Into the West
Into the West
TV-14 | 10 June 2005 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2005 | 6 Episodes

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    What a beautiful movie!


    This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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    Janae Milner

    Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    I have now seen all of this six-part miniseries about the settling of the West. This obviously was a massive production, with an incredibly realistic feel for the hardships involved in crossing the country by wagon and trying to eke out a living. A couple of familiar faces are on hand, including Beau Bridges, but this is a team effort with a huge and constantly changing cast as the years roll by. The costumes alone for this movie must have kept an army of seamstresses busy. The film was shot in scenic western Canada, and I cannot imagine how they shot some of the sequences without anyone getting hurt. One amazing bit has ae wagon train crossing a turbulent river, during which some of the wagons tip over in the fast-moving water. I was a little less impressed with the cavalry killing Indians, which has been done to death in other movies. It adds nothing new here. In fact, and not to offend anyone, I found the movie's one comedown to be too much time spent with the Indians. A small complaint on my part, as those sequences are easily fast-forwarded. A must-see, although not a film I would want shown in schools or seen by impressionable people. Too grim,a nd of course the white guys automatically become the clichéd bad guys when it comes to dealing with nonwhites.

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    I started watching this series and it had me hooked from the start.Very good story,well acted,excellent cinematography.It looked like a sure fire winner to me.OK,so the story jumped about a lot and it was hard to follow at times,but when something is as well made as this it didn't really matter.Matthew Settle was impressive just as he was in 'Band of Brothers' and Tonantzin Carmelo exuded elegance and beauty.It was all falling into place,and then it happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They only went and changed all of the main actor's half way through.The story had moved forward ten years and everything changed.All of the characters that I had just become used to changed!It was a bizarre decision to say the least and completely destroyed the continuity of the series.Couldn't they have just used make up on the original actor's??The flow of the story changed completely and I struggled to care any more.It left me scratching my head and I still don't know why they did it.Absolutely crazy if you ask me.What could have been a really good series was ruined by this truly strange move.Can someone explain to me why it was done?Can you imagine if they had done this with films like 'The Godfather' or 'The Shawshank Redemption'?OK,I know that two actors were used to play Don Corleone.But this obviously had to be done to show him as a young man.No,this was a plain daft thing to do and I still struggle to see why they did it.Could have been an eight at least,but will now have to settle for a much lower score I'm afraid.

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    A Man Called Horse with Richard Harris, Dances with Wolves with Kevin Costner, and now Into the West. Once again a white man chooses to befriend a Native Americans and decide to live with them. Was this common practice? Was there truly white guys out there that chose to write about the tribes? save the women from disaster? Perhaps someone should write a movie about Native Americans and how they were slaughtered and put in camps, tucked away with nobody to save them. Let's face it, the Native American women were sold, raped, tortured and killed, these films may be a comfort to those that can't face the truth, but some of us know better.Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, but let's be aware that this would fall under the fiction category. The only men that thought like Wheeler are the ones created in Hollywood.

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    Into The West A Stephen Spielberg Dreamworks ProductionAn Epic orgy of contemporary racism. All the bad guys wear white (skin) It seems the sage message is, nothing wrong with prejudice long as it's the WASP gets stung.Mysticism is restored to its pinnacle whence a new inquisition, this time the swarthy turn the screws. Doing dope and self mutilation is in, industry and technology are out, even the wheel takes a hit. All the while, Mr. Spielberg's Royce rolls merrily to the bank. We are served several scenes where reporters distort the truth to sell stories and then immersed in the most horrific Yankee version of the Lawrence Kansas raid. It seems the sage message is, nothing wrong with propaganda long as it serves the right (left) purposes. Edi Bernays YES, Joe Goebbels NO! Seems a bit slippery to me to glibly slide from extolling the virtues of one set rebels, the Lakota, to damning another, the Confederate. Suppose we need nip in the bud the growing awareness the South was not all wrong and it was not really about slavery: Lincoln back to sainthood, Quantrelle to hell (here on earth). So how do we rate this thing? Rank it rank? Not really, for there is much skill and talent evident, although the actors seem encouraged to smugness, especially the ti-pi dwellers - one suspects their new house in Malibu has sliding glass doors and plumbing - the costumes and sets are near perfect, the cinematography magnificent, the sound superb, and, yes, there is much excitement and entertainment. So we can't go too far south of five on a scale of one to ten. On the other hand, would be monumental hypocrisy praise Stephen Spielberg whilst Leni Riefenstahl is condemned. And as with "Olympia" there are some truths found "Into The West" (not as many, but some). Namely, you invade peoples land, drive them from their homes, destroy their way of life, expect them to get hostile. Would that Mr. Spielberg, a major supporter of Israel, took his philosophy 'Into The East'. A four out of ten, a "C" movie: ****------ / **---

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