Gurren Lagann
Gurren Lagann
TV-14 | 01 April 2007 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2007 | 27 Episodes

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    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.

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    It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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    Kirandeep Yoder

    The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.

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    KJ Proulx

    It's not very often that a television series finishes over a decade ago and I actually feel the need to review it. Gurren Lagann seemed like a series that would entertain me enough to pass some time, but upon reflection, it's a show that provides a little more than just that. I could get hate for this statement, but this show reminded me of my childhood memories of watching the show Beyblade, not what that show has become today, but the original trilogy of seasons. Action-based Anime can feel a little drawn out and while I can't say this show doesn't feel a little drawn out at times, it's definitely worth your time as an Anime fan. If you enjoy good Anime and haven't had the chance to check this one out, here's why it warrants a recommendation from me.The core plot is quite simple. In a future where Earth is run by a Spiral King known as Lordgenome, this story follows Simon and his group of misfits and outcasts who wish to travel to the surface. They have been surviving as diggers in an underground village and wish to see what the rest of the world has to offer. Once reaching the surface, they soon learn that they must combine their robotic suits and armours to form something great enough to take down the overlords of Earth. That premise alone is what hooked me into wanting to get through the series, but the underlying emotional core that this series possesses is what truly made it a much more impactful experience.Yes, you receive the obvious nods at female objectification when it comes to displaying how certain women look, which is present in nearly every popular Anime, but the fact that those comedic aspects are almost used in a way to serve the male characters and add layers to characters that you thought were a little under-written, was a very pleasant surprise. This particular aspect of the show may be viewed differently by others, but the look and specific shots towards the character of Yoko had me either laughing or downright saddened. Although she may not be the best character in the show, she has quite a few moments to shine and upon looking back, I remember quite a few sequences involving her character.Simon is the central character here and without ruining the progression of the show for those who have yet to witness it, Gurren Lagann does a fantastic job at jumping through time and exploring most of this character's life. Every character has progression in some shape or form, but Simon's character started off quite annoying to me throughout the first few episodes of the show, but by the conclusion of the series, his character had evolved into someone I genuinely shared about and the final few episodes of this show gave me goosebumps.That being said, Gurren Lagann isn't without its prolonged conclusion and needless action. I love exciting aspects of any television series or movie, whether it's in live-action, American Animation or Anime, action always impresses me when it has a great story to back it up. Gurren Lagann definitely demonstrates that from start to finish, but the show almost evolves into an over-the-top robot boxing match in space by the end of the series and while it was entertaining to watch, I found myself wishing for a little more of a grounded conclusion (no pun intended) when looking back to where the show first began.Gurren Lagann seems to have been a pretty popular show when it first aired, so I'm not sure that too many hardcore Anime fans haven't had the chance to see it yet, but take this from someone who has become a casual fan of the medium when I say this is well worth a watch. Some of the action is dragged out a little too long in my opinion, and there are certain characters that leave the show a little too early (even though there is a solid payoff), and aside from the final few of episodes, I feel as though the true heart of backstory was slightly lost. I absolutely loved the first half of this show and I was very entertained by the latter half, enough to say that this show borders on being great as a whole. Gurren Lagann is well worth your time.

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    Positives: a neat and interesting concept about breaking free from Plato's cave and entering the surface world, wanting to conquer the entire realm until even the heaven's are reached (illustrated in the first episode of the show! Great bones! Negatives: Poor handling of an interesting concept, making it flat and boring for everyone who's paying attention. I am not a big anime fan, I've seen enough to count on both hands, but I am a TV/movie fan. I've seen great shows done on Anime, such as Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, and Death Note. I understand the love behind those shows, for their rich character development and philosophy. But Guran Lagann lacks those qualities, despite being aimed at a mature audience (14+). The elements: power fantasy, plain mech-fighting, a lack of stakes, and a lack of characterization. Power fantasy is a cheap trick in capturing an audience; it's done by most modern superhero movies and power rangers by a dozen-fold. For a show to stand out, it needs to offer more in its narrative, but instead of that GL relies on fights that have no weight to them, as the mechas are very fast despite all their weight, they're very easy to fix despite their complex alien structure, and they're very undefined in how one controls it. It seems the person who's most patient and angrily concentrating is the one able to win, not the smartest or strongest person. There really isn't much to even needing to control a mecha and to unlock its secret superweapons underneath. There is a lack of stakes because literally, until the episode I stopped watching, THE PROTAGONISTS WIN AT THE END OF EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, and barely learn anything! Not only is that boring but it's wrong, because that makes the supposedly intelligent alien super villains look weak and stupid against a race that just picked up their tech a month after they've been using it for years! What is there to root for? The show basically spoils any tension you have for them winning!Also, characters (minor spoilers): All pretty weak. Simon is the main one, and he's basically just a digger boy who we have to feel sorry for just because he's an orphan and a loner, nothing else. Then there's his older brother-figure, Kamina, who I'm surprised didn't get killed fast enough for all the stupid decisions he makes. "Running is for cowards!" Is his catchphrase. He says it every time he's almost stomped by a giant robot. He had good ambition, but he was very impulsive, which wasn't addressed well enough, and at the end of an episode they cheaply kill someone he loves just to force us to root for him too (and it's never ever brought up again). I'm so surprised too he was the first human ever to think to control a mecha by forcing another guy out of one, to which I replied, "really? No one else thought about jumping into one? You guys weren't scared to do it, you just didn't think of it?" The final cheap trick character is the sex object known as Yoko. She wears skimpy, revealing clothing, and early in the show its used as a cheap trick to make dumb jokes and keep young boys' eyes on the screen. It's really dumb and, again, really cheap. There are other girls in the series just like that too. I only liked one character on the show: Rossiu, because he actually struggled with deep philosophical questions dealing with idol symbolism and whether or not the masses should be lied to and controlled in order for the group to be saved. The rest of the characters are forgettable. The fights were ...meh. You can barely tell what's going on. And again, there's always a way the good guys won in the end. The dated animation is forgivable, as long as they could've out effort into constructing weighty fight scenes, which they didn't. The comedy's not very good, and I know that's actually subjective, but there's just not a lot the show can go on. Sorry. CONCLUSION: this show had a lot of potential, like bringing up questions of what is truth in a world based on lies, or how to truly peel away the surface. People talk about how this show deals with maturity or oppression, but it's really, really basic in how it shows that stuff. In fact, I'd wager it doesn't show how a real resistance movement plays out since an actual character doesn't die until eight episodes in. And they win every episode. It's more power rangers than it is Attack On Titan, which isn't bad but why not rate it for younger kids then? And again, the villains are weak; they're not memorable at all. If you want a good robot-fighting show...Power Rangers would be better. Want a good anime? AoT, OPM, Death Note, Sword Art Online Abridged, Baccano, etc etc. I don't usually write a review unless I feel the need to let people know how good or bad something is understated. Or overstated. But hey, you might still enjoy it, so at least this show isn't the worst thing in the world.

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    I'll tell you, I WANTED to like this, it's fairly popular, but it is so imbued with inane (translate: "stupid and preposterous") "science," uninteresting and under-developed characters, poor graphics and animation, and a thin, ramshackle story line, that I just couldn't. There are a lot of action and battle scenes with big robot thingies, which provides some simple interest - and why I gave it a "4" instead of a "1" or "2" - but those are so hyperactively done that you can just barely make out what's happening. After 27 episodes, I'm still not sure what the point of "spiral" and "anti-spiral" is, but whatever it is, it's fairly dumb; and whatever it is they purport to do with the universe and the time-space continuum is so flaky, fuzzy, and farcical that I just had to shake my head at the absurdity of it. Rather than trying to emulate science of ANY kind, which they never do, the series would have been better off making everything happen by magic, where you don't need anything to actually be possible, because none of what they do actually IS - any way at all, in any universe, anywhere, ever! Overall, it's silly, inane, and something made for pre-teen males rather than a general audience. If you like a lot of low res bang 'em up, shoot 'em up, rock 'em sock 'em robot stuff, you might find this interesting; otherwise - no.

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    People usually think of Gainax for Evangelion, and its obvious because Evangelion got all the people of my generation into anime (even if they don't want to admit it...) It was a freakin crazy i-don't-understand-nothing kind of anime series i've never seen before... but nowadays, now that we've seen more and learn more, its not thaaat great, except for the fact that everything we saw after Evangelion was heavily influenced by it, even western stuff.Why do i talk about EVA?, well after all (except for the giant robot part) its nothing nothing at all like Gurren Lagann, its not serious, its not heavy, doesn't keep any information from you, and the main concept of the series (you know, like getting better day by day in Dragon Ball, the search for your own ideals in Samurai x, or the blues in Cowboy Bebop) its completely the opposite. While the main idea in EVA is quite dark and depressive and tries to reach the heart of people through emphathizing with the main character weaknesses, the spiral concept of Gurren Lagann is a call to heroism and faith.So why do I want to compare this two?, first of all the style Gainax made for EVA is clearly present in Gurren Lagann like in most of their series... And second, because for me this two made the same thing in their current time periods, they reminded us why giant robot are so cool!!! Yeah, Evangelion is clearly built for the nineties's standards, being secretive and revolutionary in its way of telling the story, its what we wanted in those days, an anime series that we could call a masterpiece in front of people that didn't watched anime at all... but today we don't care anymore, and Gainax know exactly what we want, super attacks, great fights, great fun, a good story without too much unnecessary story weight, and the best relation between all those parts, if you don't know what i mean go check Gurren Lagann out. It didn't get me addicted like Death Note, Code Geass, claymore or the first Fullmetal alchemist, but later i started to realize i love each one of the episodes of Gurren more, i don't really want to repeat all those series but its been two years and i still watch a Lagann episode or the movie now and then.I love Gurren Lagann, and yeah it has issues, i got bored in one episode (Yoko's episode), but damn its good, even though the second half gets really transformed and sometimes gets you confused you will finally make one big universe in your head for this series... also has the best first episode because it puts in line the main concept trough the chapters of the story getting you all the way to the greatest oh-my-god final episode in anime history, the it love it love it, highly recommend it!

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