Journey to the Center of the Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth
| 14 September 1999 (USA)

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    I wanted to but couldn't!


    As Good As It Gets


    A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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    The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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    To all viewers, do not be fooled by what appears on the front cover for the VHS of this made-for-television movie. If you want to see explorers running away from a tyrannosaurus rex or from velociraptors as the cover indicates, you will be disappointed. "Journey to the Center of the Earth" is not a film about dinosaurs. There are a few dinosaurs in it, but they're just a minor, almost unimportant subplot. The film revolves more around explorers in a prehistoric world deep underground making friends and relations with a tribe of primitive humans who are at war with a race of humanlike reptiles called Sauroids. The film was made on a limited budget, as one can tell by its at times, bad graphics. But what it does manage to do is to become entertaining with a well-acted cast, at times silly dialogue, fun action sequences, and is overall, a film that is just as long as it should be, at least for me.

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    The acting is overdone. The animation is weak at best. They try to make up for lack of visionary effects by attempting to overwhelm us with beautiful people with tons of sexual tension. The story itself is an adaptation from an amazing book. However the movie done in the 70's was far more entertaining. You would think that with the stunning advances of cinematography, even a B-rate movie such as this would be more aesthetically pleasing film than the actual tripe it is. I guess you get what you pay for when it comes to movies containing Treat Williams, or say, Lorenzo Lamas. My favorite part of the movie is when the ending credits rolled.

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    Technically and with re: to flow of the script, this movie is excellent, as well as graphic detail. Though I have not read the original book, I DID like the JTCOTH with Pat Boone. Not because of Pat Boone, though he's one of my present-day heroes, for his part wasn't, I thought, all that below-the-earth-shattering. But the complexity of detail in that movie was better than JTCOTH with Jeremy London. Of course Jeremy London, as all characters did equally well, expressed insightfully great facial expression. The Pat Boone (Jonas part) DVD though I have it, haven't seen that version (no DVD player puts a crimp on that). Have had no chance to see the credits from Jeremy London's JTCOTH, but the credits for the Pat Boone movie are good (Carlsbad Caverns). God bless!

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    Very nice tv movie,I'm impressed by the special effects and sound, also the backgrounds are magnificent.This is an movie you should see without breaks. I think the acting is from a high standard and tells the story how it should be told, only the end is not satisfying, it asks for a sequel.

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