TV-MA | 21 October 2000 (USA)

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  • Season 21 : 2020 | 21 Episodes

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    Let's be realistic.


    The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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    Mehdi Hoffman

    There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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    Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

    The movie really just wants to entertain people.


    I've been a fan of this show ever since it made its debut. First off, I must say that it's a good show. Also, I haven't seen every episode. However, if you ask me, it's still a good show. It's fun to see unfaithful people get busted. In addition, I really enjoy watching people confront their unfaithful lover or whoever. I hope it stays on the air for years to come. If that happens, I will be really happy. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that I'll always remember this show in my memory forever, even though I haven't seen every episode. Now, in conclusion, if some network ever brings it back after it finishes its run, I hope that you catch it one day before it goes off the air for good.

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    There is a growing trend in the media to vilify and ridicule men. One sees it in television adverts and program plots. Cheaters is a prime example, they could find plenty of female cheaters yet the vast majority shown are men, why? The prime threat to any government's power resides in the male population, they're less likely to abide by authority and are more of a physical combat threat. A way to reduce the threat is to emasculate men in society via the media. Other examples of psychological propaganda are crime dramas full of self righteous cops including big-jawed aggressive women accusing everyone they question trampling their rights and making those men feel like scum. In Australia many top male sports stars have been arrested recently for dubious assaults and drinking charges, another example of the government controlling the male populous by arresting their heroes and asserting dominance. Cheaters, aside from the political machinations is an invasion of privacy and a violation of rights, furthermore most of these women assault the men! If it were round the other way the men would be in jail!! If it were an honest show they would be finding women cheaters, because they don't normally get caught due to the fact that their male lovers are quite happy to get in no strings attached and get out without rocking the boat. Men's mistresses want the men to themselves and want to own and control the men and thus get the men caught anyway.

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    Russ T.

    This is perhaps the best reality show on TV. This is true drama. Human beings at their worst. Men and Women behaving like children and most of them not even caring. Shows you that you can sometimes never really trust the person who's supposed to have your back. Love it. The music, the voice-over artist, the commitment to form - every show has the "deceptive lover/husband/wife" lying on the phone. I don't understand why there are so many negative reactions to this show. I'm sick of seeing the same cookie-cutter cute people running around having fun and being stupid because they can't communicate their feeling or intentions. With Cheaters - we have all sorts of people who are in that place that we all fear to be in: Infidelity. Where a person who has given into that mental illness called love which requires you to open yourself up to being hurt by another person - and gets hurt by that person. It sucks that with the FCC crap they have blurred out the cheating couples even more. You don't have any idea what "position" they're in. Once again, great show.

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    Seriously, this has to be one of the most atrocious and worthless shows that I have ever seen in my life. Basically, The host of this show takes girls or guys (mostly girls) who suspect their significant others of cheating to confront them in scenarios where they are cheating with them on dates with their "side item". One episode that I find repulsive is where the host, of this show gets stabbed by one of the guys that gets busted by his girlfriend. Basically this guy is on a boat trip with the girl he is banging behind his girlfriends back, the girlfriend and the host of the show intrude on this mans yacht and tell him that he is "busted" and the dumb-ass host of the show gets in this man's face and calls him "selfish" and this and that; basically telling him he is a dog for cheating on his girlfriend. The cheater tells him nicely to get the hell out of his face, but the host of the show just kept pushing the issue and then the hosts he gets stabbed by the cheater.Call me sick, but I did not feel sorry for this moron at all when he got stabbed. I mean, granted the guy should not have been cheating on his girlfriend still, he does have a right to be on a boat trip without some idiot, trash hungry, media hound, TV host trespassing on this man's boat and trying to give this man a lecture on morals, like this guy that is hosting this garbage really has any morals. The fact that they actually aired this footage on TV just shows that nobody associated on that show actually cares about these poor young women who are dating these dogs that are cheating on them. I was not even surprised that the host of the show got stabbed. I am surprised at 2 things however. The first thing I am surprised at is that the the camera man just kept shooting this after the host got stabbed. I am also surprised that it took 3 years before someone actually stabbed the host. I mean, It was bound to happen sooner or later. The sad thing is I heard this idiot is hosting the show again, so apparently he is going have to come closer to death before he learns his lesson. Getting stabbed is only gonna add to his popularity so I am sure he did not mind getting stabbed all that much.This show seriously makes me ashamed to be an American sometime. I mean, I love the First Amendment and all, but I draw the line at this debauchery. Thank God for the remote control!!!

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