TV-14 | 10 July 2013 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2013 | 10 Episodes

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    Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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    All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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    Camp takes classic motifs and life lessons and gives it a modern twist and a hint of sarcasm and comedy. I was especially surprised at myself that I became such a fan of a show like this and yet I can't get enough. Creating the setting based around a family summer camp was ingenious, kind of an escape from the overused hospital or police station backgrounds. The unknowns that make up the teen actors, like Thom Green, Tim Pocock, Dena Kaplan, Lily Sullivan, Charlotte Nicdao, and Charles Grounds, each give their all by showing intense acting talent, both funny and dramatic. I always look forward to the next episode and I desperately hope that this well-written and inspiring show gets renewed by NBCUniversal next season.

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    I caught the first one of these and was skeptical as we don't have things like camp in the UK. So I thought id watch it just to get an insight of American summer holidays. (away from spring break). I thought it was for children but was pleasantly surprised that it was a family show with lots of adult themes, coming of age and relationships. This is a must for anyone who like the feel good factor and the normal every days struggles in life even in holiday season. The characters really pull you into there personality's and make you feel what they are experiencing. The whole feel of the show is a lovely joyful experience and one i am glad to be able top watch due to the wonder of the internet. Well done guys.

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    Am i the only one that thinks the whole cast of Dance Acacemdy is in this show??? Well... I at least know what happened to Abigal and Ethan over their summer holiday away in Spain (Wink-Wink... Nudge-Nudge)Just having a laugh to myself, Anyway. Wow, What can i say. I love this show. I think it brings out what actually happens at summer camps. The teen romance and drama, the activities, the fun, the ups and downs and well everything what i think a US summer camp should look like. I love the show. Not because i go to see Tim Pococks abs for like 5 minutes. I just paused and just stared... BUT the fact that I also seen some of the actors grow up on Dance Acacemdy, shows me that they can do something other than dance. And play different characters. Also half the cast are Australian, so i love it anyway.My point is, its a teen romance, comedy, adventure, mostly a teen related show and what happens at camp. I love it, and hopefully so do you!!! Enjoy!!!

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    I hadn't seen any previews for this show and just happened to stumble upon it. I actually really enjoyed show, and was pleasantly surprised. While the situations in the show may be somewhat unrealistic, it reminds me of some older movies depicting shenanigans at camp. If you don't sit and criticize a fake TV show for being "unrealistic," it's quite enjoyable to just sit back and enjoy the character development. It's obvious they tried to make the characters cover a wide range in an attempt to appeal to multiple ages, from high school, to college, to middle aged. Character development seemed to get off to a promising start. I find myself looking forward to next episode and hoping they continue to reveal more about characters' pasts and different sides to them. Most of the situations set up for future episodes didn't seem to promise emotional drama (except possibly one), but instead seemed to imply chances for the characters to grow and form relationships in future episodes. This show may appeal to more of a slightly younger crowd, such as myself. As always, though, it is difficult to predict if a show will continue its promising start. I thought the first episode left the door open for a show that I will enjoy watching in the future. I hope they take it in the right direction.

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