Harry & Paul
Harry & Paul
NR | 20 September 2005 (USA)
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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Undescribable Perfection


Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning It would appear the British public like nothing better on their Friday and Saturday nights than to stay in and have a good chuckle. The comedy sketch show is certainly a popular trend for this, coming ten a penny nowadays from any duo with the kudos to pull it off. But in Harry & Paul, we have two old timers, who came before a lot of the more modern ones with Enfield's Harry Enfield and Chums and Whitehouse's The Fast Show. But as the years have passed, the boundaries have been crossed more and more and gloriously non PC humour is now the trend. It has now emerged that the Phillipino government is in uproar over a skit involving a Phillipino maid and is, amongst other things, starting a petition to have the show makers apologize. It's also emerged that Enfield wanted to play a paedophile priest and a Muslim hoodie but was refused, so like many comedy performers nowadays, he's willing to be outrageous to get the attention.There's nothing in this that's made me really laugh out loud, but it's amiable and distracting enough, and not afraid to cross the line when the skit requires it. ***

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Jackson Booth-Millard

It had been a long time since we had seen Harry Enfield on TV, and work with friend and regular partner Paul Whitehouse, and this new sketch show wasn't a bad return. Enfield's characters included Nelson Mandela, the Notting Hill antiques shop salesman serving to the gullible customer, the normal man buying cappuccino from Polish café servers, Guy Richie (with Madonna), and Pam and Ronald the eccentric American tourists, who like to show people their photo album. Whitehouse's characters included self-obsessed football manager José Arrogantio, Chelsea FC chairman Roman Abramovich (who thinks he can buy anything and everything, and usually does) and The Chocolatier. Together they do Bono and The Edge, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the posh Scaffolders (who at the sight of young women turn into stereotypical vulgar/sexist builders), Jamie and Oliver the obese kids who eat large quantities of food, The Consultant surgeons Charles and Sheridan and The Clean Chavs. Also starring Morwenna Banks and Catherine Shepherd as supporting female characters. Worth watching!

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What happened to these two former heavyweight champs of Brit comedy? I used to think in the early 90s that Paul Whitehouse couldn't be unfunny if he tried and I really liked the Fast Show, Hary Enfield and Chums, etc.Maybe time really has caught up with them and they can't do it anymore, just like boxers who go on too long.It's sad because I was really looking forward to this 'comeback'. You get the feeling that Whitehouse was at a loose end after his comedy partner ran into his legal troubles and that Enfield has lost whatever he had (which was always less than Whitehouse in his heyday)The only half decent sketch is the posh scaffolders... the rest are pathetic. I would rather these two never did anything again if this is all they've got. Quit while you are ahead guys!

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Echo most of the negative reviews posted here. Like them, I am a fan of Harry Enfield/Paul Whitehouse, so this new series is a real mess. There is potential, Enfield/Whitehouse are cynically aware (I Saw You Coming) but the sketches are sloppily written, poorly developed and lack punchlines. I quite like the Polski girls because it's clear the customer fancies them and they treat him politely but with obvious disinterest so that he always leaves the cafe confused. I liked the Abramovich send-up but after a while versions of the same sketch pall.But it's a show which could have done with more creative input and editing. I flicked through one of Harry Enfield's old books and he would leave out poorly received sketches after unfavourable reactions from the studio audience. One can only surmise that the sketches not included must be worse than the very hit-miss ones included. The Nelson Mandela sketches are appalling. But I kept checking my watch during the last episode, almost willing it to end and be put out of my misery.The sad fact may be after his disappointing SKY show, Harry and his comedy partner Whitehouse have simply run out of gas and ideas. Comedy dates quickly and perhaps time has caught up with this once great duo. Previous characters would gradually leave a mark on the nation's consciousness (Stavros, Loadsamoney, Mr Don't, Tim Nice But Dim, the Slobs) but none in the present show will be remembered with any great fondness.

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