| 17 June 2006 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2006 | 2 Episodes

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    The greatest movie ever made..!

    Roy Hart

    If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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    Nayan Gough

    A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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    The movie is surprisingly subdued in its pacing, its characterizations, and its go-for-broke sensibilities.

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    After a little study of Blackbeard and eagerly awaiting this DVD to arrive I was thoroughly disappointed with the historical account of Blackbeard. From start to finish it was not a true story.. yes, it was a boat at sea.. but it was a sloop, not a three masted big boat.. He also was given his command by the commander who he sailed for.. Successful pirates often sailed with a small fleet. Edward Teach was Captain of one of this pirate's sloops. After his boss retired, Edward continued pirating. A shrewd and calculating leader, Teach spurned the use of force, relying instead on his fearsome image to elicit the response he desired from those he robbed. Contrary to the modern-day picture of the traditional tyrannical pirate, he commanded his vessels with the permission of their crews and there is no known account of his ever having harmed or murdered those he held captive. So, by calling this movie The true story of Blackbeard is wildly misleading. His real life story is far more interesting than this movie, I would suggest anyone who wants a more realistic account of Blackbeard to search for "Blackbeard The Real Pirates Of The Caribbean", James Purefoy as Black Beard.

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    Jer Sockbat

    A few nights ago I was flipping through the channels and I came upon a treasure chest full of sh**(Blackbeard), but being the generous soul I am I decided to give this movie a chance: That was my first mistake. I hated this movie from start to finish, because I quickly learned that Blackbeard was a Captain Jack Sparrow wannabe. He dressed like Sparrow; walked, talked and acted like Sparrow and just might be the "next best thing" but not quite Sparrow! Sorry I lied Blackbeard isn't "the next best" at anything, the pirate that was at my third birthday party was more of man then Blackbeard. It doesn't end there, this movie wouldn't be complete without Zoroish Bandits, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Governor Swann, and Bad-Acting Pirates. Note this people I wasn't expecting much when I started watching this "film" and I use the term loosely, I just expected at least a history channel esq documentary at best, but instead I got a Pirates of the Caribbean rip off. I would rather play in a radioactive waste dump then endure another 160 minutes of this piece of trash. So, I hope this film rots at the bottom of Davey Jones' Locker with the rest of the Pirates of the Caribbean rip offs.

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    Based on the descriptions appearing on the front and back cover of the movie case, one would expect this movie to chronicle the life and times of Blackbeard. Instead the movie focuses more on a fictional love story than the historical figure for which it is titled. Blackbeard's more notable conquests and actions are not even eluded to. One would think given 169 minutes they might have squeezed in a little something more. His reputation with no specifics is only referenced. This film unfortunately is primarily focused on a fictional love story. There are far more elements of fiction than fact in this film.In short, much like judging a book by it's cover, do not buy/view this movie based on it's box.

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    The movie is set in the early part of the 18th century. However, when they site a French ship early in the story, it is flying the blue, white, and red flag of modern France which did not come into existence until the French Revolution some 75 years later.It would also help if there was more character development. For example, other than duty, it is not clear what is motivating the hero to undertake the mission which serves as the basis upon which the story is built.The settings, which I understand were built in Thailand, are also well constructed and believable as being in the Bahama Islands almost 300 years ago and provide good backgrounds for the scenes.

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