He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
TV-Y7 | 16 August 2002 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2003 | 13 Episodes

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    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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    Billie Morin

    This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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    I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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    Derek MacDonell (ThePaladin1)

    I was born in 1983 (the same year the original series first came out) so it's not too far of a stretch to say that I literally grew up with it, in any case it remains one of my all time favourites. So, when I heard they were coming out with a remake I was hopeful, but skeptical. I've seen too many fall flat and too many are blatant money ploys with little bearing on the original (like a certain movie that I won't name.).That said, when I first watched the series I was pleasantly surprised. This is obviously a labour of love that gives as much respect to old schoolers like myself as it does to those who have never even heard of Eternia. I was amazed to see the amount of detail, from Evil-Lynn's hair to the long standing Keldor/Skeletor rumour, that was brought into it.The characterization is also terrific and they've even expanded on as are many of the details and relationships that weren't as heavily addressed in the old one. The animation is much richer and smoother and the series lacks the classic "80s cheese" (oh well).Not to say that there aren't some points that I don't think work well ie: my biggest problem is Cringer not talking, though that's a rant I've done elsewhere. This is a strong series that I've really enjoyed up to now and is, so far, a worthy successor to the original.

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    So, the new He-Man cartoon on CNX. Is it good, telling a good story while at the same time making us all nostalgic for the original, or is it just a big pile of elephant turd? There haven't been many re makes of 80's cartoons yet, except for a couple of attempts at new Transformers series, which I have to say, were pretty appalling. So, I was kinda sceptical about the new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. But, I have now watched enough episodes to make a judgement. I will do so by listing the good points followed by the bad points. Good points: 1: The new looks for the characters. They have modernised, and dare I say it, improve upon the look the of characters, making everyone look very cool, while still remaining incredibly faithful to the way they looked in the original. For example, Man At Arms helmet always looked kinda stupid in the original, but with the updated look, seems pretty cool. Beastman looks pretty much the same, but is now also really rather large, which works better for the character. So the new look is actually an improvement. 2: Todays animation techniques are obviously better than they were 20 years ago, and this has worked very much in He-Man's favour. Everything about the cartoon looks incredible and moves fluidly. But just look at the locations. Most of the time, they have enough character of their own. 3: The characters really haven't changed. Everyone is pretty much what they were in the original, with only slight updates to keep up with the times. Sure, Adam and Teela are younger, but again, it just seems better. 4: Cringer/Battlecat doesn't talk anymore. This is one of the biggest differences to the original, but I prefer it this way. Having Cringer just mew like a frightened kitten, then roaring and snarling when he becomes Battlecat works better than having him talk. He seems more like what he's supposed to be now: the loyal pet. 5: The voices. Most of them sound pretty similar to the voices from the original. Skeletor particularly. The actor doing Skeletor's voice is one of the best things about this series. 6: The humour. There's some very funny moments in the new series, and I don't remember there being very many of those in the original. For example, have a look at the episode where the Masters try to defeat Skeletor once and for all by attching a device to him which hurts him whenever he say's or does anything bad. Watching Skeletor trying desperately to be nice and polite to his minions is hilarious. 7: Where else on television today are you going to find characters with such great names like Buzz-Off, Mechaneck, Man-E-Faces and Ramman? 8: It wipes away any memories of the awful Dolph Lundgren film Bad points: 1: They changed the theme tune! All right, so maybe the original theme tune just wouldn't work in this day and age, but come on! 2: He-Man doesn't hold his sword in front of him now when he say's "I have the power!". He just keeps it pointed skyward. That just seems wrong somehow. So there you go. The good points far outweigh the bad, and lets face it, how tiny and petty are thos bad points. So I say that the new He-Man is a triumph. It's at least an equal to its predecessor, if not better in some ways. Lets hope this paves the way for some decent re makes of other classics. I for one would love to see the Thundercats come back in a good cartoon, and it's about time the transformers came back in a cartoon that did justice to the fantastic originals. And lets also hope that the new He-Man goes on for long enough that they remake the Secret of the Sword movie which introduced She-Ra and we get a new She-Ra cartoon. That'd be cool.

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    He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is part Yu-Gi-Oh, part Thundar the Barbarian, part ThundarCats and part Samuri Jack. (He Man sounds just like Yami Yugi) This is Cartoon Networks 3rd original action series (fourth counting Powerpuff girls) and like the other ones its pretty cool. Of course Samuri Jack is the only true original of these three. This series has far more characters than any other CN original, I'll go over them.The GoodiesHe-Man- The alter ego of Prince Adam, who is like Hercules, he is VERY POWERFUL and a true heroe. (Just like Jack and the League) his companion is the alter ego of Prince Adam's green tiger Cringer, Battlecat. Man at Arms- Leader of the MAsters ( a powerful group of warriors) his real name is Douncan (he has two lame names but he's a pretty cool character, I mean you would have to be a warror without getting beat up with those names.Teela- MAn's daugther who loves who harrass Prince Adam. She's loyal and a brave fighter but I think she's a b"tch. She seemigly has a crush on He-MAn. SHe is cool but she's a b"tchOrco- a little magic sprite who serves has comic relief. He is one of my favorite characters. His magic is weak without his wand and he does get in the way but he helps sometimes.Sorrceress- Teela's mother who gave Adam the sword to become He-ManMAsters- Ram man ( a bulldozer Homer Simpson like guy) Stratos (Think Birdman or Hawkman) Maney-faces (part man, part monster and part robot) Mekaneck (a cyborg with a streching neck) Buzzof (an insectoid figther who was once Stratos's enemy) Cyclone (a strom blowing gaurdian)The baddiesSkelator- He is freaky. His face was burned right of, leaving his face bones sticking out. He's also a pretty smart guy. His minions are powerful but most of them (except Evelin and Triclopes) have limited intelligence. This way he can control them his fearsome powers. HE is the enemy of Adams father. King Randor who caused him to mutatePanthor- Skelator's pet panther monster who is Battlecat's arch enemyEvelin- My favorite villian in the show. She is a witch with very strong magic. She's cunning, sly, sleazy, powerful and all around diabolical. She may be evil but I have a hard time deciding who's a bigger b"tch. Her or Teela.Beastman- a spiky ape man who can control any monster except for dragons. HE is probably the least intelligent bad guy.Merman- a wimpy fish man who is really good only in his element.Triclopes- a fighter with three eyes around his forehead covered by a macanical ring who is like a scientist.Other baddies- Whiplash (an ankylosaurs man with a clubbed tail, Clawful (giant lobster man) TrapJaw (cyborg thug)This is a pretty good show with great animation and awesome sound effects 10/10

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    Nicholas J. Michalak

    I used to have a LARGE assortment of He-Man action figures. I even had Castle Greyskull! My dad made me give them away (along with my G.I. Joe's) to some charity of what not. I still hate him for that. Seeing that the series was coming back on Cartoon Network made me remember my childhood television favorites. I still have a few episodes of the original series on video tape, and I even have the He-Man & She-Ra Christmas Special (SPOILER WARNING: ***where Skeletor actually saves the day***). Anyway, the animation is truly superior (in most parts) the original series (I never saw any of the other He-Man series), and the plots are much more involved. I only have a few gripes. One, the transformation sequence for He-Man was a LOT better in the original series. It had more flash, I miss the heavy echo of He-Man's voice, and the music cue was just about as dramatic as a cartoon gets. Don't get me wrong, Joseph LoDuca is great as I LOVE the music for "THE EVIL DEAD" trilogy along with what he's done on the "HERCULES" & "XENA" T.V. series. Also, I think the design for Orko is a bit overdone. I mean, the hat's too big, he doesn't need a feather, and the belt kind of makes his shroud look like a dress.I love the fact that they've explored more of the origins here. Why Skeletor has a skull for a face, where He-Man's powers come from, and so on. Good to see King Randor as a more physical character (as seen in the Pilot episode), and I like that even the background characters have gotten more forefront time. It seems as if they've got a good production team for this show, and I'm so happy with Cartoon Network with "JUSTICE LEAGUE" & "TRANSFORMERS: ARMADA" (even if it is the least of the TF series). Now, all we need is a NEW "THUNDERCATS" series (or, at least, re-runs of the old series).Also, I'm glad with what they've done with the toyline. I haven't bought any of them yet, but it's great that they've re-issued some of the original action figures in a collector's set. It's truly a remarkable idea. Also, the new toys look fantasic! It's all a Grade-A job in all aspects of this revival. Even the live-action "MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE" film was released on DVD with Director's commentary the same year. It's the complete & total package. He-Man & the Masters of the Universe are back in all their glory! I hope it lives on for quite some time.-NJM

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