Blue Thunder
Blue Thunder
| 06 January 1984 (USA)
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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 1984 | 11 Episodes

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    Who payed the critics


    Purely Joyful Movie!


    Highly Overrated But Still Good

    Mischa Redfern

    I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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    one season?!?!?I feel like i've been searching for this show since it aired, and no amount of Gipper era propaganda guilt can keep me from enjoying it. You see, this was back when studios would pay for actual helicopters and actual airplanes to preform ridiculously dangerous stunts for the enjoyment of the viewing public. And sure, is it cheesy, you bet, in the best 80's way possible, and sure, it's not deep or complicated or profound, thats what actual life is for. It's just an a$$kicking show about a superhelicopter and the cowboys who love her.In terms of mst3k worthy 1984 pop culture... Dana Carvey(who would have thought Beatles impressions would go out of style?)!?!? Bubba Smith!?!?!? In Leather?!?!? and saying poetry like " sophistication is a state of mind."?!?! George Gaynes as the professor who created Blue Thunder!? A Twin Peaks Van Horne?!?!? Semi ancient current events plots involving revolutionary forces against Eva Peron?! Helicopter gun turret double entendres?! It's all here folks.And you might say, this guy just has an action helicopter fetish, and you'd be right, but there is something redeeming in the simplicity of this show. Seven seasons may have been to much for the story arc, but i could do with another season.

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    Though this show was named after the movie, and even used the same model helicopter as the movie, it was nothing like the movie.The whole point of the movie was to warn people about the over-militarization of big-city police departments, and about the dangerous scapegoat treatment given to the residents (usually minority residents) of a city's poorer quarters. In the half season this series ran, none of that survived. Instead, a sympathetic crew takes on the kind of case you never hear about in real life, because it never happens.What a cop-out. At least Airwolf had a more believable basic premise, and ironically came closer to the premise of the Roy Scheider movie: just because the government has a cool gadget, doesn't mean what the government means to do with it is just as cool.Then again, the movie was thirty-one years ahead of its time. This series was a product of its time, just as shallow, and suffering even more for its hackneyed writing and the wooden performances of its regulars.

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    A shame that the TV series didn't follow the movie of the same name - namely being more adult.By being more family friendly, it effectively watered down the show.It's still watchable, but the scripts haven't aged well.And 'Rolling Thunder' as ground support didn't really gel. Just really a big van with a 4x4 that rolled out the back..............which wasn't even bulletproof, unlike Blue Thunder itself.As I say, a shame as the subject matter (an urban police enforcement chopper) could have been far better - as it is, it'll always play second fiddle to Airwolf.

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    This show made no sense sometimes.And how did they get Blue Thunder back on line after it was crushed by a train.And Bubba Smith on a copter that is like a can inside the cockpit.This show was a flaw show.Stick with Airwolf.

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