TV-PG | 17 February 2014 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2015 | 39 Episodes

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    Highly Overrated But Still Good


    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    Neive Bellamy

    Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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    This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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    Breadwinners is a good show. This show is creative and sometimes funny.SwaySway – A tall, thin duck who comes from a line of bread delivery ducks. SwaySway pilots the rocket van with his best friend (or "bap"), Buhdeuce. He is in love with a nonspeaking duck named Jenny Quackles. His signature move is "party punch," where his fist enlarges prior to launching off his arm and punching.Buhdeuce – A short, round duck who is SwaySway's best friend and navigator in bread delivery. Buhdeuce is depicted as scatterbrained and inattentive. His signature moves are his "booty kick," where he kicks with his rear end, and "six-pack punch," where a fist comes out of his chest and punches. Buhdeuce's catchphrases are "Yep! Yep!" and "Aw, bubble nuggets!"

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    Some of the characters are Spongebob Ripoffs! Here, I will explain.Swaysway and Buhduce (Seriously, who named them) are both Low Intelligence best friends, That's Spongebob and Patrick. (Well, Spongebob has common sense.)Jelly is basically another Gary, having a plot to herself about trying to stop some...Green Panda from Killing the ducks (I cant believe I called them the ducks knowing they bare resemblance to one) and getting blamed for it. "a pal for Gary" Did it first.T. Midi (How do you spell that?) Is a grouchy guy that hates Swaysway and Buhduce. That's Squidward's role, seeing that he dislikes Spongebob and Patrick.Ketta is basically a Science/Mechanic type of person who makes stuff that has no explanation. Sandy does that stuff too, but sometimes she does karate.Pumpers owns his own restaurant, and is pretty greedy, constantly asking for money and tips... Mr. Krabs, Anyone?Anyone getting the hint now? These "Characters" are basically copying the traits from Spongebob. Nickelodeon, where did your Originality go?

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    At first, I hated this show to death, but now, I just hate it because it had wasted potential. I like video games, and so does the creators, and I love the video game references, it's better than throwing in the Mario bros or Pacman, but they mostly waste the writing effort on gross out humor, 90's lingo, and annoying rapping. Outside of this show, the writers are OK people, including Bill and Bob, but Wasting a crazy and cool concept on Farting and 90's lingo doesn't really give your show good ratings, and that's why Nickelodeon canceled it, also because of Spongebob. What I like about the show is the animation, in the TV Series, it has 8- bit/flash animation, It's silhouette friendly and Most of the characters are great and colorful characters in the series, Swaysway and Buhdeuce are meh, they're annoying characters. With all those aspects used more, it could've earned a 3rd season, but due to the Overuse of Gross out and 90's lingo, it never made the mark. Keep the Booty Kick thing, but try to use your good aspects, I mean the music is Great and reminiscent to 80's and 90's video games in which the creators loved as kids, but The writing, isn't, The characters can be in any situation,For example:an Octopus eats up the rocket van while T-Midi,Swaysway and Buhdeuce go crazy and fight each other for survival in order to live their final hoursorSwaysway and Buhdeuce stupidly eat a bread that causes them to Hallucinate that they're in a Rob Zombie universesomething like that, what I'm trying to say here, is that They have great characters, Impressively done animation, and Nicely executed Setting that they could make many stories in, but they choose to overuse Photoshop. In shows like Fish hooks,Spongebob,Brandy and Mr Whiskers, TTG or Uncle Grandpa, the Photoshopping has a purpose, It could be used for backdrops ans picture frames,Realistic objects,or just as props and Backgrounds, what Fish Hooks does to use the Photoshop tool to the Finest, is that a background Designer draws the Background and then they use Photoshop to texture, and fill the scenes with great realistic features in the Fish's perspective and to even amaze the audience in what you can do with Photoshop, how the Breadwinners does it is by putting it on the Ducks faces and the bread, Putting the Photoshop on the Bread is where they should've stayed at, Putting it on the ducks only makes your background characters one dimensional, with Fish Hooks, it uses it for the characters that aren't Marine Life, that way it's Experimental. Breadwinners should've kept all it's good attributes with them

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    I loathe this show. It's hard to believe this came out of Nickelodeon of all things. This show has some of the laziest animation ever made. Animation off the internet has more effort put into it. Most of the "jokes" are fart jokes. For some reason, the characters frequently shake their butts at you for long periods of time. Who thought that was a good idea? The concept is that they drive in a van strapped to a rocket and they deliver bread to people. I think that the concept of the show speaks for itself. Breadwinners eviscerates every single one of my brain cells with its stupidity. Since Breadwinners ended up being SUCCESSFUL, it proves that seven year-olds will watch almost anything. I wouldn't even use this show for torture. I mean, I'm not THAT cruel.

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