Janet King
Janet King
| 27 February 2014 (USA)

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    Truly Dreadful Film


    Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


    Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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    One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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    I was looking forward to watching "Janet King" because, like several other reviewers, I enjoyed "A Place to Call Home" and became a fan of Marta Dusseldorp. However, after three episodes I gave up. This show is ridiculous. It reminds me of the UK show "Happy Valley"; talented actors, quality production values, and hackneyed, horrible, absurd scriptwriting. This is soap opera writing at its worst. Everyone, and I mean everyone, answers simple questions with over-the-top defensiveness and anger in a pathetic attempt to create conflict for the sake of it. There is so much pseudo-moralizing that I was laughing out loud. In episode three people kept banging on about "motherless children" to the point of ludicrousness. This is the most poorly run law office I've ever seen. And are the Australian police really that stupid? They want to prosecute a woman because they "know" she did it, yet have no evidence, no body, no murder weapon, etc. The most casual viewer of Poirot or any decent legal drama could tell you they had no case. But apparently the juries in Australia are as stupid as the police. (I'm also watching "The Dr. Blake Mysteries" and they are so much better. In a recent episode the Chief of Police tells Blake there isn't enough evidence to prosecute, so apparently 1950s Australia had much higher standards for going forward with a prosecution than 2010s Australia.) Most of the characters are so one-dimensional that I couldn't keep track of who was who and didn't really care; they were "Doris from APtCH", "Guy who was in a Phryne Fisher Mystery", "Amanda Donahoe's red-headed doppelganger") Everything is so contrived and so obviously happens because the writing says so, rather than from any logical, professional reason. Don't waste your time on this frustratingly bad program.

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    I've deducted points for the skipping over of stories. I understand that there was a snowball intent - throwing losses in the courtroom with a sex scandal and murder attempts at Janet in quick succession - but what it felt like was that there were issues that were being brushed under the carpet and being left unresolved. That being said, Janet King is modern Australian television that teeters between "you f-ing go girl" to conspiracy theory central. They tackle the massive arc-topic of child pornography and rings of illicit activity operating within the upper echelons of public service that could actually be so close to the truth it's uncomfortable. They demonstrate the difficulties that come with working in the public service and the risk to both body and mind that comes with working on such horrible crimes. I absolutely applaud the efforts of this show, and the cast and crew.

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    What a relief...a female crime fighter without super powers or a cape. How dare 'Janet King' have a plot...these writers have talent too....hmmm. Skill...in TV entertainment...how offensive (sarcasm if you didn't get it.) Granted, I did think this show was probably not for me, but I lied to myself. This is very high quality stuff. Excellent scripts, the stories are woven into toe-tingly tales that make hair grow on my knuckles; the directing - sheesh - talk about skill - these people can probably direct a bazillion little kittens into a straight line, and the acting is so gob-smackingly delicious - the show screams, 'knife and fork.' Back to earth...the show is very interesting and paced like I like all my shows, breakneck speed. Marta Dusseldorp is a very talented actor, and her chops are all over this thing. She does tend to be a scene-hog, but unlike many other female stars, she does share some of the accolades. Heck - the entire cadre of actors reek of fantastic talent. Now there is one thing I have a problem with is..."The Tarzan Bad, Jane Good Premise." I should be numb to it by now, since Hollyweird has been man-bashing for years. At least with this show, I can look past it. Like Helen Mirren's, "Prime Suspect", "Janet King", takes P.C. to an extreme, so i will have to digest it in small morsels. I know many people can gourmandize on 'poor-me-isms', I am from 'the old school' so I have a hard time listening to too much whining. Before I go on, I can deal with some self-serving 'boohoos', but there is a breaking point. After experiencing enough, 'look-at-me' moments, I will simply reply with, 'Here's a hanky and call me in the morning', or simply, 'Grow up.' Additionally, I suggest employing reality checks when watching more than two episodes in a row. Now, I am certain that all Australian Men are not evil and/or shteutpid. So - I do need a break at times. I have to back away from the TV, and drink a Foster's (that's Australian for Beer - if you didn't know.) Once I clear my head and am no longer seeing pink kangaroos (usually after three Fosters) I can pick up where I left off. Anyways, this show is very good, what I would call a slam dunk. If you can look past the P.C. barrage, you will be in for an outstanding show. I highly recommend this.

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    I commenced to watch this program with great expectations based on the promotion on the ABC television channel. How the ABC promotions can claim glowing approval from critics when it hasn't been screened is somewhat problematic.Having now watch two episodes I was particularly disappointed with the biased feminist left leaning lesbian relationship, the contrived relationship between prosecutors and police, the shallow stereotypical good guy bad guy characters and the sharp feminist anti anti male diatribe in the office. Overall it has what what appeared to me to be a second rate shallow plot full of stereotypes with very little in the way of redeeming features.There is a strong underlying feminist anti male thread running through this and the bulk of the acting is unconvincing. I will be surprised if as this series (which is a spin-off from the low rating series "Crownies" ) has any greater success despite the hype and hyperbola from the ABC.Compared to other ABC series such as the Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries and Dr Blake which are outstanding drama series this is but poor shadow. Altogether a most unenlightening experience.

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