Dr. Phil
Dr. Phil
TV-PG | 16 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Season 21 : 2022 | 156 Episodes

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    Lack of good storyline.


    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    Abegail Noëlle

    While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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    It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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    I really, love his shows. Some, people say it's fake... But, i don't care. It's, still my favorite show. But the annoying thing i hate is some of the people he, helps turn to be badder than, they were when they came on the show. Like, that one youtuber Danielle. She, tried to get help. And, everyone made a meme of her.... So, now she is basically more trash.Maybe, this contains some spoilers, but yeah.

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    This show essentially takes the newspaper advice columns and bring them to live on TV. Almost every show we have the victim(s) of a terrible human drama bring their problems to Phil for answers. Then Dr. Phil puts a home spun type of forum to it and suggests how he can help.Harpo Productions (Oprah) is the boss we owe this too. It is talk show format, and is a laid back version of human complications being presented on a static stage with emotional out bursts. Sometimes we get a special guest during sweeps to do Star Burst and promote their egos. I fully expect Taylor Swift will get a shot at this one after the groping case gets out of court.Meanwhile, a synopsis of everything goes, "Help me, I just had a nightmare about my problems and somehow visited an English teacher who gave me advice in French that I love to hate and I still can't sleep at night after getting a root canal on my grammar."The thing is, Phil has some of the same eccentric problems as his guests so in a simple way, he can always relate to them on a basic level. His personality and that level are the reasons for this shows success. There is harm in these victims lives. Phil tries to sincerely address that harm.Of course perhaps the thing to watch it for is the train wrecks of life presented without Jerry Springer's Final Word, or Maury's DNA test. Yes, Phil, you are the father, and sometimes, yes, you do get the final word at the end of your show.

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    I have a mother who enjoys this show which is the only reason why I have seen more than just a couple of episodes. It seems to me that this man is being paid millions of dollars and has international fame based on what thousands of others do for just a couple hundred dollars and completely unknown.Okay so the show is pretty much a psychologist talks to people... You need more? Well Sorry that's a premise that's able to last 12 Seasons. Then there's the situations themselves. I lost count but how many times has he shown a woman who is like "I met this guy on the internet, never seen him face to face, constantly makes excuses to why he can never leave his native country but I threw away all my life savings to this man because I LOVE HIM!".Okay I might have been a little too insensitive to people who fall under online scams. I know there are poor people who are victimized because they meet some unknown asshole on the internet with a false name and story but with this - broadcasting it on live television. It's not interesting and with every one of these things it's pretty much the same thing over and over. It's pretty much "I love him" "He's not real and these are all the things to prove it!" "Okay". I've just summed up an entire episode for you.So pretty much all this show is is conveying a response from the audience while also having no substance and have Dr Phil be some Guardian Angel figure who says his life is pretty much the same as people in photographs, basically has no real problems or issues but somehow knows the advice for every single emotional problem and situation. I mean I guess you can like it but I just don't.

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    On the hit show Dr. Phil, popular with US women but disliked by men, the woman's side is always taken. The bias is unmistakable, and understandable since their target audience is predominantly feminist females. But even worse, for some reason, they always bring on stupid men rather than intelligent ones, to use as punching bags for Dr. Phil and his feminist politically correct audience. For instance, when Dr. Phil does relationship counseling for couples, he usually lectures the male partner on what he's doing wrong, who in turn is incapable of defending himself. Instead, the stupid male guinea pig can only say regarding his alleged insensitive behavior "That's just the way I am. I can't help it." which provides a perfect target for Dr. Phil's preaching to the choir about how men "just don't get it". Obviously the show is screened and rigged this way to appease its female audience. For instance, they would never bring on someone like me who might out-debate Dr. Phil and make him look bad. This all perpetuates the feminist stereotype that men are stupid and wrong, and need to be educated, while women are innocent victims who can do no wrong.

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