Just the Ten of Us
Just the Ten of Us
| 26 April 1988 (USA)
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Seasons & Episodes
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  • Season 3 : 1989 | 23 Episodes

    EP2 Quarterback Sneak Sep 29, 1989

    EP6 Simple Gifts Oct 20, 1989

    EP7 That Championship Season Nov 10, 1989

    EP9 St. Augie's Blues (1) Nov 24, 1989

    EP10 St. Augie's Blues (2) Dec 01, 1989

    EP11 Skateboard Dec 08, 1989

    Trailers & Images

    Strictly average movie


    Disappointment for a huge fan!


    A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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    Aspen Orson

    There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.

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    What can I say about this show? This show is what got me interested in network television shows albeit I was very young when this show aired originally ( around 7 or 8) I still got hooked. And now when I get lucky enough to find one of my old VHS tapes that still is watchable I find that the show ages well. It is just as funny now as it was then, well I mean some of the jokes are a little cornier now but thats cool. The show, to me at least, defined what TGIF was to young people of my generation. Growing up in the early 90s and late 80s its what you did. On Friday night you watched TGIF and this show was a great addition to that line up. Too bad ABC canceled the show in its prime.

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    I love this show... I only started watching because Heather Langenkamp was in it and I was (and am) a fan of hers from the Nightmare days, but then I realized that I truly enjoyed every episode.I miss the show a lot...it was the only funny thing on that insipid TGIF line-up and once it was gone, ABC couldn't find a replacement that would stay for longer than a season...should have tipped them off to not bow to Miller-Boyette.The humour was right on, if you were not too uptight to catch it or to laugh at yourself if you found it too close to home, and every episode was endearing and fun."Car in the Pool" is my favourite with "Highway to Heaven" coming in next, and "Heartbreaker" and "Radio Days"...*etc, etc, etc*

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    If you guessed the Facts of Life, you guessed right, cause this show reminds me somewhat of the Facts of Life cause this show and The Facts of Life both featured 4, count it, 4 girls living in the big upstairs atticlike room.so I say this show is like The Facts of Life, Family Ties, and Coach all mixed into one.

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    Just the ten of Us was one of those shows that when you asked someone if they ever watched it they give you a puzzled look. No-one seems to remember this show, but it was great. Or maybe it was bad and I was a kid so of course it seemed good, but....that's not the point. I loved it when the girls had "a singing career" if you count playing to a bunch of beer-swilling trailer trash men in a pizza place or something a career. As a kid, I liked Connie the best, but now I find her just frightening. Cindy and Wendy were much too cool to be on that show. That's why Wendy and Cindy were the only ones to go on to other things. Except for Marie..she was in Nightmare on Elm street, which is a far cry from the nunery. Oh well. They should put this show back on cause it was cool. That is all.

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