Emeril Live
Emeril Live
| 01 January 1997 (USA)
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  • Season 13 : 1900 | 3 Episodes

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    Just perfect...


    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    Ezmae Chang

    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    To be honest, I like Emeril. I think his cooking is excellent and he really comes off as a very nice guy who respects his patrons. He certainly cooks a wide variety of meals; fancy Las Vegas or comfort food and everything in between. I do think he does overdo it with the butter, heavy cream, fat from various meats (pork fat especially), and booze but if you're paying $100 for your meal it must be worth the money. I like Doc Gibbs as well.What I really hate is that audience. The way they cheer for the Essence, alcohol, and especially garlic can get to you. Also, there are way too many shots of his audience and they always seem to be in some trance. They all have big smiles on their faces; as if seeing this guy cook is the greatest thing to experience in New York. While I enjoy the various guests he occasionally brings in, sometimes his pandering to some of them (Tony Danza) can be almost uncomfortable to watch.Still, it's a show I like to watch once in awhile and he does hit the mark with some of his catchphrases and antics. I just wish he'd dump the audience. It's scary to see them go over the top. Oh yeah, Babe!

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    i agree, this emmeril dude is quite annoying. Sometimes scary. What's the deal with the audience clapping like morons every time he adds garlic to whatever he's cooking??? WTF?! It's a good thing the food doesn't spoil every time he scatters his spit all over when he yells BAM Bam Bam!! Ewww gross! He's a scary screwball, and really, what's with the audience? I'd expect a little interaction going on but it seems as if the audience is scared stiff! Maybe he threatens them or something. Hmmm... I wonder? I'd rather watch the other chef who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, only he's punier and mildly entertaining. Take it from me, this is one cooking show intended for Hitchcock fans...

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    It's garbage. He's no longer a chef to me, he's a character. I'm sure his food is good, but come on. On one hand, the people who cheer him for adding SALT to something are moronic, but he fuels this idiotic fire. But what do you want from America, where reality shows which have the creative depth of a fish tank, are all the rage? I'm hoping Emeril becomes passe VERY quick.Oh, and his at-home food items (sauces, etc.) aren't that good anyway. Sounds like he's letting his ego taint his product. Naughty naughty!

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    Emeril is the most widely know chef in American today. "Emeril Live" is a vibrant & fun approach to cooking shows. Emeril takes cooking a meal for your family to a higher level. It isn't just heating ingredients, it is "food of love". He inspires & educates. Even kids like him. They want to "BAM!" along in the kitchen too. He takes dishes some people find intimidating, and shows us we all can make impressive meals for our family & friends with a little information, and alot of garlic!! When was the last time a cooking show was this much fun??

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