TV-14 | 14 October 2015 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2015 | 80 Episodes

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    hyped garbage


    I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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    I am a big fan of Celia Cruz. I loved her. She was a unique world-class talent. I don't know where to start in listing the worst aspects of the telemundo series. But It may be helpful to start out by saying that, despite the fact, that they cast an excellent singer in the role, she rarely sang. I scanned through the ridiculous story line to find moments where she was actually singing. Not surprising they got the racial aspects all wrong for Cuba at the time. Celia was a black singer, singing an African based musical form they could've done so much to educate the audience about its origins and history. Despite the fact that Cuba has many people of mixed race at that time black people knew who they were and Sonora Mantancera was predominantly a black group. Almost all of the plot lines were ridiculous.But most egregious was the depiction of Pedro Knight as a horny buffoon. Shame on Telemundo!

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    Francisco Casals

    Celia, a fictional narrative inspired in real life legend Celia Cruz, started high and strong but as the series progressed it just went down hill. The disclaimer at the beginning of each episode stating that is a "fictional account of Celia's life" sounded to me as an excuse to justify the "Telenovela treatment" given by the Director and writers. Although beautifully filmed and with a VERY strong cast, the poor writing, historical inaccuracies and inconsistency in the characters aging really hurt the story. Filler characters and sub-plots such as Mario (the unrelatable, spineless and overly silly best friend) that was not only annoying but it had no use in the main storyline. The homosexual relationship between Celia's cousin Gamalier and the dance choreographer Rene was a promising sub-plot (portraying a homophobic Cuban Regime) became a sinking ship in slow motion. They make the viewers care for this couple only to give an off-screen death to Gamalier and having Rene committing suicide, even the timeline of the events have inaccuracies. Nuris, Celia's jealous sister, was a hard-to- dislike villain (thanks to Aida Bossa incredible acting) that was reduced to be a one-dimensional character that only became more annoying over time. Nuris ( who is suppose to be Celia's older sister) the aging process had a lot of discrepancies (a problem across the board in the series) particularly when, after transitioning from "young" Celia to "old" Celia actresses Nuris remained being played by "young" Nuris and when they finally aged her the "old" Nuris the other actress failed to seamlessly portray the same character, they're not even physically similar. Another failure character was Oscarito (Celia's surrogate son), that was supposed to make Celia happy and protect her, yet he couldn't protect her from Eliezer's machinations and just became an adornment in the plot. A highlight, Lola Calvo (character loosely based on real-life singer La Lupe), masterfully played by Carolina Gaitan (young-self) & Marcela Gallego (old-self) was another promising plot line that suffered from the Telenovela treatment reducing the character to a melodrama cartoon along with her Step-father/Lover Eliezer which also was unnecessary to bring back into the plot after he was sent to jail (another one-dimensional character with aging inconsistencies). The aging process was a big fail across the board with many characters, there was not attention to detail, constant errors that eroded the world the story tried to capture. The accents inaccuracies were another big issue: You had Cuban characters with Colombian accents such as a child Celia, Ollita, at times old Nuris among others. Clearly, the Director failed here, this accents inaccuracies hurt the credibility of the story. As a writer and director myself who's currently developing a fictional biography (that is not based on a real-life person) I have to spend a LOT of time in historical research and attention to details in order to make a fictional world entirely believable... something that failed miserably in this TV series.

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    Albert Vasquez

    WARNING!!! MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS!!!What started off as a promising biopic/series filled with energetic performances and musical numbers, tragically failed to get it right in the long run. The series was given 80 episodes to tell the story of a legend (80 EPISODES) and yet wasted most of the show's run showing us irrelevant character story lines of people that didn't even really exist; they were fictional characters. The director felt the need to fill in some gaps with stories that not only dragged, but had absolutely nothing to with Celia or her accomplishments. Eventually these story lines became the center of attention for most episodes. Mario, Raquel, Myrelys, Renee, Lola Calvo; all characters who pretty much took more screen time away from the principal artist herself. They wasted so much time on scenarios that weren't needed and characters that had no real meaning to the story line that sadly, the last 15 episodes were rushed. Jumping 10 years within one episode. One of the biggest disappointments was the portrayal of Celia's career with Fania Records in the 1970's. The 70's was when Celia Cruz was at her prime. I anticipated seeing her in that prime; perform at large venues (similarly to her Madison Square Garden concert scene in the first episode) I was hoping to hear all the great songs she recorded and performed with Fania. I wanted to see more of her friendship with Johnny Pacheco and others like Willie Colon, Hector Lavoe and Pete El Conde. We didn't get any of that in this show, instead we got 3 of her hits, 1 of which was only heard as background music. We had two archive concert footage of the real Celia performing in Yankee Stadium and Africa. No scenes recreated, no effort what so ever and her 1970's prime was only shown within 5 episodes, most of which consisted of Mario, Raquel and Myrelys love triangle story line that was not needed or wanted. I was hoping to see and hear more. It was way too little bit of music and performances for a show with so many time on its hands.I wanted to see more of Celia and her life. I get that supporting roles are needed and I would've wanted that as well, but with characters who meant something to Celia or her career. People who contributed professionally and personally like Johnny Pacheco. Why not show us more of the artists who were apart of her life and music? Those artist who were her friends? They did succeed in the beginning with the supporting roles of Myrta Silva and Rogelio Martinez; that's what we needed more of, those characters.Now Lola Calvo. This character was adored as a fictional secondary character. She was a friend who happened to be an aspiring artist as well. Then we find out she based on Latina legend soul singer, La Lupe. Then we see her character get treated with the utmost disrespect and become annoying, hateful and just pathetic. It was a slap in the face to La Lupe and her legacy. For starters, La Lupe wasn't raped as a teen or young adult; she didn't have a step father her real father loved her very much and was very supportive. She came from a happy family who adored her; her mother was always apart of her life. Her music career was the greatest of any Latino entertainer of that time in that genre of music. She was never friends with Celia. She never spoke bad of or even mentioned Celia ever. Their only negative encounter was in 1978 when La Lupe had jokingly remarked that Pedro Knight was a santero, which angered Celia. That was it. I had high hopes for this, they had so much potential. Most biopics get 2 hours or less to tell the story of a legend and many fail to tell the full story because of it. Celia had 80 EPISODES and ended up rushing through the years in the end. There was no need for that. It failed in many ways and I'm truly disappointed.

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    I have been watching Celia since day 1 and it was great upto they just dismissed Gammy and left us hanging that he was never found or the boat his story was carried on for so many days and then finally he was just cut off and so was Rene, they continued with Mario, Raquel, Lola and her two lovers, of course Celia and Pedro, but they just got rid of the gay couple, (Not cool)! They even kept Nori up to this day and then last night all of a sudden she has a daughter and husband, (No story line on that) Celia's little wanna be son is all of a sudden grown, (what's up with that?) the start of this series was awesome and all of a sudden they just started speeding through everything, including Alberto was cut off, come on dude, you screwed up after you just started speeding through after Gammy, Now Lola's step-father comes back as this reborn manipulating preacher and stupid Lola still falls for it, can she be any more stupid, would really like to know how could you just cut off the gay couple, there is a Gay Latino population here to. don't get me wrong I'm only watching it because I want to see what surprise you have for us at the end and at this point I have a big feeling, I'm going to be disappointed

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