| 28 June 2010 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2010 | 10 Episodes

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    Best movie of this year hands down!


    Highly Overrated But Still Good

    Bessie Smyth

    Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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    The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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    Charles Herold (cherold)

    Lately I've been feeling like I may just be too old to enjoy teen drama shows. But after watching all 10 episodes of Huge in a week, I've come to the conclusion that the issue is not my age but simply the mediocre nature of most shows aimed at teenagers.Like most ABC Family series, Huge never got on my radar, but when I learned recently that "My So-Called Life" creator Winnie Holzman had made another series a few years ago I had to check it out.It's a wonderful show, characters are complex, and the show reflects the emotional turmoil and poor decisions of teenagers without being soapy. While many series tend to create teen stereotypes, I believe in this group of people. And I found it fascinating to see the way people who were, in normal life, all outsiders, create cliques and ultimately do to others what was normally done to them. Nikki Blonsky was excellent as the rebellious Will, Gina Torres did a terrific job of creating a complex character uncomfortable in her own skin, and really, everyone in the cast was very good.It's a shame this show was canceled. It was exactly the sort of intelligent, nuanced TV that there is not enough of in this world.

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    This show is a great show! The characters are engaging. The acting is good. I think this show is a wonderful ABC Family show; it has something for every family member. It is fun enough for the kids, dramatic and engaging enough for teens, and it really makes you think, I think adults would enjoy it, too. Fun for all the family! I am super bummed that this show was canceled. Don't people like substance and quality anymore? This show is great! It teaches you to value people beyond their physical appearance; it teaches you that we all have our own struggles to go through; and that if we team up, we can help each other. There are many more lessons and ideas this show promotes subtly and fabulously, but these are just a few that popped into my head.Seriously. This show is fun to watch! It's funny, it's dramatic, it makes you think, it has great character-focus while also addressing some big issues that may concern a lot of people. I really think this is a great TV show.Bring HUGE back!

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    Huge was such an amazing and inspiring show! It had a heartfelt message to convey, and the characters were not only fascinating but believable. It is an unfathomable shame that ABC Family did not renew it. What were they thinking?! This show deserves a 2nd chance! I pray some intelligent network will see that and pick it up for production! In a world where we are bombarded with ridiculous "reality" TV and excessive crime dramas, we need a show like Huge to lift our spirits and give us hope. It conquered relevant issues like self esteem and health, a topic that most shows won't cover unless there is money involved. The only "helathy" shows we are given are crap shows where people only try to lose weight for financial gain. This show gave us real scenarios and real people going through the ups and downs of attaining good health. It isn't always pretty and it isn't always easy. This show was so wonderful! Please let some insightful network realize that and pick it up! Shame on ABC Family! They really dropped the ball on this one!

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    I wasn't sure what to expect when I sat down to watch this - a fictional drama based around kids at a fat camp - if the rest of the episodes are anything like this one, I hope this series will have a long happy run. The characters are all genuine, the story was interesting without being too delicate around the subject of weight, particularly the more insidious side of weight loss, and it portrayed us 'fatties' in a realistic light. While I would always encourage a healthy lifestyle and wouldn't necessarily celebrate obesity, this series will hopefully provide a bunch of positive role models for youngsters who are challenged by their weight. Hayley Hasselhoff and Nikki Blonsky are like a breathe of fresh air. Thoroughly enjoyed it and will be tuning in each week.

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