| 04 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2011 | 10 Episodes

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    The Worst Film Ever


    Not even bad in a good way


    A Disappointing Continuation


    It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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    Insecurity was awful. I saw three episodes and I think I deserve a medal or a cookie for being able to force myself just to watch that much. In three whole episodes I didn't laugh not even one time but I groaned at how awful the acting and the jokes were at least a dozen times, like audibly groaned, for real, because it was so horrible. That's how bad this show was. At least in my opinion, I can't speak for everyone, but will say that everyone I have talked to and know who ever watched this show thought it sucked. I am very suspicious of the positive reviews here because I have honestly not met many people who say they ever saw this show, and every one of the people who have told me they saw it said it was the worst. Maybe it's a regional thing and other regions like the show better? I have no idea. But this show was really horrible as far as I'm concerned. It's easily one of the worst written shows CBC has ever made and the cast was terrible.

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    I ran across a clip of this show and laughed so hard I nearly cried. And then I tracked down the first 3 eps and watched with my husband who also loved it. As other reviews have mentioned, this is not a serious spy show but a comedy that flirts with farce. Every series regular is a delight with "Alex" and "Peter" absolute standouts. The first episode I saw was the second aired featuring guest star performances by Aleks Paunovic and Apollonia Vanova as Russian spies who fit perfectly into a world where, as Peter says with absolute gravity "if the rest of the world finds out that Canada has secretly amassed the most powerful military on earth, it will destroy years of quiet, low key planning." Then the NISA team leaps into action to save the day which of course requires threatening grocery customers, throwing up after too much vodka, a necklace containing a vial of teeth, a clapper to turn the lights on and makeout sessions with both the sexy guest stars. In the 3 eps I've seen the main cast have been consistently hilarious and the story lines funny though some of the guest stars haven't managed to hit that perfect note where the characters take the world totally seriously while behaving ridiculously. Maxine Miller as Alex's "Granny" in the third ep is just as perfect as the Russians however and I hope they continue to find guest stars of that caliber. I would love to see Lucy Lawless or Nathan Fillion guest on this show since both can flip from tear your heart out drama to utter farce without batting an eye. I can't wait to see more and hope it runs for years.

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    I spotted this one somewhere so I gave it a chance, and I've seen the three episodes that have aired so far. It's not great, and a lot of the jokes are a bit clichéd and fall flat, but they do get a smile or a laugh often enough that there are *much* worse things, like, oh, -Everybody Loves Raymond-, to spend your time watching. It'll be interesting to see if the writers work their way up or down with the quality. ATM, there's about a good joke every 5 mins, while the intervening stuff is mildly entertaining distraction. You can certainly watch this show in the background while doing something else more significant.The best conceptual comparison to the show is probably the classic -Get Smart-, only focused more on '99' than Max. It has four "competent" characters('99' + three quirky ones), and two comic-relief bumblers. Some of the humor comes from the quirks of the three, some from the two bumblers, and some from other situations involving the villains... the '99' character is often a straight man for the humor, and that works fine.Whatever you do, don't go in expecting the vaguest sort of realism -- note even the level you see in -Burn Notice- or -Chuck-. As was "Get Smart", this is lightly absurdist farce.Watch the first episode (or any episode, if you want, they don't really need to be watched in order) -- If it makes you smile -occasionally-, then give it a chance. If it doesn't, then it's a safe bet it's not your cup of tea.

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    InSecurity centers on NISA (an intelligence agency in Canada) agents who try to do their best in serving their country in spite of their uncanny ability to always get into trouble. All of them seem to have a large amount of... Yes, you guessed it. InSecurity.Before watching the pilot episode, I read a viewer comment that the show is like NBC's Chuck. I understand where that person was coming from, since both of them are action comedies centered on secret government agencies. However, the similarities stop there. This production is very low budget (which is not really a bad thing if a show is done in the right manner). It's not heavy on action (a kick, several takedowns and a single significant bullet fired near the end were featured) and instead relies on awkward humor and funny conversations to carry the flow.You really have to dumb yourself down to watch it properly and enjoy it, which is not really such a bad thing if you just want to have a few laughs for half an hour. However, if you're a fan of spy series, this is definitely not the show for you since you'd be irritated at how stupid the characters can get. There are definitely a lot of things to improve on, like the quality of acting present. I also hope they give the characters redeeming attributes so it would be a bit believable that these people were really qualified to be operatives in the first place.One of the bright spots of InSecurity is Natalie Lisinka, who plays team leader Alex Cranston. She was a treat to watch in the first episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her soon.InSecurity is far from perfect but it is actually quite entertaining. As I said earlier, you just have to let your mind rest and give yourself a break. Don't take it too seriously and you'll feel good after watching it. An episode can only tell you so much, so based on what I've seen so far, I think I'm going to catch the next one and give this show a chance.How about you?

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