Great Canal Journeys
Great Canal Journeys
| 10 March 2014 (USA)
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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2014 | 4 Episodes

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    This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    A brilliant series that works on so many levels - travelogue, history documentary, living with Alzheimer's story and, most successfully, insight into a couple who are still devoted to each other after so many years.Happy to say that, after a number of e-mails to the production company Spun Gold and numerous promises of imminent dee vee dee (sorry, a rather over-zealous IMDb thinks capitalising dee vee dee is shouting) releases, I've finally heard that a two-disc 'highlights' package will be released on July 3rd. At last!

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    This programme caught me completely by surprise, I tuned in assuming it would be full of great scenery, amazing vistas and a little bit of history about the canals themselves... and it was, in fact the history aspect was extremely well covered by Tim, who is a very well informed man and a joy to listen to as his passion for the subject matter is mesmerising... but here comes the punch, through Tim and Pru, who are well into their 80s you get this fantastic insight into love, relationships and getting older. I found the journeys quite emotional, Tim and Pru's spirit of adventure lifted my heart so much as I watched them navigate the waterways. Absolutely brilliant, a hidden gem.

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    Just one of the most joyous programmes channel 4 have ever made; delightful, whimsical, lighthearted and funny in in the most touching way. Tim and Prue are one of the great theatrical partnerships, both professionally and privately. Who could not be moved by their deep love for one another and all that is beautiful on the canals? Also, they're doing a fantastic PR job for our great canals which can only have a positive knock on effect. Long may they both continue on these wonderful adventures set to exquisite scenery and that hauntingly lovely soundtrack. If only all documentary/reality TV was made as brilliantly as this - Channel 4 please reassure me there are more series to come?

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    In a televisual age where almost everything you watch contains sex, violence or overly competitive people being horrible to each other it is truly wonderful to watch a programme that is totally innocent.As much as I love canals and boating the real attraction of this show is watching two delightful people sharing happy moments in the twilight of their years together.The genuine love they have for each other brings a warmth to my heart that simply no other T.V show does at his moment.I can only hope that Tim and Pru stay fit and healthy for as long as possible so we can share more wonderful moments with them.10/10

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