I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!
I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!
| 19 February 2003 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2009 | 14 Episodes

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    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    Really Surprised!


    It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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    Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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    I am not going to tell everybody how horrible I think this show is, because that is for your own consideration. I just wanna point out to everybody who expects celebrities that there are none in this TV-series. I am a movies/series/TV fan, and I was disappointed by the lack of celebrities in this show. What were they thinking when they came up with the name for this TV-series! I have nothing positive to share about this show because who cares if these people can get out of there anyway? I know I don't!! There are a few participants that might be a known within some "target audience" , but I am surprised that their TV-network accepts this title! And actually I am also surprised that IMDb accepts it.

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    This is probably one of the worst TV shows of all times. Bring some of the most annoying "celebrities" in the world together, and let them camp out. They compete in a Survivor-like show. It is my greatest hopes that some are still out there waiting to be rescued.I did watch it when it aired. But I watched it hoping for somebody to die. Sadly it didn't happen. I was willing to give it a 10 if somebody actually did. At least that would be interesting. This is just annoying. There was a second season when they apparently ran out of things to put on the air. It was just as bad if not worst. I don't know why they even tried a second time.

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    Come on guys, lets give a hand to the celebrities that appeared on this show. I mean, they did it for charity and no matter how lame it may have seemed, it was for a good cause. The other reality shows are for people who want the $$$. It was unselfish of these celebs to give of their time (publicity aside) for charity. Keep up the good work, and Melissa - stay nice - you are a good girl.

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    In the sad genre that is "reality" television, this show at least had a modicum of humanity to it. While several of the celebrities were the prima donnas you might expect, others seemed like genuinely good people. The three finalists, John Melendez, Melissa Rivers, and winner Chris Judd were not only liked by the voting public but also by their castaway peers. What set this show apart was that the program fostered cooperation among the participants and not guile. The living conditions did appear to be difficult because of the constant rain. The "Bushtucker" challenges were somewhat creative and not too far over the top. Further, if a celebrity was a jerk, the viewers could reward those who behaved with class and indirectly get rid of the whiner.One issue I did have with the program was the depiction of smoking. Apparently to be a celebrity you also have to be a smoker. (Or perhaps the stress of celebrity-hood drives people to smoke?) However, if this was indeed what the celebrities did in their "down" time, I guess it was a part of the verite. One wonders if the tobacco companies had any placement rights. It's just odd to see smoking on US TV anymore. Nonetheless, it was a harmless, escapist show with a number of charities receiving nice-sized checks in behalf of the celebrities. I would probably watch a second season.

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