Forged in Fire
Forged in Fire
TV-PG | 22 June 2015 (USA)

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  • Season 10 : 2023 | 17 Episodes

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    Surprisingly incoherent and boring


    A waste of 90 minutes of my life


    It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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    Murphy Howard

    I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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    A very entertaining scripted show. it feels very scripted because the contestants have a side interview with a comment on things that happens as it happens. it feels fake. it's actually very irritating when a voice over repeats the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. the downfall of a credible show. Forged in fire is fake but non the less still very entertaining. i would like to see Bushcraft knives. all the challenges involve making extremely limited useless knives in the real world. every knife requirement at the start of every show involves weapons and not hunting or camping knives.

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    Except for the host will, the guy comes off like a huge "douche" and his wardrobe choices make him look SO lame! His greasy lame hairstyle ? wow so pro... NOT. He may be a good soldier or whatever but NOT a good TV guy really..... They really dropped the ball on casting the whole host role.other than that I really dig the show .. its cool .. just can't stand Will!!

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    Forged in Fire is a good show. fun to watch and enjoyable, The judges are characters and their weapons expert Doug's signature "It willl keeelll." catchphrase is meme able. The challenge to forge against the clock is BS but adds drama and some reasonably talented craftsmen have appeared on the show. But don't be fooled, hard skill and science is glossed over on this show, Making a blade in the fashion shown on this show will not be a good idea, unless you like broken blades. That or massive sections of time are missing, essential techniques like annealing steel, tempering and thermocycleing are missing, and the common point down quench is frowned on by real smiths as it bends the blade, Key tools are missing and for a show with Forged in the title most of the blades are rough shaped and then stock removal to complete. The trash challenges are a bad idea. most real smiths wont make a knife out of steel they cant verify, real "junk" used by knifemakers; leaf springs, coil springs, disker disks, files, chisels, wrenches, cable, ball bearings. That is the kind of stuff most smiths forge into a knife that will last, not garden shed crap. The show puts a lot of glory on Damascus steel and folding, a process not needed with modern metals, its just looks cool, but it has the potential to fail in a heart beat with one open weld. The heat of the forged on set is at issue as the steel should never be heated yellow or white unless welding as it burns out the blade. A great way to pass an hour on a Tuesday and see some skilled and semi skilled people work their craft, don't look at it if you are an actual smith unless you like yelling at the TV (I do so I watch..)Nice to have history make a show that does not have Hitler or a pawnshop in it for once.

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    Forged in Fire gives us an overall interesting insight into the ancient craft of blacksmithing. I would rate this 10 out of 10 on the educational scale and 5 out of 10 in the quality department. The reason quality's lacking is due to the judging process. I noticed too many variables when testing blades that lead to pore judgment calls. It would be great to see blades coming out of this show that demonstrate an equality between design and function. This could be achieved in the judging process by scoring 50% function and 50% design. They need to allow more then 3-4 hours and more breaks so the guy's aren't on the edge of passing out! I really enjoy watching this show and hope they keep coming out with programs in this genre.

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