them all but I'm sure you won't be disappointed about Reagon Pasternak, Kathreen Laskey, John Boylan, Joanna Douglas, Tyron Leitso, and many others.Plot: Beside the main plot which has been already summarised by someone else on this IMDb page, there are many twists and turns, and other Unexpectancies. Without giving too much away, I can say that this show is more than just another flicker on the "Butterfly effect" problem. It teaches us a lot about life, and how to solve problems in our private and business lives. You really learn something in each episode, and it really does make you THINK! In the first series, Erica travels through her past times to fix her regrets in order to solve her present problems. In the second season, we learn more about the "Therapy World". Dr Tom is not the only therapist who can send you through time (including future). There are at least three other therapists like him (two men, and one woman). As we learn during this season, Dr Tom used to be a patient too. In fact, he used to be totally wrecked before he became a doctor. In the third season, Erica joins a group therapy with Dr Tom's four other patients. This therapy is the second phase before the final one: Becoming a therapist.Music: Especially the opening theme song "All I ever wanted to be" by Lily Frost. I can't stop listening to it. It suits to Erica's character perfectly. You will also enjoy two songs performed by Sebastion Pigott (who plays the patient Kai). My favourite one is the song "Alien Like You".

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    For those out there looking for a rare treasure in television shows, look no further than "Being Erica". For those in the U.S. PLEASE overlook that it's on SoapNet. When I was first referred to the show & saw that it was on SoapNet I had my doubts. I'm so glad that I didn't let the network stop me as by the end of the show, I was hooked and left wanting more. The writing for this show is brilliant, intelligent, thought~provoking, and done in a way that's funny and relatable. I cringe however after reading somewhere else that this show may become "American~ized and premiere on a major network". I hope not. Why? Because I cannot see anyone other than Erin Karpluk portraying Erica Strange. Ms. Karpluk gives a phenomenal performance as Erica Strange (you hear that Hollywood producers & directors?). The rest of the cast, including Michael Riley, as Dr. Tom give great performances as well. I would LOVE to see a book with all of Dr. Tom's quotes in it as well as Erica's insights that she has at the end of each show. Thank you so much to the actors, director, producers, and writers who make this show A MUST SEE!!! : D

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    I watched my first episode two days ago (which was the third I think) and I enjoyed it! It is funny, contains beautiful people and MAKES YOU THINK too. This opposed to most series lately (I know I sound like an old person) I think it's great we have a new show with a little bit more brains and serious life than most shows we've seen in the tradition of Sex and the City (which is a lot of fun! But shallow at the same time). I hope it makes people realize there's more to life than looking beautiful. I think it's brilliant that Erica is not perfect! And the fact she wears normal clothes and is intelligent makes my boyfriend watch it with me too :) The only thing that I am confused about is the absence of the idea that whatever you change in the past, will change yourself and others and everybody's lifes.. I miss this, but I realize too it would be an unbelievable task to implement this in the show. Then maybe it's just good as it is. Recommendation!

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    What can I say, form the beginning to the end, the show hits the nerve of all feeling, sometimes struggling 30+ women and men. There are few shows enough, that hit right where they have to do, like "lie to me", "firefly" or "in treatment". So what is more humanly than people, who do make a lot of comprehensible and sometimes live changing choices, but still are able to forgive and so been forgiven?! Ever changing, self critical, life affirmatively and heart warming souls like Erica Strange - clearly benefiting from Erin Karpluk - are the ones, which make life just worth living. If I wouldn't new, that this is a TV show and the characters are mastermind views of manifold daily story's, I'd just be overwhelmed and hopelessly falling in love with Erica/Erin. And by not being gay, saying, even the guys are well painted, I'm looking forward to see a lot more of this. Canada/Canadians, another 10 points to love YOU.

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