Halt and Catch Fire
Halt and Catch Fire
TV-14 | 01 June 2014 (USA)

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    If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


    Good concept, poorly executed.




    Absolutely Fantastic


    How did I miss it! It is awesome.Whether you are a IT guy or just into a good drama, I really recommend this. It is not just an IT good feelings show, but sneaky and law breaking. Rings a bit of Mr Robot or Breaking Bad, it remains very down to earth and a good feeling of real. Really good!

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    ...By a Brit ;) Sure it had some minor flaws and cliches, but it had a very important message about failure and finding inner strength to continue trying to find the next big thing.. and finding solace if not. Those of us who happen to work in startups especially in the tech arena can well relate to the characters and story lines, and for those that don't - it's all very much like that. Whether it's scrounging a lift to a conference to demo something because your company is in dire straits (or because the board doesn't approve) or seeing key people being asked to leave having inadvertently almost destroyed the thing they started to create...Halt tells the stories and is gripping start to end in a job well done. Farewell, great ride whilst it lasted.

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    Starchild Gonzales

    One of the best drama series of all times. Can't remember when I last cried watching a TV series, but "Halt and Catch Fire" made me sob. Wonderful characters. Compelling mixture of fact and fiction. Great actors.I lived through most of the computer history that is being presented in the plot-line, and I have to say: it is SPOT ON. I will remain a fan forever.

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    I have spent the past several months binge watching the four seasons of this series and enjoyed the way in which this program developed. I hated to see the last episode of the fourth season air and would have loved to have had more episodes yet to watch! Great job by all of the cast members. Everyone played well off one another.

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